从VBA访问SurveyMonkey API

时间:2015-03-31 10:17:39

标签: excel-vba surveymonkey vba excel

我想建立一个Excel VBA项目,将个人调查回复读入Excel中的表格进行一些计算,然后进行PDF报告。


我已经设置了一个VisualStudio项目来测试这种方式,我可以为特定的VS项目安装它(通过NuGet PM)。但该机器上的Excel不可用于该库。

我已经通过独立的NuGet下载(在另一台机器上)库并且他们下载了OK但是我对如何注册Excel VBA访问感到不知所措。除此之外,还存在对NewtonsoftJson库的依赖(在两种情况下都会自动下载)。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我现在才看到这一点 - StackOverflow是否有一项功能可以在添加评论或回答问题时提醒我,所以我知道回头看看?


Option Explicit
Public Const gACCESS_TOKEN As String = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
' for a JSON parser see https://code.google.com/p/vba-json/

Public Sub test()
Dim vRequestBody  As Variant, sResponse As String, sSurveyID As String
sSurveyID = "1234567890"

vRequestBody = "{""survey_id"":" & """" & sSurveyID & """" _
              & ", ""fields"":[""collector_id"", ""url"", ""open"", ""type"", ""name"", ""date_created"", ""date_modified""]" _
              & "}"
sResponse = SMAPIRequest("get_collector_list", vRequestBody)

End Sub
Function SMAPIRequest(sRequest As String, vRequestBody As Variant) As String
Const SM_API_URI As String = "https://api.surveymonkey.net/v2/surveys/"
Const SM_API_KEY As String = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Dim bDone As Boolean, sMsg As String, sUrl As String, oHttp As Object ' object MSXML2.XMLHTTP
Static lsTickCount As Long

If Len(gACCESS_TOKEN) = 0 Then
   Err.Raise 9999, "No Access token"
End If
On Error GoTo OnError

sUrl = SM_API_URI & URLEncode(sRequest) & "?api_key=" & SM_API_KEY
   'Debug.Print Now() & " " & sUrl
Application.StatusBar = Now() & " " & sRequest & " " & Left$(vRequestBody, 127)
Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") ' or "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"

Do While Not bDone ' 4.33 offer retry
   If GetTickCount() - lsTickCount < 1000 Then ' if less than 1 sec since last call, throttle to avoid sResponse = "<h1>Developer Over Qps</h1>"
      Sleep 1000 ' wait 1 second so we don't exceed limit of 2 qps (queries per second)
   End If
   lsTickCount = GetTickCount()
   'Status  Retrieves the HTTP status code of the request.
   'statusText Retrieves the friendly HTTP status of the request.
   'Note   The timeout property has a default value of 0.
   'If the time-out period expires, the responseText property will be null.
   'You should set a time-out value that is slightly longer than the expected response time of the request.
   'The timeout property may be set only in the time interval between a call to the open method and the first call to the send method.
RetryPost:  ' need to do all these to retry, can't just retry .Send apparently
   oHttp.Open "POST", sUrl, False   ' False=not async
   oHttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "bearer " & gACCESS_TOKEN
   oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

   oHttp.send CVar(vRequestBody)     ' request body needs brackets EVEN around Variant type
   '-2146697211   The system cannot locate the resource specified. => no Internet connection
   '-2147024809   The parameter is incorrect.
   'String would return {"status": 3, "errmsg": "No oJson object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0)"} ??
   'A Workaround would be to use parentheses oHttp.send (str)
   '"GET" err  -2147024891   Access is denied.
   '"POST" Unspecified error = needs URLEncode body? it works with it but

   SMAPIRequest = oHttp.ResponseText
   'Debug.Print Now() & " " & Len(SMAPIRequest) & " bytes returned"
   sMsg = Len(SMAPIRequest) & " bytes returned in " & (GetTickCount() - lsTickCount) / 1000 & " seconds: " & sRequest & " " & Left$(vRequestBody, 127)

   If Len(SMAPIRequest) = 0 Then
      bDone = MsgBox("No data returned - do you wish to retry?" _
            & vbLf & sMsg, vbYesNo, "Retry?") = vbNo
      bDone = True ' got reply.
   End If
Loop ' Until bdone

   Set oHttp = Nothing
   GoTo ExitProc

OnError:   ' Pass True to ask the user what to do, False to raise to caller
   Select Case MsgBox(Err.Description, vbYesNoCancel, "SMAPIRequest")
   Case vbYes

      Resume RetryPost
   Case vbRetry
      Resume RetryPost
   Case vbNo, vbIgnore
      Resume Next
   Case vbAbort
   Case Else
      Resume ExitProc ' vbCancel
   End Select
End Function

