ComponentsKit - 将项目对齐到堆栈组件内部

时间:2015-04-05 06:07:15

标签: facebook reactjs flexbox componentskit



#import "KPIComponent.h"
#import "CKImageComponent.h"
#import "CKStackLayoutComponent.h"
#import "CKLabelComponent.h"
#import "CKInsetComponent.h"

static UIImage *myImage;
@implementation KPIComponent

+(void)load {
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"1"];
+(instancetype)newWith {

    CKImageComponent * imageComponent = [CKImageComponent newWithImage: myImage];

    CKComponent * labelComponent = [self label];

    CKComponent *flexy = [self flex]; // add this as a separator 
    CKStackLayoutComponent *stack = [CKStackLayoutComponent newWithView:{
        [UIView class],
            {@selector(setBackgroundColor:),[UIColor blueColor]}
        .direction = CKStackLayoutDirectionHorizontal
            .component = labelComponent,
            .component = flexy,
            .flexShrink = YES,
            .spacingBefore = 2,
            .spacingAfter = 2
            .component = imageComponent,
    return [super newWithComponent:stack];


+(CKComponent *)label {
    CKLabelComponent *label = [CKLabelComponent newWithLabelAttributes:{
        .string = @"Some String",
        .font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Baskerville" size:30],
        .color = [UIColor whiteColor],
        .maximumNumberOfLines = 0,
        .lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByCharWrapping
        {@selector(setBackgroundColor:), [UIColor clearColor]}
    return label;
//    CKInsetComponent *inset = [CKInsetComponent newWithInsets:{.top = 0, .left = 0, .bottom = 0, .right = 0} component:label];
//    return inset;


+(CKComponent *)flex {
    return [CKComponent newWithView:{
        [UIView class],
            {@selector(setBackgroundColor:),[UIColor clearColor]}
    }size:{10000,1}]; // a huge width so that if takes the full parent


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您应该在stacklayoutComponent中设置左侧组件的.flexGrow = YES