
时间:2015-04-09 12:15:36

标签: assembly


;Snake Game without Borders
.model small


row db 0FEh dup (?)
col db 0FEh dup (?)

temp_row db ?
temp_col db ?

;variables for food
rand_food_col db ?
rand_food_row db ?

;delay for snake movement
delaytime db 1

;use this delay time to pseudorandom the col and row for food
delay_food db 3

food db 'F' ,'$'

head db '@' ,'$'
snake_length db 5
snake_loop db ?

color db 0Fh
food_color db 0Fh

input db ?
;variables to display text messages:
game_over db 'GAME OVER';
.stack 100h
;clear registers:
clear_reg proc
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
clear_reg endp
;food functions 

random_coor_food proc
;random function for col

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx,20
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_col,al

;random function for row

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx, 71
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_row,al

random_coor_food endp

print_food proc
mov dl, rand_food_row
mov dh, rand_food_col
xor bh,bh
mov ah, 02h
int 10h

mov dx, offset food
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
print_food endp

lefty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl, 0
    je resetposr

    dec dl
    jmp leftyie

    mov dl, 79

    mov col[0],dl
    lefty endp

righty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl,79
    je resetposl

    inc dl
    jmp rightyie

    mov dl, 0

    mov col[0],dl
righty endp

upy proc
    mov dh,row[0]
    cmp dh,0
    je resetposd

    dec dh
    jmp uptie

    mov dh,24

    mov row[0],dh

upy endp

downy proc
mov dh,row[0]
cmp dh,24
je resetposu

inc dh
jmp downty

mov dh, 0

mov row[0],dh
downy endp

delay proc
    mov ah, 00
    int 1Ah
    mov bx, dx

    int 1Ah
    sub dx, bx
    cmp dl, delaytime
    jl jmp_delay

delay endp

clear proc near
    mov al, 03h 
    mov ah, 00h
    int 10h

    mov cx, 3200h  ;stop cursor blinking
    mov ah, 01h
    int 10h
clear endp

gameover proc
    call clear
    mov dh, 12 ;row
    mov dl, 35 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset game_over
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
gameover endp
;this macro will print the whole snake 
; r is for row c is for column char and color: check .data for values
complete_print macro r,c,char,color
    mov dh, r
    mov dl, c
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

    mov al, char
    mov bh, 0
    mov bl, color
    mov cx, 1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 10h 
;function to print the snake body
snake proc

    call delay
    call clear

    mov bl,0
    mov bh,0

    mov dl,[col+bx]
    mov temp_col,dl

    mov dl,[row+bx]
    mov temp_row,dl

    mov snake_loop,bl

    complete_print temp_row,temp_col,head,color
    inc snake_loop
    mov bl, snake_loop
    mov al, snake_loop
    cmp al, snake_length
    ;continue to print the body of the snake
    jl print_snake

    mov bl, snake_length

    ;transfer the coordinates   
    ;to insert new coordinates

    dec bx
    mov dl ,[col+bx]
    mov [col + bx + 1],dl

    mov dl,[row + bx]
    mov [row+bx+1],dl
    cmp bx,0
    jg transfer

snake endp

main proc
      mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
    call clear
    ;initialize starting body snake :)
    mov row[0],12

    mov row[1],12
    mov row[2],12
    mov row[3],12
    mov row[4],12

    mov col[0],40

    mov col[1],39
    mov col[2],38
    mov col[3],37
    mov col[4],36

    call snake
    call random_coor_food
    call print_food

; moving the snake
    ;initialize the keyboard input:

    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    mov input, 'd'

    ;to change direction or to keep going
    ; wait for keystroke
    ; if no key is pressed, value of input will be 
    ;last key pressed.
        mov ah, 01h
        int 16h
        jz key

