我正在尝试编写一个蜘蛛,它会在上下文中为我提供关键字的结果。我找到了这个链接:python truncate text around keyword 这解释了一种方法,我已经模拟了一点来满足我的需求,但我现在不再在我的数据库中获取任何数据。 (唯一改变的是我添加了代码来抓住kwic作为我的一个项目。)
# tabbing in python is apparently VERY important so be aware and make sure
# things that should line up do so
# import the CrawlSpider Class, along with it's Rules, (this lets us recursively
# crawl pages)
from scrapy.contrib.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
#import the link extractor, this extracts links from pages
from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
# import our items as defined in items.py
from basic.items import BasicItem
# import re which allows us to compare strings
import re
# create a new Spider with the CrawlSpider Class
class BasicSpiderSpider(CrawlSpider):
# Name of the spider, this is used to run it, (i.e Scrapy Crawl basic_spider)
name = "basic_spider"
# domains that the spider is allowed to crawl over
allowed_domains = ["news24.com"]
# where to start crawling from
start_urls = [
# Rules for the link extractor, (i.e where it's allowed to look for links,
# what to do once it's found them, and whether it's allowed to follow them
rules = (Rule (LinkExtractor(), callback="parse_items", follow= True),
# defining the callback function
def parse_items(self, response):
# defines the Top level XPath where all of our information can be found, needs to be
# as specific as possible to avoid duplicates
for title in response.xpath('//*[@id="aspnetForm"]'):
# List of keywords to search through.
key = re.compile("joburg|durban|children", re.IGNORECASE)
# extracting the data to compare with the keywords, this is for the
# headlines, the join converts it from a list type to a string type
headlist = title.xpath('//*[@id="article_special"]//h1/text()').extract()
head = ''.join(headlist)
# and this is for the article.
artlist = title.xpath('//*[@id="article-body"]//text()').extract()
art = ''.join(artlist)
# if any keywords are found in the headline:
if key.search(head):
# define the top level xpath again as python won't look outside
# it's current fuction
for thing in response.xpath('//*[@id="aspnetForm"]'):
# using this because i'm wanting to show the context of returned articles, found this here:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4319473/python-truncate-text-around-keyword
def find_with_context(haystack, needle, context_length, escape=True):
if escape:
needle = re.escape(needle)
return re.findall(r'\b(.{,%d})\b(%s)\b(.{,%d})\b' % (context_length, needle, context_length), haystack)
# fills the items defined in items.py with relevant data
item = BasicItem()
item['Headline'] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="article_special"]//h1/text()').extract()
#calls find_with_context
item["Article"] = find_with_context("joburg|durban|children", (art), 50)
# item["Article"] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="article-body"]//text()').extract
item["Date"] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="spnDate"]/text()').extract()
item["Link"] = response.url
# I found that even with being careful about my XPaths I
# still got empty fields and lines, the below fixes that
if item['Headline']:
if item["Article"]:
if item["Date"]:
yield item
# if the headline item doesn't match, check the article item.
elif key.search(art):
#if last_crawled > response.xpath('//*[@id="spnDate"]/text()').extract():
for thing in response.xpath('//*[@id="aspnetForm"]'):
# using this because i'm wanting to show the context of returned articles, found this here:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4319473/python-truncate-text-around-keyword
def find_with_context(haystack, needle, context_length, escape=True):
if escape:
needle = re.escape(needle)
return re.findall(r'\b(.{,%d})\b(%s)\b(.{,%d})\b' % (context_length, needle, context_length), haystack)
item = BasicItem()
item['Headline'] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="article_special"]//h1/text()').extract()
#item["Article"] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="article-body"]/p[1]/text()').extract()
item["Article"] = find_with_context("joburg|durban|children", (art), 50)
item["Date"] = thing.xpath('//*[@id="spnDate"]/text()').extract()
item["Link"] = response.url
if item['Headline']:
if item["Article"]:
if item["Date"]:
yield item
亲切的问候, 格兰特
答案 0 :(得分:0)
2015-04-07 12:26:17 + 0200 [basic_spider] DEBUG:忽略链接(深度> 1)强>: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Gunshots-screaming-in-Manenberg-overnight-20150407
2015-04-07 12:26:15 + 0200 [scrapy]信息:被覆盖的设置: {' NEWSPIDER_MODULE&#39 ;:' basic.spiders',' DEPTH_LIMIT':1 , ' SPIDER_MODULES':[' basic.spiders'],' BOT_NAME':'基本',' LOG_FILE': ' log.log',' DOWNLOAD_DELAY':0.25}
表示您已设置'DEPTH_LIMIT': 1