
时间:2015-04-09 16:20:00

标签: excel excel-vba datetime csv vba

我编写了一个宏来格式化大约20个.csv文件,其中b列中的测量日期时间(即21/01/2015 03:15)和c栏中的相应数据。然后,它会将所有.csv文件中的数据复制到新工作表Workbooks("CSV fix RPS data_v6.xlsm").Sheets("a")



Sub Get_raw_data_RPSCSV_30_03_15()

Dim row As Integer
Dim row_1 As Integer
Dim col As Integer
Dim col_2 As Integer
Dim col_3 As Integer

Dim time_last As Date
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim date_start As Date
Dim time_start As Date
Dim DateTime As Date

Dim FinalRow As Long
Dim Logg, Path, Filename, sheetname As String
Dim copyrange As Excel.Range

    With Workbooks("CSV fix RPS data_v6.xlsm").Worksheets("home") 'take the

        FinalRow = .Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row

        For i = 3 To FinalRow '' keep this to reference the files

            Logg = .Cells(i, 4).Value 'logger name row "f:f"
            Path = .Cells(i, 2).Value '"b:b"
            Filename = .Cells(i, 3).Value '"c:c"

            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, Local:=True

            With Workbooks(Filename).Sheets(Logg)

                date_start = .Range("b17").Value ' merge date and time and fill down the row
                time_start = .Range("c17").Value
                Range("b18").Value = date_start + time_start
                EndRow = .Range("a" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
                row = 18

                For row = 18 To EndRow - 1  '(minus 1 to stop it filling in an extra time value at the end)

                    col = 2
                    row_1 = row + 1
                    time_last = .Cells(row, col).Value
                    .Cells(row_1, col).Formula = DateAdd("n", 15, time_last)
                Next row

                .Range("c18:c" & EndRow).NumberFormat = "General" ' remove any weird number formatting
                .Range("c18:c" & EndRow).Value = .Range("a18:a" & EndRow).Value
                 'Set copyrange = .Range("b18:c" & EndRow)

                Set copyrange = .Range("b18:c" & EndRow) 'location of datetime and data

                Dim lRowCount As Long
                lRowCount = copyrange.Rows.count

                Dim lColumnCount As Long
                lColumnCount = copyrange.Columns.count

                Dim copyvalue As Variant
                copyvalue = copyrange.Value

            End With

                With Workbooks("CSV fix RPS data_v6.xlsm").Sheets("a") ' sheet to copy the data into
                    .Cells(1, i * 3 - 7).Value = Logg
                    .Cells(2, i * 3 - 8).Resize(lRowCount, lColumnCount).Value = copyvalue  'to paste the range of values rather than the first value only

               End With
                    copyvalue = Empty 'releases memory
        Next i

        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With

    ''call a sub to compare date/time here''
End Sub



Sub align_datetime()

Dim MaxStartDate As Date
Dim MinEndDate As Date
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim date_i As Integer
Dim DateMax As Date
Dim LastRow_date As Long
Dim LastRow_date_new As Long

    With Worksheets("a")

        LastCol = Sheets("a").Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column

'' Go along the columns and find the latest date
        DateMax = Cells(2, 1).Value
        LastRow_date = .Range("a" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
        Date_end = Cells(LastRow_date, 1).Value

          For date_i = 4 To LastCol Step 3

                    If Cells(2, date_i).Value > DateMax Then
                    DateMax = Cells(2, date_i).Value
                End If

                    LastRow_date_new = Application.CountA(Range((Cells(1, date_i)), (Cells(65536, date_i))))
                    Date_end = Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value

                    If Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value < Date_end Then
                        Date_end = Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value
                    End If

            Next date_i

    End With

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Dim MaxStart as date, MInEnd as date


maxstart = Max(MaxStart, NextDate)
minStart = Min(MinStart, NextDate)


if datediff("D", maxstart, nextdate) > 0 then
  maxstart = nextdate
if datediff("D", minstart, nextdate) < 0 then
  minstart = nextdate


答案 1 :(得分:0)


Sub align_datetime()

    Dim MaxStartDate As Date
    Dim MinEndDate As Date
    Dim LastCol As Long
    Dim date_i As Integer
    Dim DateMax As Date
    Dim LastRow_date As Long
    Dim LastRow_date_new As Long

        With Worksheets("a")

            LastCol = Sheets("a").Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    '' Go along the columns and find the latest date
            DateMax = Sheets("a").Cells(2, 1).Value
            LastRow_date = Sheets("a").Range("a" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
            Date_end = Sheets("a").Cells(LastRow_date, 1).Value

              For date_i = 4 To LastCol Step 3

                        If Sheets("a").Cells(2, date_i).Value > DateMax Then
                        DateMax = Sheets("a").Cells(2, date_i).Value
                    End If

                        LastRow_date_new = Application.CountA(Sheets("a").Range((.Cells(1, date_i)), (.Cells(65536, date_i))))
                        Date_end = Sheets("a").Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value

                        If Sheets("a").Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value < Date_end Then
                            Date_end = Sheets("a").Cells(LastRow_date_new, date_i).Value
                        End If

                Next date_i

                Dim SearchCol As Integer
                Dim row_i As Integer
                Dim row_j As Integer

             For SearchCol = 1 To LastCol Step 3

                 LastRow_date_new = Application.CountA(.Range((.Cells(1, SearchCol)), (.Cells(65536, SearchCol))))

                    For row_i = 2 To LastRow_date_new

                        If Sheets("a").Cells(row_i, SearchCol).Value = DateMax Then Start_row = row_i

                    Next row_i

                        For row_j = LastRow_date_new To 2 Step -1

                            If Sheets("a").Cells(row_j, SearchCol).Value = Date_end Then End_row = row_j

                        Next row_j

                    ''''''' use range col1, row i to col2, row j to copy into new sheet

                Dim startrange As Range
                Dim endrange As Range
                Dim startval As Range
                Dim endval As Range
                Dim dataCol As Integer

                Set startval = Sheets("a").Cells(Start_row, SearchCol)
                dataCol = SearchCol + 1
                Set endval = Sheets("a").Cells(End_row, dataCol)

                Dim DataRange As Range
                Dim dataRowCount As Long
                Dim dataColCount As Long
                Dim DataVal As Variant

                Set DataRange = Sheets("a").Range(startval.Address, endval.Address)'select range between the start and end dates
                dataRowCount = DataRange.Rows.count 'to make sure the range you copy the data to is the same size as the range of data you copy
                dataColCount = DataRange.Columns.count
                DataVal = DataRange.Value

                    With Workbooks("CSV fix RPS data_v7.xlsm").Sheets("b") ' sheet to copy the data into
                        .Cells(2, SearchCol).Resize(dataRowCount, dataColCount).Value = DataVal  'to paste the range of values rather than the first value only
                        Sheets("b").Cells(1, SearchCol + 1).Value = Sheets("a").Cells(1, SearchCol + 1).Value
                    End With

                    DataVal = Empty 'releases memory

           Next SearchCol

        End With
End Sub