    ;key is pressed, new value of input
        mov ah,00h
        int 16h
        mov input, al

    cmp input, 'w'
    je w 
    cmp input, 's'
    je s
    cmp input, 'a'
    je a 
    cmp input, 'd'
    je d

    jne getinput

    ;make the snake go up

    call upy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go up

    call downy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go left

    call lefty
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go right

    call righty
    jmp rak

    ;////// check first if snake hits the body
    ;if hit, then game over
    mov bh,0
    mov ah,08h ;scan
    int 10h
    cmp al, head
    je end_game

    call snake  
    mov cl,row[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_col
    jne again

    mov cl,col[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_row
    jne again

    ;compare the coordinates of head to the coordinates of the food

    ;if the head row and col is equal to the coordinates of the food. increase snake_length then generate food again.
    inc snake_length
    call random_coor_food

    jmp rak

    call print_food
    jmp getinput

    call gameover

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

main endp
end main





mov bl,0
    mov dl,[col+bx+1]
    cmp col[0],dl
    jne again
    je next
    mov dl,[row+bx+1]
    cmp row[0],dl
    jne again
    je gameover
    inc bl
    cmp bl,snake_length
    jl hit_me_baby


;Snake Game without Borders .model small


row db 0FEh dup (?) col db 0FEh dup (?)

temp_row db ? temp_col db ?

;variables for food rand_food_col db ? rand_food_row db ?

;delay for snake movement delaytime db 1

;use this delay time to pseudorandom the col and row for food delay_food db 3

food db 'O' ,'$'

head db '@' ,'$' body db '#' ,'$' snake_length db 5 snake_loop db ?

color db 0Eh color_body db 02h food_color db 0Fh

input db ? ;variables to display text messages: game_over db 'GAME OVER', '$' start_game db 'SNAKE EATER III', '$' message db 'REVENGE OF THE SNAKE' ,'$' press_key db 'PRESS ANY KEY TO START......', '$' rjbc db 'RJBC GAMES INC.', '$' control db ' CONTROL KEYS: ','$' go_up db'W TO GO UP ','$' go_down db 'S TO GO DOWN ','$' go_left db 'A TO GO LEFT ','$' go_right db 'D TO GO RIGH ','$' go_otherkey db 'OTHER KEYS TO PAUSE ','$' go_exit db 'PRESS Q TO QUIT', '$' .stack 100h .code ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;clear registers: clear_reg proc xor ax,ax xor bx,bx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx clear_reg endp ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;food functions

random_coor_food proc ;random function for col

mov ah, 00h int 1ah

mov ax,dx xor dx,dx mov cx,20 div cx

mov al,dl mov rand_food_col,al

;random function for row

mov ah, 00h int 1ah

mov ax,dx xor dx,dx mov cx, 71 div cx

mov al,dl mov rand_food_row,al

ret random_coor_food endp

print_food proc mov dl, rand_food_row mov dh, rand_food_col xor bh,bh mov ah, 02h int 10h

mov dx, offset food mov ah, 09h int 21h ret print_food endp

;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lefty proc mov dl,col[0] cmp dl, 0 je resetposr

dec dl
jmp leftyie

mov dl, 79

mov col[0],dl
lefty endp

righty proc mov dl,col[0] cmp dl,79 je resetposl

inc dl
jmp rightyie

mov dl, 0

mov col[0],dl

righty endp

upy proc mov dh,row[0] cmp dh,0 je resetposd

dec dh
jmp uptie

mov dh,24

mov row[0],dh

upy endp

downy proc mov dh,row[0] cmp dh,24 je resetposu

gozero: inc dh jmp downty

resetposu: mov dh, 0

downty: mov row[0],dh ret downy endp

delay proc mov ah, 00 int 1Ah mov bx, dx

jmp_delay: int 1Ah sub dx, bx cmp dl, delaytime jl jmp_delay


delay endp

clear proc near mov al, 03h mov ah, 00h int 10h

mov cx, 3200h  ;stop cursor blinking
mov ah, 01h
int 10h

clear endp

;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gameover proc call clear mov dh, 12 ;row mov dl, 35 ;column xor bh, bh mov ah, 02h int 10h

