
时间:2015-04-06 20:50:05

标签: swift generics



class HashableType : Hashable
    let type : Any.Type

    //Piggybacking String's Hashable implementation
    var hashValue : Int
        return toString( type ).hashValue

    init( type : Any.Type )
        self.type = type

    init( instance: Any )
        self.type = instance.dynamicType

//Equatable implementation, wish it could be nested in the class declaration...
func ==( lhs: HashableType, rhs: HashableType )->Bool
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue

第2步:真实世界用例 - 注册类型的默认实例

final class DefaultInstances
    private static var __defaultInstances = [ HashableType: Any ]()

    class func registerDefaultInstance( instance: Any ) -> Bool
        let hashableType = HashableType( instance: instance )

        if let defaultInstance = __defaultInstances[ hashableType ]
            return false

        __defaultInstances[ hashableType ] = instance

        return true

    // T, T.Type and T.self can all coexist, not a contrived example.
    // T.Type:  the "cannot explicitly specialize a generic function" compile error is quite a shame here -
    // would be much cleaner in C# for example
    class func defaultInstance< T >( type: T.Type ) -> T?
        return __defaultInstances[ HashableType( type: T.self ) ] as? T

        // could also work as
        // return __defaultInstances[ HashableType( type: type ) ] as? T


func TestDefaultInstances()
    if DefaultInstances.registerDefaultInstance( Int( 2 ) ) == true
        println( "did register default int." )
        if let defaultInt = DefaultInstances.defaultInstance( Int )
            println( "Already registered Int default instance: \(defaultInt)")

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