
时间:2015-03-31 10:26:08

标签: cygwin gnuplot

我正在尝试使用在Cygwin / x中运行的Gnuplot( 5.0版补丁级别0上次修改2015-01-01 )中的超文本功能。


# Demonstrates how to attach hypertext to points so that
# the text is displayed on mouse-over.
# Not much to see here unless you are using the wxt, svg, qt,
# or HTML5 canvas terminal.
set terminal canvas  solid butt size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1     fontscale 1 name "hypertext_1" jsdir "." mousing
#set output 'hypertext.1.js'
unset border
unset key
set encoding utf8
set datafile separator "    "
set size ratio 1 1,1
set noxtics
set noytics
set title "Hypertext is shown when the mouse is over a point" 
Scale(size) = 0.08*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))
City(String,Size) = sprintf("%s\npop: %d", stringcolumn(String),     column(Size))
GPFUN_Scale = "Scale(size) = 0.08*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))"
GPFUN_City = "City(String,Size) = sprintf(\"%s\\npop: %d\",     stringcolumn(String), column(Size))"
plot 'cities.dat' using 5:4:(City(1,3)):(Scale(3))      with labels     hypertext point pt 7 ps var lc rgb "#ffee99",      'cities.dat' using     5:4:(City(1,3)):(Scale(3))      with labels hypertext point pt 6 ps var lc     rgb "black" lw 0.1
pause -1 "hit return to continue"
set encoding save_encoding

从cygwin / x teminal调用此脚本为

gnuplot -persist test_script.gp

不会产生任何新的窗口打开,但在终端中只返回一种html语言的翻译。 是否有可能有一个新的gnuplot窗口,其中显示了所需的绘图,这使得鼠标“悬停”功能(超文本)成为可能,而不需要html5浏览器?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Gnuplot拥有基于文件和交互式的终端。 canvas终端是基于文件的,即gnuplot生成一个输出文件,您必须使用适当的查看器查看该文件。
