
时间:2015-04-02 05:30:15

标签: cocoa swift ios8 xcode6


"@hello this is a string @really :dialogue I certainly agree #definitely #concur -goodbye"


at-sign: "@hello" // only the first encounter
content: "this is a string @really" // further @'s are all in content
notes: ["dialogue" : "I certainly agree"]
hashtags: ["#definitely", "#concur"]
keywords: ["-goodbye"] // could be multiple


static func processText(text: String) {
  var stext = text.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet())
  var components: [String] = stext.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")

  var atsign: String?

  var contentList = [String]()
  var tags = Set<String>()
  var notes = [String: String]()

  var encounterNotes: Bool = false
  var notesKey = ""

  var keyword: String?

  for (idx, value) in enumerate(components) {
    if hasPrefixAtSign(value) && atsign == nil {
      encounterNotes = false
      atsign = value
    } else if hasPrefixHashTag(value) {
      encounterNotes = false
    } else if hasPrefixKeyword(value) && keyword == nil {
      encounterNotes = false
      keyword = value
    } else if hasPrefixNotes(value) {
      attribute = dropFirst(value.lowercaseString)
      encounterNotes = true
    } else if encounterNotes == true {
      if var aval = notes[attribute] {
        aval = aval + " " + value
        notes[attribute] = aval
      } else {
        notes[attribute] = value
    } else {
      encounterNotes = false
      contentList += [value]

  var content = " ".join(contentList)

这是我到目前为止所拥有的。 它有效但有没有更好(更快)的方法来解析它使用NSRegularExpression或NSScanner?

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