
时间:2015-04-01 23:17:57

标签: swift generics numbers integer


func randomNumber<T: IntegerType>(min: T, max: T) -> T {
    let n = max - min + 1
    let u = UInt32(n)            // Error: Cannot invoke 'init' with an argument of type 'T'
    let r = arc4random_uniform(u) 
    return r + min




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

问题在于UInt32没有init采用任意IntegerType。当然,它需要标准库中的每个定义的一个,但是如果某人实现了符合UInt128的{​​{1}}会怎么样?即使您在IntegerType中替换,在尝试将let u = UInt32(n.toIntMax())添加到r时也会遇到问题,因为再次没有min的实现会添加任意+ UInt32。考虑到溢出的可能性,这是有道理的 - 你知道IntegerType永远不会返回arc4random_uniform(u)大于UInt32,但Swift不能。您需要比Int8.max提供的更丰富的功能来编写具有正确的前置条件和后置条件的此函数的真正通用版本。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


protocol Integer  {
    init(_ value:Int)
    var integerValue: Int { get }

extension Int     : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return self      } }
extension UInt64  : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return Int(self) } }
extension UInt32  : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return Int(self) } }
extension UInt16  : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return Int(self) } }
extension UInt8   : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return Int(self) } }
extension UInt    : Integer { var integerValue : Int { return Int(self) } }

func randomNumber(min: Integer, max: Integer) -> Int {
    if min.integerValue >= max.integerValue             { return 0 }
    if max.integerValue-min.integerValue+1 > UInt32.max { return 0 }
    return (min.integerValue + arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max.integerValue - min.integerValue + 1))).integerValue

randomNumber(UInt(10), UInt64(13))
randomNumber(UInt8(10), UInt32(13))
randomNumber(UInt16(10), UInt16(13))
randomNumber(UInt32(10), UInt8(13))
randomNumber(UInt64(10), UInt(13))

答案 2 :(得分:0)


SignedIntegerType具有类型强制函数:toIntMax()init(_: IntMax)

protocol _SignedIntegerType : _IntegerType, SignedNumberType {

    /// Represent this number using Swift's widest native signed integer
    /// type.
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax

    /// Convert from Swift's widest signed integer type, trapping on
    /// overflow.
    init(_: IntMax)

UnsignedIntegerType也有类型强制函数:toUIntMax()init(_: UIntMax)

protocol _UnsignedIntegerType : _IntegerType {

    /// Represent this number using Swift's widest native unsigned
    /// integer type.
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax

    /// Convert from Swift's widest unsigned integer type, trapping on
    /// overflow.
    init(_: UIntMax)


func randomNumber<T: UnsignedIntegerType>(min: T, max: T) -> T {
    let n = max - min + 1
    let u = UInt32(n.toUIntMax())
    let r = arc4random_uniform(u)
    return T(r.toUIntMax()) + min

func randomNumber<T: SignedIntegerType>(min: T, max: T) -> T {
    let n = max - min + 1
    let u = UInt32(n.toIntMax())
    let r = arc4random_uniform(u)
    return T(r.toIntMax()) + min


func numericCast<T : _UnsignedIntegerType, U : _SignedIntegerType>(x: T) -> U
func numericCast<T : _SignedIntegerType, U : _UnsignedIntegerType>(x: T) -> U
func numericCast<T : _UnsignedIntegerType, U : _UnsignedIntegerType>(x: T) -> U
func numericCast<T : _SignedIntegerType, U : _SignedIntegerType>(x: T) -> U


func randomNumber<T: UnsignedIntegerType>(min: T, max: T) -> T {
    return min + numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(max - min + 1)))

func randomNumber<T: SignedIntegerType>(min: T, max: T) -> T {
    return min + numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(max - min + 1)))

