ObjectQuery In Entity Framework 6 +

时间:2015-03-31 15:33:51

标签: c# asp.net linq entity-framework-6

我使用的是Entity Framework 4.0。并从数据库View进行过滤,如下所示。

 string query = string.Empty;

        if (OrganizationID != 0)
            query = query + " it.OrganisationID=" + OrganizationID;

        var classType = typeof(View_OrganizationAwardTypeMapping);

        var props = classType.GetProperties();

        List<ObjectParameter> param = new List<ObjectParameter>();

        query = Common.Instance.SearchQuery(SearchedQuery, query, props, out param);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
            query = "  1=1";

        ObjectQuery<View_OrganizationAwardTypeMapping> orgAwardType = _context.View_OrganizationAwardTypeMapping;//.Where(query, param.ToArray());

        if (IsAscending)
            orgAwardType = orgAwardType.OrderBy("it." + ColumnName);
            orgAwardType = orgAwardType.OrderBy("it." + ColumnName + " desc");


public string SearchQuery(string SearchedQuery, string query, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] props, out List<ObjectParameter> param)

        param = new List<ObjectParameter>();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchedQuery) && SearchedQuery.Length > 0 && SearchedQuery != "Search...")
            if (props.Length > 0)
                query += " and ( ";

                int i = 0;

                foreach (var field in props)

                    if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Int32"))
                        int temp = 0;
                        if (int.TryParse(SearchedQuery.Trim(), out temp))
                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =" + temp));
                            query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Int64"))
                        long temp = 0;
                        if (long.TryParse(SearchedQuery.Trim(), out temp))
                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =" + temp));
                            query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Decimal"))
                        decimal temp = 0;
                        if (decimal.TryParse(SearchedQuery.Trim(), out temp))
                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =" + temp));
                            query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Double"))
                        double temp = 0;
                        if (double.TryParse(SearchedQuery.Trim(), out temp))
                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =" + temp));
                            query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("String"))
                        string temp = SearchedQuery.Trim();
                        query += ((" it." + field.Name + " like'%" + (temp.Contains("%") ? "[" : "") + temp.Replace("'", "''") + (temp.Contains("%") ? "]" : "") + "%'"));
                        query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Boolean"))
                        string temp = SearchedQuery.Trim();
                        bool res;
                        if (Boolean.TryParse(temp, out res))
                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =" + res + ""));
                            query += " OR ";

                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("DateTime"))
                        string temp = SearchedQuery.Trim();
                        DateTime res;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(temp, out res))
                            query += ((" ( it." + field.Name + " >@p" + i + ""));

                            query += " AND ";

                            ObjectParameter pr = new ObjectParameter("p" + i, res);


                            query += ((" it." + field.Name + " <@p" + i + " ) "));

                            ObjectParameter pr1 = new ObjectParameter("p" + i, res.AddDays(1));


                            query += " OR ";
                    else if (field.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("TimeSpan"))
                        string temp = SearchedQuery.Trim();
                        TimeSpan res;
                        if (TimeSpan.TryParse(temp, out res))
                            if (res.Days == 0)
                                query += ((" it." + field.Name + " =@p" + i + ""));
                                query += " OR ";

                                ObjectParameter pr = new ObjectParameter("p" + i, res);



                query += " 1=0 ) ";

        return query;

现在我将项目升级为Use Enity Framwork 6.1。此版本的EF不支持where的{​​{1}}条款。




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