
时间:2015-04-06 17:22:05

标签: vbscript asp-classic ldap

我的ASP站点有LDAP身份验证。代码在Windows 2003 Server上正常运行。但是,我们需要将我们的应用程序迁移到Windows 2012 R2服务器。遗憾的是,同样不起作用错误来自"服务器无法运行。"


Function AuthUser(strFSUID, strPwd)

    Const ADS_FAST_BIND_SSL = 34 'forces fast binding and SSL connection
    Const strADSPath =
    "LDAP://mdsoti.fsu.edu:636/ou=People,dc=fsu,dc=edu" 'full path to LDAP server
    Const strProxyUser = "proxy-user" 'proxy username For establishing initial connection to LDAP
    Const strProxyPass = "proxy-pass" 'proxy password For establishing initial connection To LDAP

    Dim conADODB 'LDAP admin connection
    Dim comADODB 'User DB connection
    Dim rsLDAP 'recordset to hold user information
    Dim dsoLDAP 'LDAP system object
    Dim conUser 'LDAP connection to validate username and password
    Dim strPath 'users FQDN path
    Dim strUser 'users dn stripped from ADsPath
    Dim blnAuthenticated 'has user been authenticated: 0 = no, -1 = yes

    On Error Resume Next
    blnAuthenticated = False

    'Create our admin connection for retrieving user DN
    Set conADODB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conADODB.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
    conADODB.Properties("user ID") = "cn=" & strProxyUser & ",ou=proxy-users,dc=fsu,dc=edu"
    conADODB.Properties("Password") = strProxyPass
    conADODB.Properties("ADSI Flag") = ADS_FAST_BIND_SSL

    conADODB.Open "ADSI"

    'next we get the users dn
    Set comADODB = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    Set comADODB.ActiveConnection = conADODB
    comADODB.CommandText = "<" & strADSPath & ">;(cn=" & strFSUID & ");Adspath,cn,;subtree"
    Set rsLDAP = comADODB.Execute

    'finally, we validate the actual username and password
    While Not (rsLDAP.EOF)
        strPath = rsLDAP.fields("ADsPath")
        wscript.echo strPath

        'strip out user dn from ADsPath
        strUser = InStrRev(strPath, "/")
        strUser = Mid(strPath, strUser + 1)
        wscript.echo strUser

        'open connection to authenticate users FSUID and password
        Set dsoLDAP = GetObject("LDAP:")
        Set conUser = dsoLDAP.OpenDSObject(strADSPath, strUser, strPwd, ADS_FAST_BIND_SSL)

        'see if the user's password worked. if not print error message 
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
           blnAuthenticated = False
           blnAuthenticated = True
        End If

        v = rsLDAP.fields("cn")
        wscript.echo v(0)


    AuthUser = blnAuthenticated
End Function

执行&#34;设置rsLDAP = comADODB.Execute&#34;



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