     mov dx, offset game_over
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h


gameover endp

start_snake_game proc call clear mov dh, 8 ;row mov dl, 31 ;column xor bh, bh mov ah, 02h int 10h

     mov dx, offset start_game
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 9 ;row
    mov dl, 29 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset message
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 22 ;row
    mov dl, 27 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

         mov dx, offset press_key
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 24 ;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

         mov dx, offset rjbc
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 12 ;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset control
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 13;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_up
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 14;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_down
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 15;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_left
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 16;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_right
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 17;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_otherkey
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov dh, 18;row
    mov dl, 31 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset go_exit
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

start_snake_game endp ;this macro will print the whole snake ; r is for row c is for column char and color: check .data for values complete_print macro r,c,char,color mov dh, r mov dl, c xor bh, bh mov ah, 02h int 10h

mov al, char
mov bh, 0
mov bl, color
mov cx, 1
mov ah, 09h
int 10h 

endm ;function to print the snake body snake proc

call delay
call clear

mov bl,0
mov bh,0

mov dl,[col+bx]
mov temp_col,dl

mov dl,[row+bx]
mov temp_row,dl

mov snake_loop,bl
cmp snake_loop, 0
je printhead
jne printbody

complete_print temp_row,temp_col,head,color
jmp finish

complete_print temp_row,temp_col,body,color_body

inc snake_loop
mov bl, snake_loop
mov al, snake_loop
cmp al, snake_length
;continue to print the body of the snake
jl print_snake

mov bl, snake_length

;transfer the coordinates   
;to insert new coordinates

dec bx
mov dl ,[col+bx]
mov [col + bx + 1],dl

mov dl,[row + bx]
mov [row+bx+1],dl
cmp bx,0
jg transfer
jmp return_me


snake endp

main proc ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mov ax, @data mov ds, ax call start_snake_game ;initialize the keyboard input:

mov ah,00h
int 16h
mov input, 'd'
call clear
;initialize starting body snake :)
mov row[0],12

mov row[1],12
mov row[2],12
mov row[3],12
mov row[4],12

mov col[0],40

mov col[1],39
mov col[2],38
mov col[3],37
mov col[4],36

call snake
call random_coor_food
call print_food

;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; moving the snake

;to change direction or to keep going
; wait for keystroke
; if no key is pressed, value of input will be 
;last key pressed.
    mov ah, 01h
    int 16h
    jz key

;key is pressed, new value of input
    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    mov input, al

cmp input, 'w'
je w 
cmp input, 's'
je s
cmp input, 'a'
je a 
cmp input, 'd'
je d

cmp input, 'q'
je end_game

jne getinput

;make the snake go up

call upy
jmp rak

;make the snake go up

call downy
jmp rak

;make the snake go left

call lefty
jmp rak

;make the snake go right

call righty
jmp rak


 comment @
 mov bh,0
mov ah,08h ;scan
int 10h
cmp al, body
je end_game
cmp al, food
je increase

call snake  

;compare the coordinates of head to the coordinates of the food
;kinda made a mistake over here. 
;#houston, we got a problem 
mov cl,row[0]
cmp cl,rand_food_col
jne again

mov cl,col[0]
cmp cl,rand_food_row
jne again

;////// check first if snake hits the body ;if hit, then game over comment @ mov bl,0 hit_me_baby: mov dl,[col+bx+1] cmp col[0],dl jne again mov dl,[row+bx+1] cmp row[0],dl jne again je end_game inc bl cmp bl,snake_length jl hit_me_baby

@ increase: ;if the head row and col is equal to the coordinates of the food. increase snake_length then generate food again. inc snake_length call random_coor_food jmp rak again: call print_food jmp getinput end_game: call gameover call clear jmp end_game mov ax, 4c00h int 21h

主要的结束 结束主要

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


;Snake Game without Borders
.model small


row db 0FEh dup (?)
col db 0FEh dup (?)

temp_row db ?
temp_col db ?

