我正在制作一个OPC客户端,它使用OPC Foundation API DA 3.0并使用Schneider OFS服务器。 我能够从服务器中读取组中的项目,并且我还能够将短值写入项目。
浮动项命名为"" DevExample_1!OUTPUT_REAL_VALUE"在服务器上。
string[] groupitems = { "Test_device!INPUT_INT_VALUE", "Test_device!OUTPUT_INT_VALUE", "DevExample_1!INPUT_STRING_VALUE","DevExample_1!OUPUT_STRING_VALUE","DevExample_1!OUTPUT_REAL_VALUE"};
Opc.Da.Subscription group = CreateGroup(server, "GroupTest", groupitems);
WriteGroupItemValue(group, "DevExample_1!OUTPUT_REAL_VALUE", 1.5e-02);
public static Opc.Da.Subscription CreateGroup(Opc.Da.Server server, string groupName, string[] groupitems)
Opc.Da.SubscriptionState groupState;
Opc.Da.Subscription groupReadWrite;
groupState = new Opc.Da.SubscriptionState(); // subscr state
groupState.Name = groupName;
groupState.UpdateRate = 1000;// this is the time between every reads from OPC server
groupState.Active = true;//this must be true if you the group has to read value
groupReadWrite = (Opc.Da.Subscription)server.CreateSubscription(groupState); // add subscr for groupReadWrite
itemsLength = groupitems.Length; // determine amount of items
items = new Opc.Da.Item[itemsLength]; // items array of DA type
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
items[i] = new Opc.Da.Item(); // create new DA item for every index
items[i].ItemName = groupitems[i];
items = groupReadWrite.AddItems(items);
return groupReadWrite;
public static void WriteGroupItemValue(Opc.Da.Subscription group, string itemName, object itemValue){
Opc.Da.Item[] itemToAddWrite = new Opc.Da.Item[1]; /
itemToAddWrite[0] = new Opc.Da.Item();
itemToAddWrite[0].ItemName = itemName;
Opc.Da.ItemValue[] writeValues = new Opc.Da.ItemValue[1];
writeValues[0] = new Opc.Da.ItemValue(itemToAddWrite[0]);
writeValues[0].Value = itemValue; // set value
writeValues[0].ServerHandle = group.Items[0].ServerHandle;
group.Write(writeValues); // write the value of the items