在VBA中使用smple类的机制有几个非常好的问题:When to use a Class in VBA?和What are the benefits of using Classes in VBA?
例如,我必须处理多个工作表中的大范围,我需要获得许多不同的数据子集。 “做x的代理人”和“有y的客户”......等等。这里有一个小组,用于了解拥有2个以上客户的代理商数量:
Sub agent_subset(output_sheet As String, _
Input_sheet_name As String, _
email_col As Integer, _
vendor_count_col As Integer, _
client_count_col As Integer, _
modified_col As Integer, _
num_of_clients As Integer)
' get a list of all agents with 2 or more clients and put them into a sheet
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Dim sheet_rows As Long
sheet_rows = Worksheets(Input_sheet_name).Cells(rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim email_range As Range ' range of agent emails
Dim client_count_range As Range ' range of client count
Dim vendor_count_range As Range ' range of vendor count
Dim modified_range As Range ' range of modified at
With Worksheets(Input_sheet_name)
Set email_range = .Range(.Cells(2, email_col), .Cells(sheet_rows, email_col))
Set client_count_range = .Range(.Cells(2, client_count_col), .Cells(sheet_rows, client_count_col))
Set vendor_count_range = .Range(.Cells(2, vendor_count_col), .Cells(sheet_rows, vendor_count_col))
Set modified_range = .Range(.Cells(2, modified_col), .Cells(sheet_rows, modified_col))
End With
Dim n As Long
Dim counter As Long
counter = 0
Dim modified_array() As String
For n = 2 To sheet_rows
If client_count_range(n, 1).Value > num_of_clients Then
counter = counter + 1
Worksheets(output_sheet).Cells(counter + 1, 1).Value = email_range(n, 1).Value
Worksheets(output_sheet).Cells(counter + 1, 2).Value = client_count_range(n, 1).Value
Worksheets(output_sheet).Cells(counter + 1, 3).Value = vendor_count_range(n, 1).Value
modified_array() = Split(modified_range(n, 1).Value, "T")
Worksheets(output_sheet).Cells(counter + 1, 4).Value = modified_array(0)
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Loop status: " & n & "of " & sheet_rows
Next n
Worksheets(output_sheet).Cells(counter + 3, 1).Value = "Last run was " & Now()
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Set clsCustomersToEmail = clsCustomers.FilterOnActive(True).FilterOnTemplate("Table1")
For Each clsCustomer in clsCustomersToEmail
'Do stuff
Next clsCustomer`
Public Property Get FilterOnActive() As CCustomers
Dim clsReturn As CCustomers
Dim clsCustomer As CCustomer
Set clsReturn = New CCustomers
For Each clsCustomer In Me
If clsCustomer.Active Then
clsReturn.Add clsCustomer
End If
Next clsCustomer
Set FilterOnActive = clsReturn
End Property
Public Property Get FilterOnTemplate(ByVal sTemplate As String) As CCustomers
Dim clsReturn As CCustomers
Dim clsCustomer As CCustomer
Set clsReturn = New CCustomers
For Each clsCustomer In Me
If clsCustomer.Template.TemplateName = sTemplate Then
clsReturn.Add clsCustomer
End If
Next clsCustomer
Set FilterOnTemplate = clsReturn
End Property
Set clsCustomersPastDue = clsCustomers.FilterOnActive(True).FilterOnPastDue(True)
vaWrite = clsCsutomerPastDue.AgingReport
rCell.Resize(UBound(vaWrite,1),UBound(vaWrite,2)).Value = vaWrite