时间:2015-04-10 09:15:22

标签: vhdl fft


  1. 包含add,subtract,multiply等函数的包
  2. 基数2的蝴蝶结构
  3. 顶点模块,即4点FFT
  4. 发生以下错误 - 请帮助解决。

    library ieee;
        use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
        use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
        use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
        package fft_pkg is   --contains function like add,sub,multiply
           type complex is
                  r:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
                  i:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
                  end record;
          type comp_array is array (0 to 3) of complex;
           type comp_array1 is array (0 to 2) of complex;
           function add (n1,n2:complex) return complex;
            function sub (n1,n2:complex) return complex;
            function multiply (n1,n2:complex) return complex;   
        package body fft_pkg is 
        --addition of complex numbers
        function add (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is
        variable sum : complex;
        sum.r:=n1.r + n2.r;
        sum.i:=n1.i + n2.i;
        return sum;
        end add;
        --subtraction of complex numbers.
        function sub (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is
        variable diff : complex;
        diff.r:=n1.r - n2.r;
        diff.i:=n1.i - n2.i;
        return diff;
        end sub;
        --multiplication of complex numbers.
        function mult (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is
        variable prod : complex;
        prod.r:=(n1.r * n2.r) - (n1.i * n2.i);
        prod.i:=(n1.r * n2.i) + (n1.i * n2.r);
        return prod;
        end mult;
        end fft_pkg;

        library IEEE;
        use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
        library work;
        use work.design.ALL;
        entity butterfly is 
              s1,s2 : in complex;      --inputs
              w :in complex;      -- phase factor
              g1,g2 :out complex      -- outputs
        end butterfly;
        architecture Behavioral of butterfly is 
        --butterfly equations.
        g1 <= add(s1,mult(s2,w));
        g2 <= sub(s1,mult(s2,w));
        end Behavioral;

        library ieee;
        use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
        library work;
        use work.design.all;
        use work.butterfly.all;
          entity fft4 is 
            port ( 
                    input:in complex_array;
                      output :out complx_array
          end fft4;
        architecture rtl of fft4 is
        compnent butterfly is
              s1,s2 : in complex;      --inputs
              w :in complex;      -- phase factor
              g1,g2 :out complex      -- outputs
        end component;
        signal g1,g2 :comp_array :=(others=>(0000,0000));
        constant w:complex:=((0001,0000),(0000,1111));
         --first stage of butterfly
        bf11 : butterfly port map(s(0),s(2),w(0),g1(0),g1(1));
        bf12 : butterfly port map(s(1),s(3),w(0),g1(2),g1(3));
        --second stage of butterfly's.
        bf21 : butterfly port map(g1(0),g1(2),w(0),g2(0),g2(2));
        bf22 : butterfly port map(g1(1),g1(3),w(1),g2(1),g2(3));
        end rtl;


        ERROR:HDLCompiler:104 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 4: Cannot find <design> in library <work>. Please ensure that the library was compiled, and that a library and a use clause are present in the VHDL file.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 8: <complex> is not declared.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 9: <complex> is not declared.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 10: <complex> is not declared.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 6: Unit <butterfly> ignored due to previous errors.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:374 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 14: Entity <butterfly> is not yet compiled.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butte`enter code here`rfly.vhd" Line 19: <g1> is not declared.
        ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:\Users\RObin\fft4\butterfly.vhd" Line 20: <g2> is not declared.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您需要按正确的顺序编译对象 - 您的包,然后是butterfly,然后是fft4