;variables for food
rand_food_col db ?
rand_food_row db ?

;delay for snake movement
delaytime db 1

;use this delay time to pseudorandom the col and row for food
delay_food db 3

food db 'F' ,'$'

head db '@' ,'$'
snake_length db 5
snake_loop db ?

color db 0Fh
food_color db 0Fh

input db ?
;variables to display text messages:
game_over db 'GAME OVER';
.stack 100h
;clear registers:
clear_reg proc
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
clear_reg endp
;food functions 

random_coor_food proc
;random function for col

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx,20
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_col,al

;random function for row

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx, 71
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_row,al

random_coor_food endp

print_food proc
mov dl, rand_food_row
mov dh, rand_food_col
xor bh,bh
mov ah, 02h
int 10h

mov dx, offset food
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
print_food endp

lefty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl, 0
    je resetposr

    dec dl
    jmp leftyie

    mov dl, 79

    mov col[0],dl
    lefty endp

righty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl,79
    je resetposl

    inc dl
    jmp rightyie

    mov dl, 0

    mov col[0],dl
righty endp

upy proc
    mov dh,row[0]
    cmp dh,0
    je resetposd

    dec dh
    jmp uptie

    mov dh,24

    mov row[0],dh

upy endp

downy proc
mov dh,row[0]
cmp dh,24
je resetposu

inc dh
jmp downty

mov dh, 0

mov row[0],dh
downy endp

delay proc
    mov ah, 00
    int 1Ah
    mov bx, dx

    int 1Ah
    sub dx, bx
    cmp dl, delaytime
    jl jmp_delay

delay endp

clear proc near
    mov al, 03h 
    mov ah, 00h
    int 10h

    mov cx, 3200h  ;stop cursor blinking
    mov ah, 01h
    int 10h
clear endp

gameover proc
    call clear
    mov dh, 12 ;row
    mov dl, 35 ;column
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

     mov dx, offset game_over
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
gameover endp
;this macro will print the whole snake 
; r is for row c is for column char and color: check .data for values
complete_print macro r,c,char,color
    mov dh, r
    mov dl, c
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

    mov al, char
    mov bh, 0
    mov bl, color
    mov cx, 1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 10h 
;function to print the snake body
snake proc

    call delay
    call clear

    mov bl,0
    mov bh,0

    mov dl,[col+bx]
    mov temp_col,dl

    mov dl,[row+bx]
    mov temp_row,dl

    mov snake_loop,bl

    complete_print temp_row,temp_col,head,color
    inc snake_loop
    mov bl, snake_loop
    mov al, snake_loop
    cmp al, snake_length
    ;continue to print the body of the snake
    jl print_snake

    mov bl, snake_length

    ;transfer the coordinates   
    ;to insert new coordinates

    dec bx
    mov dl ,[col+bx]
    mov [col + bx + 1],dl

    mov dl,[row + bx]
    mov [row+bx+1],dl
    cmp bx,0
    jg transfer

snake endp

main proc
      mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
    call clear
    ;initialize starting body snake :)
    mov row[0],12

    mov row[1],12
    mov row[2],12
    mov row[3],12
    mov row[4],12

    mov col[0],40

    mov col[1],39
    mov col[2],38
    mov col[3],37
    mov col[4],36

    call snake
    call random_coor_food
    call print_food

; moving the snake
    ;initialize the keyboard input:

    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    mov input, 'd'

    ;to change direction or to keep going
    ; wait for keystroke
    ; if no key is pressed, value of input will be 
    ;last key pressed.
        mov ah, 01h
        int 16h
        jz key

    ;key is pressed, new value of input
        mov ah,00h
        int 16h
        mov input, al

    cmp input, 'w'
    je w 
    cmp input, 's'
    je s
    cmp input, 'a'
    je a 
    cmp input, 'd'
    je d

    jne getinput

    ;make the snake go up

    call upy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go up

    call downy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go left

    call lefty
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go right

    call righty
    jmp rak

    ;////// check first if snake hits the body
    ;if hit, then game over
    mov bh,0
    mov ah,08h ;scan
    int 10h
    cmp al, head
    je end_game
    cmp al, food
    je increase

    call snake  
    mov cl,row[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_col
    jne again

    mov cl,col[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_row
    jne again

