
时间:2015-04-01 20:07:05

标签: regex r merge dataframe text-files


我有~4.5k txt文件,如下所示:

Simple statistics using MSPA parameters: 8_3_1_1 on input file: 20130815 104359  875  000000 0528 0548_result.tif

 MSPA-class [color]:  Foreground/data pixels [%]  Frequency
    CORE(s) [green]:               --                   0
    CORE(m) [green]:      48.43/13.45                   1
    CORE(l) [green]:               --                   0
      ISLET [brown]:       3.70/ 1.03                  20
 PERFORATION [blue]:       0.00/ 0.00                   0
       EDGE [black]:      30.93/ 8.59                  11
      LOOP [yellow]:       9.66/ 2.68                   6
       BRIDGE [red]:       0.00/ 0.00                   0
    BRANCH [orange]:       7.28/ 2.02                  40
  Background [grey]:       --- /72.22                  11
    Missing [white]:            0.00                    0


txt文件中的值可以更改,因此在现在有0.00的位置,可能是某些文件中的相关数字(所以我们需要这些)。对于那里的字段 - 现在,如果脚本可以测试是否有 - 或数字,那将是很好的。如果有 - ,那么它应该变成NA。另一方面,真正的0.00值是有价值的,我需要它们。缺失白色列(或此处的行)只有一个值,然后应将该值复制到两个列中,前景%和数据像素%。

我需要的一般重新排列是将所有数据作为列提供,每个txt文件只有1行。对于此处txt文件中的每一行数据,输出文件中应该有3列(前景%,数据像素%和每种颜色的频率)。该行的名称应该是文件开头提到的图像名称,在这里:20130815 104359 875 000000 0528 0548





最佳, Moritz的

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我将数据复制并粘贴到文本文件中并调整空间以使它们之间保持一致。您可能想要这样做,或者如果您可以附加文本文件,它将很容易使用。您可以使用pastebin - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastebin


setwd("path of your file")


split.row.data <- function(x){

  a1 = sub("( )+(.*)", '\\2', x)

  b1 = unlist(strsplit(sub("( )+(.*)", '\\2', (strsplit(a1, ":"))[[1]][2]), "  "))

  c1 = unlist(strsplit(b1[1], "/"))

  if(length(c1) == 1){
    if(which(b1[1:2] %in% "") == 1){
      c1 = c(NA, c1)
    }else if(which(b1[1:2] %in% "") == 2){
      c1 = c(c1, NA)

  c1[which(c1 %in% c("--", "--- "))] <- NA

  return(c(unlist(strsplit(strsplit(a1, ":")[[1]][1], " ")), 

df2 <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 6), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

file_list = list.files('~/desktop', pattern = '^image\\d+.txt', full.names = TRUE)

for (infile in file_list){

  file_data <- readLines(con <- file(infile))


  filename = sub("(.*)(input file:)(.*)(.tif)", "\\3", file_data[3])

  a2 <- file_data[7:length(file_data)]

  d1 = lapply(a2, function(x) split.row.data(x))

  df1 <- data.frame(matrix(nrow= length(d1), ncol = 5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  for(i in 1:length(d1)){df1[i, ] <- d1[[i]]}

  df1 <- cbind(data.frame(rep(filename, nrow(df1)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 

  colnames(df1) <- colnames(df2)

  df2 <- rbind(df2, df1)


df2 <- df2[2:nrow(df2), ]

df2[,4] <- as.numeric(df2[,4])

df2[,5] <- as.numeric(df2[,5])

df2[,6] <- as.numeric(df2[,6])

e1 = unlist(lapply(df2[,3], function(x) gsub(']', '', x)))

df2[,3] = unlist(lapply(e1, function(x) gsub("[[]", '', x)))

header_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(file_data[5], "/"), function(x) strsplit(x, "  ")))

colnames(df2) <- c("filename",  
                   strsplit(header_names[1], " ")[[1]][2],

row.names(df2) <- 1:nrow(df2)



    filename                               MSPA-class  color  Foreground  data pixels [%] Frequency
 1  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788     CORE(s) green         NA         NA         0
 2  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788     CORE(m) green      63.46         17.41      1
 3  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788     CORE(l) green         NA         NA         0
 4  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788       ISLET brown       0.00         0.00       0
 5  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788 PERFORATION  blue       0.00         0.00       0
 6  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788        EDGE black      35.00         9.60       1

