需要VB Do ... while循环计算平均值

时间:2015-04-02 01:35:25

标签: vb.net visual-studio

编码新手。我上周有一个项目要求用户输入4个等级,然后计算所有4个等级的平均值,最低等级的平均值下降(已经转为btw)。要求是For Next循环和Do While循环来计算平均值。我使用For Next循环来获得4个等级的总和,然后计算平均值。

    Declare variables, constant, and array
        Const intMAX_SUBSCRIPT As Integer = 3 
        Dim intGrades(intMAX_SUBSCRIPT) As Integer 
        Dim intTotal As Integer = 0     'holds the total of grades
        Dim dblAverage As Double        'holds the average of all 4 grades
        Dim intCount As Integer         'loop counter
        Dim intLowest As Integer        'holds the lowest score

        'assign grades to array slots
        intGrades(0) = CInt(txtGrade1.Text)
        intGrades(1) = CInt(txtGrade2.Text)
        intGrades(2) = CInt(txtGrade3.Text)
        intGrades(3) = CInt(txtGrade4.Text)

        'Loop to calculate average in grades array
        'get total of all grades
        For intCount = 0 To (intGrades.Length - 1)
            intTotal += intGrades(intCount)

        'use floating-point div to find average
        dblAverage = intTotal / intGrades.Length


        intLowest = intGrades(0)

        'Search for the lowest grade in the array
        For intCount = 1 To (intGrades.Length - 1)
            If intGrades(intCount) < intLowest Then
                intLowest = intGrades(intCount)
            End If

这太有效了。现在我遇到的问题是:得到一个Do While计算新的平均值,得分最低。这是我需要帮助的地方:

        Dim intNewTotal As Integer = 0  'holds the new total of the 3 highest grades
        Dim dblNewAverage As Double 'holds the new average with the lowest score dropped
        Dim intNewCount As Integer = 0 'loop counter 

        Do While intNewTotal <= (intTotal - intLowest)
            intNewTotal = intNewTotal + intGrades.Length - 1
            intNewCount += 1

        dblNewAverage = intNewTotal / 3

数学很接近,但并不完全。对于100,100,80和100的成绩,我得到以下结果:所有4的平均值= 95,平均得分最低= 101.新的平均值总是比它应该高一个。我该怎么做才能解决这个问题?我真的很想明白,如果它再次发生,我可以解决这个问题。谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


intNewTotal = intNewTotal + intGrades.Length - 1

您可以添加intGrades数组的长度,而不是添加成绩值,直到达到Do while条件:intNewTotal <= (intTotal - intLowest)

我理解你的问题是出于学术目的,所以如果你真的需要使用Do While循环计算平均值,我会用那种方式(未经测试):

Dim index As Int = 0
Do While index <= intMAX_SUBSCRIPT  

  If (intGrades(index) <= intLowest) Then
    intNewTotal += intGrades(index)
    intNewCount += 1    
  End if

  index += 1


dblNewAverage = intNewTotal / intNewCount



Dim index As Int = 1
Do While index <= intMAX_SUBSCRIPT  
    intNewTotal += intGrades(index)
    index += 1

dblNewAverage = intNewTotal / (intGrades.Length - 1)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Dim Grades As New List(Of Integer) From {CInt(txtGrade1.Text), CInt(txtGrade2.Text), CInt(txtGrade3.Text), CInt(txtGrade4.Text)} 

Dim Total As Integer = Grades.Sum()
Dim Average As Double = Grades.Average()       'holds the average of all 4 grades
Dim Lowest As Integer = Grades.Min()      'holds the lowest score
Dim NewAverage As Double = CDbl(Total - Lowest) / (Grades.Count - 1)

并在您的变量名称上删除愚蠢的类型前缀。在Option Strict是默认值之前,它们曾经很受欢迎并且有意义,但现在甚至微软自己的风格指南都建议不要使用它们。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Dim j As New List(Of Int32)
    Dim sum As Int32 = 0
    For i = 1 To 4 '4 number of textboxes
        j.Add(CType(Controls.Item("txtGrade" + i.ToString), TextBox).Text)
        sum += Val(CType(Controls.Item("txtGrade" + i.ToString), TextBox).Text)
    Dim intLowest As Int32 = j(0)
    Dim avg As Int32 = sum / j.Count