    ;compare the coordinates of head to the coordinates of the food

    ;if the head row and col is equal to the coordinates of the food. increase snake_length then generate food again.
    inc snake_length
    call random_coor_food

;    jmp rak

    call print_food
    jmp getinput

    call gameover

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

main endp
end main

说明:在增加:,当它跳回到rak时,光标位置的字符是' @',所以,我们要做的不是跳转到rak而是getinput。

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


;Snake Game without Borders
.model small


row db 0FEh dup (?)
col db 0FEh dup (?)

temp_row db ?
temp_col db ?

;variables for food
rand_food_col db ?
rand_food_row db ?

;delay for snake movement
delaytime db 1

;use this delay time to pseudorandom the col and row for food
delay_food db 3

food db 'O' ,'$'

head db '@' ,'$'
body db '#' ,'$'
snake_length db 5
snake_loop db ?

color db 0Eh
color_body db 02h
food_color db 0Fh

input db ?
;variables to display text messages:
game_over db 'GAME OVER', '$'
start_game db 'SNAKE EATER III', '$'
message db 'REVENGE OF THE SNAKE' ,'$'
press_cont db 'PRESS ANY KEY TO VIEW CONTROLS', '$'
press_key db 'PRESS ANY KEY TO START......', '$'
rjbc db 'RJBC GAMES INC.', '$'
control db 'CONTROL KEYS: ','$'
go_up db'W TO GO UP   ','$'
go_down db 'S TO GO DOWN ','$'
go_left db 'A TO GO LEFT ','$'
go_right db 'D TO GO RIGHT  ','$'
go_otherkey db 'OTHER KEYS TO PAUSE   ','$'
go_exit db 'PRESS Q TO QUIT', '$'

.stack 100h
;clear registers:
clear_reg proc
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
clear_reg endp
;food functions 

random_coor_food proc
;random function for col

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx,20
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_col,al

;random function for row

mov ah, 00h
int 1ah

mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx, 71
div cx

mov al,dl
mov rand_food_row,al

random_coor_food endp

print_food proc
mov dl, rand_food_row
mov dh, rand_food_col
xor bh,bh
mov ah, 02h
int 10h

mov dx, offset food
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
print_food endp

lefty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl, 0
    je resetposr

    dec dl
    jmp leftyie

    mov dl, 79

    mov col[0],dl
    lefty endp

righty proc
    mov dl,col[0]
    cmp dl,79
    je resetposl

    inc dl
    jmp rightyie

    mov dl, 0

    mov col[0],dl
righty endp

upy proc
    mov dh,row[0]
    cmp dh,0
    je resetposd

    dec dh
    jmp uptie

    mov dh,24

    mov row[0],dh

upy endp

downy proc
mov dh,row[0]
cmp dh,24
je resetposu

inc dh
jmp downty

mov dh, 0

mov row[0],dh
downy endp

delay proc
    mov ah, 00
    int 1Ah
    mov bx, dx

    int 1Ah
    sub dx, bx
    cmp dl, delaytime
    jl jmp_delay

delay endp

clear proc near
    mov al, 03h 
    mov ah, 00h
    int 10h

    mov cx, 3200h  ;stop cursor blinking
    mov ah, 01h
    int 10h
clear endp

gameover proc
        call clear
        mov dh, 12 ;row
        mov dl, 35 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset game_over
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov ax, 4c00h
        int 21h

gameover endp

start_snake_game proc
call clear
        mov dh, 10 ;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset start_game
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 11 ;row
        mov dl, 29 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset message
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

            mov dh, 20 ;row
        mov dl, 26 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset press_cont
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 24 ;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

             mov dx, offset rjbc
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
start_snake_game endp

