my $rowinc = 2;
my $colarray = @collet[0];
my $range = $colarray $rowinc;
chomp $range;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $ir;
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $sn;
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = (join(", ", @parts));
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $ref;
unshift @collet, 'C';
unshift @collet, 'B';
unshift @collet, 'A';
Scalar found where operator expected at gen1.pl line 87, near "$colarray $rowinc
(Missing operator before $rowinc?)
syntax error at gen1.pl line 87, near "$colarray $rowinc"
Execution of gen1.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Press any key to continue . . .
我假设数组不能以这种方式用来表示$ range的值。我遇到的问题是我使用Win32 :: OLE来管理我的Excel电子表格,因为它使我能够打开已有的电子表格。但缺点是我无法输入我的单元格区域作为整数($ row,$ col)我试过这只是递增$row
我希望能够有效地管理它而不是使用一堆if if和什么不是。
我试图做的是@collet = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D');
告诉我要打印哪一列,如果我从0开始它应该开始在A col中打印。这是好的,然后每次在列中打印它向右移动,所以现在@collet[0]
#manage IR/SRN/Parts Used
#Written for Zebra
#Author Dalton Brady
#Location Bentonville AR
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE qw( in with);
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
use Win32::OLE::Variant;
$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; #Die on errors
#different types of units worked on, trying to name the worksheet
#after one depending on user input have yet to add that func.
my @uut = ('VC5090', 'MK2046', 'MK2250', 'MK4900', '@pos');
my $ref = strftime '%Y-%m-%d', localtime(); #create the datestamp
my $i = 0; #increment counter for why loop
my $n = 0; #increment for do until loop
my $xfile = 'X:\dataTest\data.xls'; #location of excel file
my $book; #place for the workbook to exist
my $sheet; #worksheet exists here
my $ex; #a place to hold the excel application
my $row = 2; #track row in which data will
#be placed with the do until loop
my $col = 1;
my @parts ; # store the different parts as a list within
# an area (to be written to the spreadsheet)
my @talk = ( 'IR:', 'SN:',
'#of Parts Used: ', 'PN:',
'Units Completed: ');
my @collet = "A" .. "Z"
# start an instance of excel
$ex = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application');
$ex->{DisplayAlerts} = 0; #turn off alerts/textboxes/saveboxes
#check to see if excel file exists if yet open it, if not create it
if (-e $xfile) {
$book = $ex->Workbooks->Open($xfile);
$sheet = $book->Worksheets("Test");
else {
$book = $ex->Workbooks->Add()
; #create new workbook to be used because we couldn't find one
#########SETUP YOUR EXCEL FILE#############
$sheet = $book->Worksheets("Sheet1");
$sheet->{Name} = "Test";
$sheet->Cells("a1")->{HorizontalAlignment} = x1HAlignCenter;
$sheet->Cells("b1")->{HorizontalAlignment} = x1HAlignCenter;
$sheet->Cells("c1")->{HorizontalAlignment} = x1HAlignCenter;
$sheet->Columns("a")->{ColumnWidth} = 20;
$sheet->Columns("b")->{ColumnWidth} = 20;
$sheet->Columns("c")->{ColumnWidth} = 30;
$sheet->Range("a1")->{Value} = "IR Number";
$sheet->Range("b1")->{Value} = "Serial Number";
$sheet->Range("c1")->{Value} = "Parts Used";
$sheet->Range("d1")->{Value} = "Date";
$book->SaveAs($xfile); #Save the file we just created
# ask for how many units user will be
# scanning or has completed to be scanned
print $talk[4] ;
#unit count tracker, determines how many times the do while loop runs
my $uc = <>;
do {
print $talk[0]; #ask for the IR number
my $ir = <>;
chomp $ir;
print $talk[1]; #ask for uut Serial Number
my $sn = <>;
chomp $sn;
print $talk[2];
# ask for the number of parts used, to regulate
# the parts list storage into the @parts array
my $pu = <>;
while ($i < $pu) {
print $talk[3];
my $scan = <>;
chomp $scan;
push @parts, $scan;
my $rowinc = 2;
my $colarray = @collet[0];
my $range = $colarray $rowinc;
chomp $range;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $ir;
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $sn;
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = (join(", ", @parts));
shift @collet;
$sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $ref;
unshift @collet, 'C';
unshift @collet, 'B';
unshift @collet, 'A';
} until ($n == $uc);
# save and exit
$book = $ex->WorkBooks->Close();
undef $book;
undef $ex;