Public Function URLEncode(StringVal As String, Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False) As String
Dim StringLen As Long
 StringLen = Len(StringVal)
 If StringLen > 0 Then
   ReDim result(StringLen) As String
   Dim i As Long, CharCode As Integer
   Dim Char As String, Space As String
   If SpaceAsPlus Then Space = "+" Else Space = "%20"
   For i = 1 To StringLen
      Char = Mid$(StringVal, i, 1)
      CharCode = Asc(Char)
      Select Case CharCode
      Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
      result(i) = Char
      Case 32
      result(i) = Space
      Case 0 To 15
      result(i) = "%0" & Hex(CharCode)
      Case Else
      result(i) = "%" & Hex(CharCode)
      End Select
   Next i
   URLEncode = Join(result, "")
End If
End Function



Set jLib = New JSONLib
vRequestBody = "{"
If Me.txtDaysCreated > "" Then
   vRequestBody = vRequestBody & JKeyValue("start_date", Format$(Now() - CDbl(Me.txtDaysCreated), "yyyy-mm-dd")) & ","
End If
If Me.txtTitleContains > "" Then
' title contains "text", case insensitive
vRequestBody = vRequestBody & JKeyValue("title", Me.txtTitleContains) & ","
End If
vRequestBody = vRequestBody _
   & JKeyValue("fields", Array("title", "date_created", "date_modified", "num_responses", _
      "language_id", "question_count", "preview_url", "analysis_url")) & "}"

'returns in this order: 0=date_modified  1=title  2=num_responses  3=date_created   4=survey_id
' and in date_created descending
sResponse = GetSMAPIResponse("get_survey_list", vRequestBody)

Function JKeyValue(sKey As String, vValues As Variant) As String
      Dim jLib As New JSONLib
 JKeyValue = jLib.toString(sKey) & ":" & jLib.toString(vValues)
 Set jLib = Nothing
End Function

编辑25-April VBA代码概述以获取数据

这在SM文档中有所介绍,但我将在VBA中描述它的外观。 对get_survey_details的响应为您提供了所有调查设置数据。使用     设置oJson = jLib.parse(替换(sResponse,“\ r \ n”,“”)) 得到一个json对象。
    设置dictSurvey = oJson(“数据”)

Set collPages = dictSurvey("pages") 


For lPage = 1 To collPages.Count
   Set dictPage = collPages(lPage) 
Set collPageQuestions = dictPage("questions") ' gets you the Qs on this page
For lPageQuestion = 1 To collPageQuestions.Count
     Set dictQuestion = collPageQuestions(lPageQuestion) ' gets you one Q
Set collAnswers = dictQuestion("answers") ' gets the QuestionOptions for this Q
        For lAnswer = 1 To collAnswers.Count
           Set dictAnswer = collAnswers(lAnswer) ' gets you one Question Option


然后,根据上面的回复数量,一次循环访问受访者100 - 再次查看SM文档,了解如何指定开始和结束日期以便随着时间的推移进行增量下载。 从响应“get_respondent_list”创建一个json对象 收集每个受访者的字段,并累积最多100个受访者ID的列表。 然后为该列表“get_responses”。

Set collResponsesData = oJson("data")
For lResponse = 1 To collResponsesData.Count

If not IsNull(collResponsesData(lResponse)) then 
... get fields...
Set collQuestionsAnswered = collResponsesData(lResponse)("questions")
  For lQuestion = 1 To collQuestionsAnswered.Count
     Set dictQuestion = collQuestionsAnswered(lQuestion)
        nQuestion_ID = CDbl(dictQuestion("question_id"))
        Set collAnswers = dictQuestion("answers") ' this is a collection of dictionaries
        For lAnswer = 1 To collAnswers.Count

           On Error Resume Next ' only some of these may be present
           nRow = 0: nRow = CDbl(collAnswers(lAnswer)("row"))
           nCol = 0: nCol = CDbl(collAnswers(lAnswer)("col"))
           nCol_choice = 0: nCol_choice = CDbl(collAnswers(lAnswer)("col_choice"))
           sText = "": sText = collAnswers(lAnswer)("text")
           nValue = 0: nValue = Val(sText)  
           On Error GoTo 0

并将所有这些值保存在记录集或工作表中 希望有所帮助。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我在直接VBA中访问SM API。 只需CreateObject(“MSXML2.XMLHTTP”)然后发出调用并使用SimpleJsON JSONLib来解析它。 如果我想访问VB.Net代码,我会用ExcelDNA打包创建一个XLL,并提供一个直接的Excel插件。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


从功能区中选择,工具,然后选择参考,然后滚动列表以查找有关SurveyMonkey API的内容。

enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:0)


Public Sub GetSMList()

Dim apiKey As String
Dim Token As String
Dim sm As Object

apiKey = "myKey" 
Token = "myToken"

Set sm = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")

With sm
    .Open "POST", "https://api.surveymonkey.net/v2/surveys/get_survey_list", False
    .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & Token
    .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

    .send "api_key=" & apiKey

    result = .responseText
End With

End Sub