control_view proc
call clear
        mov dh, 10 ;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset control
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 11;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_up
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 12;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_down
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 13;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_left
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 14;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_right
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 15;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_otherkey
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 16;row
        mov dl, 31 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_exit
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 19 ;row
        mov dl, 20 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset go_warning
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

        mov dh, 21 ;row
        mov dl, 25 ;column
        xor bh, bh
        mov ah, 02h
        int 10h 

         mov dx, offset press_key
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h

control_view endp
;this macro will print the whole snake 
; r is for row c is for column char and color: check .data for values
complete_print macro r,c,char,color
    mov dh, r
    mov dl, c
    xor bh, bh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h 

    mov al, char
    mov bh, 0
    mov bl, color
    mov cx, 1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 10h 
;function to print the snake body
snake proc

    call delay
    call clear

    mov bl,0
    mov bh,0

    mov dl,[col+bx]
    mov temp_col,dl

    mov dl,[row+bx]
    mov temp_row,dl

    mov snake_loop,bl
    cmp snake_loop, 0
    je printhead
    jne printbody

    complete_print temp_row,temp_col,head,color
    jmp finish

    complete_print temp_row,temp_col,body,color_body

    inc snake_loop
    mov bl, snake_loop
    mov al, snake_loop
    cmp al, snake_length
    ;continue to print the body of the snake
    jl print_snake

    mov bl, snake_length

    ;transfer the coordinates   
    ;to insert new coordinates

    dec bx
    mov dl ,[col+bx]
    mov [col + bx + 1],dl

    mov dl,[row + bx]
    mov [row+bx+1],dl
    cmp bx,0
    jg transfer
    jmp return_me

snake endp

main proc
      mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
    call start_snake_game
    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    call control_view
    ;initialize the keyboard input:

    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    mov input, 'd'
    call clear
    ;initialize starting body snake :)
    mov row[0],12

    mov row[1],12
    mov row[2],12
    mov row[3],12
    mov row[4],12

    mov col[0],40

    mov col[1],39
    mov col[2],38
    mov col[3],37
    mov col[4],36

    call snake
    call random_coor_food
    call print_food

; moving the snake

    ;to change direction or to keep going
    ; wait for keystroke
    ; if no key is pressed, value of input will be 
    ;last key pressed.
        mov ah, 01h
        int 16h
        jz key

    ;key is pressed, new value of input
        mov ah,00h
        int 16h
        mov input, al

    cmp input, 'w'
    je w 
    cmp input, 's'
    je s
    cmp input, 'a'
    je a 
    cmp input, 'd'
    je d

    cmp input, 'q'
    je end_game

    jne getinput

    ;make the snake go up

    call upy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go up

    call downy
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go left

    call lefty
    jmp rak

    ;make the snake go right

    call righty
    jmp rak


     ;////// scan
     ; current position has a character 
     ;if it has, jump to end_game

     mov bh,0
    mov ah,08h ;scan
    int 10h
        cmp al, body
    je end_game

    call snake  

    ;compare the coordinates of head to the coordinates of the food
    ;kinda made a mistake over here. 
    ;#houston, we got a problem 
        mov cl,row[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_col
    jne again

    mov cl,col[0]
    cmp cl,rand_food_row
    jne again

;////// check first if snake hits the body
    ;if hit, then game over
    comment @
    mov bl,0
    mov dl,[col+bx+1]
    cmp col[0],dl
    jne again
    mov dl,[row+bx+1]
    cmp row[0],dl
    jne again
    je end_game
    inc bl
    cmp bl,snake_length
    jl hit_me_baby


    ;if the head row and col is equal to the coordinates of the food. increase snake_length then generate food again.
    inc snake_length
    call random_coor_food

    call print_food
    ;set cursor position at head
    mov dh, row[0]
    mov dl, col[0]
    xor bh,bh
    mov ah,02h
    int 10h
    jmp getinput

    call clear
    call gameover

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

main endp
end main