
时间:2015-04-07 01:34:06

标签: tcl


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


proc numberOfCPUs {} {
    # Windows puts it in an environment variable
    global tcl_platform env
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
        return $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)

    # Check for sysctl (OSX, BSD)
    set sysctl [auto_execok "sysctl"]
    if {[llength $sysctl]} {
        if {![catch {exec {*}$sysctl -n "hw.ncpu"} cores]} {
            return $cores

    # Assume Linux, which has /proc/cpuinfo, but be careful
    if {![catch {open "/proc/cpuinfo"} f]} {
        set cores [regexp -all -line {^processor\s} [read $f]]
        close $f
        if {$cores > 0} {
            return $cores

    # No idea what the actual number of cores is; exhausted all our options
    # Fall back to returning 1; there must be at least that because we're running on it!
    return 1


答案 1 :(得分:1)

我尝试了上述两种解决方案。 @DonalFellows几乎是完美的但是在我的OSX上没有工作,因为默认的tclsh是8.4而且exec的{*}语法不起作用。但是,{*}构造似乎并不需要,因为删除它使其能够与tclsh 8.4,8.5和8.6一起使用。


proc numberOfCPUs {} {
    # Windows puts it in an environment variable
    global tcl_platform env
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
        return $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)

    # Check for sysctl (OSX, BSD)
    set sysctl [auto_execok "sysctl"]
    if {[llength $sysctl]} {
        if {![catch {exec $sysctl -n "hw.ncpu"} cores]} {
            return $cores

    # Assume Linux, which has /proc/cpuinfo, but be careful
    if {![catch {open "/proc/cpuinfo"} f]} {
        set cores [regexp -all -line {^processor\s} [read $f]]
        close $f
        if {$cores > 0} {
            return $cores

    # No idea what the actual number of cores is; exhausted all our options
    # Fall back to returning 1; there must be at least that because we're running on it!
    return 1

答案 2 :(得分:0)



proc number_of_processor {} {
    global tcl_platform env
    switch ${tcl_platform(platform)} {
        "windows" { 
            return $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)       

        "unix" {
            if {![catch {open "/proc/cpuinfo"} f]} {
                set cores [regexp -all -line {^processor\s} [read $f]]
                close $f
                if {$cores > 0} {
                    return $cores

        "Darwin" {
            if {![catch {exec {*}$sysctl -n "hw.ncpu"} cores]} {
                return $cores

        default {
            puts "Unknown System"
            return 1

UbuntuWindows 7上尝试,它有效。我周围没有MacOS。如果有人可以验证是否有效,那将是件好事。