#get数据仅用于&#34;背景&#34;来自&#34; MSPA-class&#34;柱

df2_background  <- df2[which(df2[, "MSPA-class"] %in% "Background"), ]


    filename                               MSPA-class  color  Foreground  data pixels [%] Frequency
11  20130815 103739  599  000000 0944 0788 Background  grey         NA    72.57           1
22  20130815 143233  712  000000 1048 0520 Background  grey         NA    77.51           1
33  20130902 163929  019  000000 0394 0290 Background  grey         NA    54.55           6

答案 1 :(得分:0)


(lf <- list.files('~/desktop', pattern = '^image\\d+.txt', full.names = TRUE))
# [1] "/Users/rawr/desktop/image001.txt" "/Users/rawr/desktop/image002.txt"
# [3] "/Users/rawr/desktop/image003.txt"

lapply(lf, function(xx) {
  rl <- readLines(con <- file(xx), warn = FALSE)
  ## assuming the file name is after "file: " until the end of the string
  ## and ends in .tif
  img_name <- gsub('.*file:\\s+(.*).tif', '\\1', rl[1])
  ## removes each string up to and including the ===== string
  rl <- rl[-(1:grep('==', rl))]
  ## remove leading whitespace
  rl <- gsub('^\\s+', '', rl)

  ## split the remaining lines by larger chunks of whitespace
  mat <- do.call('rbind', strsplit(rl, '\\s{2, }'))
  ## more cleaning, setting attributes, etc
  mat[mat == '--'] <- NA
  mat <- cbind(image_name = img_name, `colnames<-`(t(mat[, 2]), mat[, 1]))


# [[1]]
#                                        image_name CORE(s) [green]: CORE(m) [green]: CORE(l) [green]: ISLET [brown]:   PERFORATION [blue]: EDGE [black]: LOOP [yellow]: BRIDGE [red]: BRANCH [orange]: Background [grey]: Missing [white]:
#   1 20130815 104359  875  000000 0528 0548_result             <NA>      48.43/13.45             <NA>     3.70/ 1.03          0.00/ 0.00     30.93/ 8.59     9.66/ 2.68    0.00/ 0.00       7.28/ 2.02         --- /72.22             0.00
# [[2]]
#                                        image_name CORE(s) [green]: CORE(m) [green]: CORE(l) [green]: ISLET [brown]:   PERFORATION [blue]: EDGE [black]: LOOP [yellow]: BRIDGE [red]: BRANCH [orange]: Background [grey]: Missing [white]:
#   1 20139341 104359  875  000000 0528 0548_result               23      48.43/13.45               23           <NA>          0.00/ 0.00     30.93/ 8.59     9.66/ 2.68    0.00/ 0.00       7.28/ 2.02         --- /72.22             0.00
# [[3]]
#                                        image_name CORE(s) [green]: CORE(m) [green]: CORE(l) [green]: ISLET [brown]: PERFORATION [blue]:  EDGE [black]: LOOP [yellow]: BRIDGE [red]: BRANCH [orange]: Background [grey]: Missing [white]:
#   1 20132343 104359  875  000000 0528 0548_result             <NA>             <NA>             <NA>           <NA>                <NA>    30.93/ 8.59     9.66/ 2.68    0.00/ 0.00       7.28/ 2.02               <NA>             0.00



(lf <- list.files('~/desktop', pattern = '^image\\d+.txt', full.names = TRUE))
# [1] "/Users/rawr/desktop/image001.txt" "/Users/rawr/desktop/image002.txt"
# [3] "/Users/rawr/desktop/image003.txt"

res <- lapply(lf, function(xx) {
  rl <- readLines(con <- file(xx), warn = FALSE)
  img_name <- gsub('.*file:\\s+(.*).tif', '\\1', rl[1])
  rl <- rl[-(1:grep('==', rl))]
  rl <- gsub('^\\s+', '', rl)
  mat <- do.call('rbind', strsplit(rl, '\\s{2, }'))
  dat <- as.data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  tmp <- `colnames<-`(do.call('rbind', strsplit(dat$V2, '[-\\/\\s]+', perl = TRUE)),
                      c('Foreground','Data pixels'))
  dat <- cbind(dat[, -2], tmp, image_name = img_name)
  dat[] <- lapply(dat, as.character)
  dat[dat == ''] <- NA
  names(dat)[1:2] <- c('MSPA-class','Frequency')

  zzz <- reshape(dat, direction = 'wide', idvar = 'image_name', timevar = 'MSPA-class')
  names(zzz)[-1] <- gsub('(.*)\\.(.*) (?:.*)', '\\2_\\1', names(zzz)[-1], perl = TRUE)


