我目前正在使用Polymer作为我的前端开发框架。我喜欢SASS。 现在我明白我可以像往常一样创建一个Sass文件并导入它。
基本上我正在寻找的工作流程是能够在我的Web组件中简单地定义一个脚本标签,可以添加type =' sass;它。然后让grunt通过并在将这些文件输出到我的.tmp目录之前编译我的所有SASS。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
首先,我要感谢David Vega一百万的感谢和感谢,以表明它是如何完成的!我做了一些调整并对代码进行了一些优化。
这是文件的github! https://github.com/superjose/polymer-sass/tree/master
Polymer unleashed version 1.1。 From its website:
注意:样式模块在Polymer 1.1中引入;他们取代了 外部样式表的实验支持。
var gulp = require('gulp');
var nodeSass = require('node-sass');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var map = require('map-stream');
var basePath = "app/";
var excludeDir = basePath+"bower_components/";
var ext = "**/*.html";
* We need to specify to nodeSass the include paths for Sass' @import
* command. These are all the paths that it will look for it.
* Failing to specify this, will NOT Compile your scss and inject it to
* your .html file.
var includePaths = ['app/elements/**/'];
gulp.task('watchSass', function(){
gulp.watch(['app/**/*.scss', '!app/bower_components/**/*.scss'], ["injectSass"]);
//This is currently not used. But you can enable by uncommenting
// " //return gulp.src([basePath+ext,...excludeDirs])" above the return.
var excludeDirs = [`!${basePath}/bower_components/${ext}`,`!${basePath}/images/${ext}`]
* Enable for advanced use:
gulp.task('injectSass', function () {
/* Original creator: David Vega. I just modified
* it to take advantage of the Polymer 1.1's shared styles.
* This will look all the files that are inside:
* app/elements folder. You can change this to match
* your structure. Note, this gulp script uses convention
* over configuration. This means that if you have a file called
* my-element-styles.html you should have a file called
* my-element-styles.scss
* Note #2:
* We use "!" (Exclamation Mark) to exclude gulp from searching these paths.
* What I'm doing here, is that Polymer Starter Kit has inside its app folder
* all the bower dependencies (bower_components). If we don't specify it to
* exclude this path, this will look inside bower_components and will take a long time
* (around 7.4 seconds in my machine) to replace all the files.
//Uncomment if you want to specify multiple exclude directories. Uses ES6 spread operator.
//return gulp.src([basePath+ext,...excludeDirs])
return gulp.src([basePath+ext, '!'+excludeDir+ext])
.pipe(map(function (file, cb) {
//This will match anything between the Start Style and End Style HTML comments.
var startStyle = "<!-- Start Style -->";
var endStyle = "<!-- End Style -->";
//Creates the regEx this ways so I can pass the variables.
var regEx = new RegExp(startStyle+"[\\s\\S]*"+endStyle, "g");
// Converts file buffer into a string
var contents = file.contents.toString();
//Checks if the RegEx exists in the file. If not,
//don't do anything and return.
//Rewrote the if for reduced nesting.
if (!regEx.test(contents)) {
//Return empty. if we return cb(null, file). It will add
//the file that we do not want to the pipeline!!
return cb();
* Getting scss
* This will get the .html file that matches the current name
* This means that if you have my-app.component.html
* this will match my-app.component.scss. Replace with .sass if you
* have .sass files instead.
var scssFile = file.path.replace(/\.html$/i, '.scss');
fs.readFile(scssFile, function (err, data) {
//Rewrote the if for reduced nesting.
//If error or there is no Sass, return null.
if (err || !data) {
return cb();
data: data.toString(),
includePaths: [path.join('app', 'style/'), ...includePaths],
outputStyle: 'compressed'
}, function (err, compiledScss) {
//Rewrote the if for reduced nesting.
//If error or there is no Sass, return null.
if (err || !compiledScss)
return cb();
* What we are doing here is simple:
* We are re-creating the start and end placeholders
* that we had and inject them back to the .html file
* This will allow us to re-inject any changes that we
* do to our .scss or files.
var injectSassContent = startStyle +
"<style>" +
compiledScss.css.toString() +
"</style>" +
//This is going to replace everything that was between the <!-- Start Style --> and
// "<!-- End Style -->"
file.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(regEx, injectSassContent), 'binary');
//This return is necessary, or the modified map will not be modified!
return cb(null,file);
}); //Ends
假设您有一个名为&#34; hero-tournament&#34;的元素:
<dom-module id="hero-tournament">
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'hero-tournament',
<!-- hero-tournament-style.html -->
<dom-module id="hero-tournament-style">
<!-- Start Style -->
<!-- End Style -->
<!-- Start Style --> <!-- End Style -->
这些非常重要,因为所有的css都会进入这些内部。这些区分大小写,但不区分位置敏感。请务必在样式标记之外添加 标记。
然后在你的hero-tournament-style.scss文件中,加入你的sass&#39; CSS: (实施例)
display: none;
gulp watchSass
的Bam!你会看到你的&#34; hero-tournament-style.scss&#34;文件将被你的css覆盖!!!
<!-- -hero-tournament-style.html -->
<dom-module id="-hero-tournament-style">
<!-- Start Style -->
</style><!-- End Style -->
现在,您可以在任何地方推荐该文件!记住你的第一个元素,原始元素(&#34; hero-tournament.html&#34;)?执行以下操作:
<!-- import the module -->
<link rel="import" href="../path-to-my-element/.html">
<dom-module id="hero-tournament">
<!-- include the style module by name -->
<style include="hero-tournament-styles"></style>
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'hero-tournament',
使用SASS Imports 使用Sass导入很简单,只需要注意以下几点:
在gulpfile中有一个名为:&#34; includePaths&#34;的变量。它是一个数组,nodeSass将在其中查找所有导入。如果未在上述任何位置指定导入,将阻止您的文件注入和编译。默认情况下,在脚本中有一个&#39; app / style&#39;将寻找它的目录。
文件夹结构 文件夹结构很重要,可以根据自己的喜好进行调整。 这假设您的元素位于&#34; app&#34;文件夹兄弟到你的gulpfile(在同一层次结构中):
如果要更改文件夹结构,请更改&#34; basePath&#34;变量。一定要检查领先&#34; /&#34;所以你不要弄乱你的结构!
如何运行gulpfile? 这很简单: 拨打&#34; watchSass&#34;用于观看的方法,或者&#34; injectSass&#34;使用它一次。
gulp watchSass
gulp injectSass
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在Polymer 2.0中,也可以像这样在元素模板中导入样式表:
<dom-module id="your-module-name">
<style><!-- you can also add additional styling in here --></style>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="link_to_stylesheet.css">
<!-- your template in here -->
//your element class + registration here
在样式表的内部,您可以像在样式标记中一样设置内容的样式。样式仅影响元素及其内容。 如果您想使用SASS,Stylus,LESS或类似的东西,您只需在Express中使用中间件(HOWTO:Stack Overflow),在每次请求时将SASS代码呈现为CSS。我更喜欢这个解决方案而不是GULP / GRUNT任务,因为我认为它更容易,因为你不必总是运行任务,因为中间件它会在需要时自动编译。