
时间:2015-04-05 08:40:55

标签: javascript svg d3.js force-layout

我对D3力图没什么问题。我正在使用准备好的演示,按组名分组节点。这是demo 我有功能network()的问题,其中是映射链接。在我的数据集中,我有两个方向连接的链接,这意味着两个节点之间可以循环。在此方法中删除了循环。我完全失去了如何修复这个功能。


This is what i need


// constructs the network to visualize
function network(data, prev, index, expand) {
  expand = expand || {};
  var gm = {},    // group map
      nm = {},    // node map
      lm = {},    // link map
      gn = {},    // previous group nodes
      gc = {},    // previous group centroids
      nodes = [], // output nodes
      links = []; // output links

  // process previous nodes for reuse or centroid calculation
  if (prev) {
    prev.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
      var i = index(n), o;
      if (n.size > 0) {
        gn[i] = n;
        n.size = 0;
      } else {
        o = gc[i] || (gc[i] = {x:0,y:0,count:0});
        o.x += n.x;
        o.y += n.y;
        o.count += 1;

  // determine nodes
  for (var k=0; k<data.nodes.length; ++k) {
    var n = data.nodes[k],
        i = index(n),
        l = gm[i] || (gm[i]=gn[i]) || (gm[i]={group:i, size:0, nodes:[]});

    if (expand[i]) {
      // the node should be directly visible
      nm[n.name] = nodes.length;
      if (gn[i]) {
        // place new nodes at cluster location (plus jitter)
        n.x = gn[i].x + Math.random();
        n.y = gn[i].y + Math.random();
    } else {
      // the node is part of a collapsed cluster
      if (l.size == 0) {
        // if new cluster, add to set and position at centroid of leaf nodes
        nm[i] = nodes.length;
        if (gc[i]) {
          l.x = gc[i].x / gc[i].count;
          l.y = gc[i].y / gc[i].count;
  // always count group size as we also use it to tweak the force graph strengths/distances
    l.size += 1;
  n.group_data = l;

  for (i in gm) { gm[i].link_count = 0; }

  // determine links
  for (k=0; k<data.links.length; ++k) {
    var e = data.links[k],
        u = index(e.source),
        v = index(e.target);
  if (u != v) {
    u = expand[u] ? nm[e.source.name] : nm[u];
    v = expand[v] ? nm[e.target.name] : nm[v];
    var i = (u<v ? u+"|"+v : v+"|"+u),
        l = lm[i] || (lm[i] = {source:u, target:v, size:0});
    l.size += 1;
  for (i in lm) { links.push(lm[i]); }

  return {nodes: nodes, links: links};

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