`rownames<-`(matrix(res[[1]]), names(res[[1]]))
# [,1]                                           
# image_name              "20130815 104359  875  000000 0528 0548_result"
# CORE(s)_Frequency       "0"                                            
# CORE(s)_Foreground      "NA"                                           
# CORE(s)_Data pixels     "NA"                                           
# CORE(m)_Frequency       "1"                                            
# CORE(m)_Foreground      "48.43"                                        
# CORE(m)_Data pixels     "13.45"                                        
# CORE(l)_Frequency       "0"                                            
# CORE(l)_Foreground      "NA"                                           
# CORE(l)_Data pixels     "NA"                                           
# ISLET_Frequency         "20"                                           
# ISLET_Foreground        "3.70"                                         
# ISLET_Data pixels       "1.03"                                         
# PERFORATION_Frequency   "0"                                            
# PERFORATION_Foreground  "0.00"                                         
# PERFORATION_Data pixels "0.00"                                         
# EDGE_Frequency          "11"                                           
# EDGE_Foreground         "30.93"                                        
# EDGE_Data pixels        "8.59"                                         
# LOOP_Frequency          "6"                                            
# LOOP_Foreground         "9.66"                                         
# LOOP_Data pixels        "2.68"                                         
# BRIDGE_Frequency        "0"                                            
# BRIDGE_Foreground       "0.00"                                         
# BRIDGE_Data pixels      "0.00"                                         
# BRANCH_Frequency        "40"                                           
# BRANCH_Foreground       "7.28"                                         
# BRANCH_Data pixels      "2.02"                                         
# Background_Frequency    "11"                                           
# Background_Foreground   "NA"                                           
# Background_Data pixels  "72.22"                                        
# Missing_Frequency       "0"                                            
# Missing_Foreground      "0.00"                                         
# Missing_Data pixels     "0.00"  


lf <- list.files('~/desktop/data', pattern = '.txt', full.names = TRUE)

`rownames<-`(matrix(res[[1]]), names(res[[1]]))

#                         [,1]                                    
# image_name              "20130815 103704  780  000000 0372 0616"
# CORE(s)_Frequency       "0"                                     
# CORE(s)_Foreground      "NA"                                    
# CORE(s)_Data pixels     "NA"                                    
# CORE(m)_Frequency       "1"                                     
# CORE(m)_Foreground      "54.18"                                 
# CORE(m)_Data pixels     "15.16"                                 
# CORE(l)_Frequency       "0"                                     
# CORE(l)_Foreground      "NA"                                    
# CORE(l)_Data pixels     "NA"                                    
# ISLET_Frequency         "11"                                    
# ISLET_Foreground        "3.14"                                  
# ISLET_Data pixels       "0.88"                                  
# PERFORATION_Frequency   "0"                                     
# PERFORATION_Foreground  "0.00"                                  
# PERFORATION_Data pixels "0.00"                                  
# EDGE_Frequency          "1"                                     
# EDGE_Foreground         "34.82"                                 
# EDGE_Data pixels        "9.75"                                  
# LOOP_Frequency          "1"                                     
# LOOP_Foreground         "4.96"                                  
# LOOP_Data pixels        "1.39"                                  
# BRIDGE_Frequency        "0"                                     
# BRIDGE_Foreground       "0.00"                                  
# BRIDGE_Data pixels      "0.00"                                  
# BRANCH_Frequency        "20"                                    
# BRANCH_Foreground       "2.89"                                  
# BRANCH_Data pixels      "0.81"                                  
# Background_Frequency    "1"                                     
# Background_Foreground   "NA"                                    
# Background_Data pixels  "72.01"                                 
# Missing_Frequency       "0"                                     
# Missing_Foreground      "0.00"                                  
# Missing_Data pixels     "0.00"