
时间:2015-04-09 09:40:44

标签: html css center



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section.container.first-block.aligncenter.colorbar {
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figure.shop-item.one_fourth.boxwrap {
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  /* padding: 0px; */
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figure.shop-item.one_fourth.boxwrap:hover {
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table {
table  tr{
table tr td p{
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tr:nth-child(odd) {
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tr:nth-child(odd):hover {
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td:nth-child(even) {
td:nth-child(odd) {
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.eleven.columns .shop-wrap figure{
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table.product-details caption{


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/*---------Custom CSS--------------*/
<section class="container first-block aligncenter colorbar">
				<hr class="vertical-space3">
				<h2 class="mex-title">Welcome to the Polymers Enterprises</h2>
				<h4 class="slight frontsight">Scaling new heights on the strength of Excellence, Efficiency &amp; Ethics</h4>
				<hr class="vertical-space3">
				<div class="services">
				<div class="one_fourth">
					<article class="icon-box1"><i class="fa-user"></i>
						<h5>ABOUT US</h5>
						<p>For over 30 years, Polymers Enterprises has developed a record of service, growth and reliability unsurpassed....</p>
						<button type="button" class="small skyblue demooo" onclick="window.location.href='about.html'">Read more</button>
				<!--<div class="one_fourth">
					<article class="icon-box1"><i class="li_bulb"></i>
						<p>We have made good relationship with customers by supplying them excellent quality products, which help us to ...</p>
						<button type="button" class="small skyblue demooo" onclick="window.location.href='about.html'">Read more</button>
				<div class="one_fourth">
					<article class="icon-box1"><i class="li_note"></i>
						<h5>WHAT WE DO</h5>
						<p>Our policy is to achieve Quality in supply chain and maximize the serviceability to the client coupled with quality of cost....</p>
						<button type="button" class="small skyblue demooo" onclick="window.location.href='about.html'">Read more</button>
				<div class="one_fourth column-last">
					<article class="icon-box1"><i class="fa-cubes"></i>
						<h5>OUR PRODUCTS</h5>
						<p>Polymer Enterprises provides a wide range of products and consulting services to customers .....</p>
						<button type="button" class="small skyblue demooo" onclick="window.location.href='our_products.html'">Read more</button>

我尝试过width display:blockdisplay:inline-blockmargin: 0 auto,但没有运气。此外,我几乎都遇到了所有问题,但没有人帮助我。任何人都可以帮我把它分类吗?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

让他们display: inline-block确实有效,你只需要删除浮动。

.one_half, .one_third, .two_third, .three_fourth, .one_fourth, .one_fifth, .two_fifth {
    margin-right: 3%;
    display: inline-block; /* remove float and add display inline-block */


注意: 如果您希望每个内容中的内容排成一行,请添加vertical-align:top; demo here < / p>