我的ssrs报告中有两个日期(日历)参数。我的日期以yyyyMMdd格式存储在我的数据库中。我已经尝试了许多组合,例如将存储过程中的参数类型从varchar更改为datetime和vice verce,但似乎没有工作。
create procedure Proc_GetInterestLetterTotal_NEWSSRS
@LasAcctNo varchar(20)='',
@From datetime,
@To datetime
DECLARE @Fromdt varchar(8)
DECLARE @Todt varchar(8)
select @Fromdt=RIGHT(@From,4) + ''
+ SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar,@From),4,2)
+ ''
+ LEFT(@From,2);
select @Todt=RIGHT(@To,4)
+ ''
+ SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar,@To),4,2)
+ ''
+ LEFT(@To,2);
with cte (InterestCharged,InterestRepaid,InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,OutstandingInterest,InterestAdjusted) AS
select sum(amt) as InterestCharged
,'0' InterestRepaid
,'0' InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,'0' OutstandingInterest
,'0' InterestAdjusted
from nbfcledger
where accountid=@LasAcctNo
and valuedate between @Fromdt and @Todt
and dr_cr='D' and GlCode='INTRAC'
and CMtxnType='INTPOST' --interestcharged
select '0' InterestCharged
, sum(amt) as InterestRepaid
,'0' InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,'0' OutstandingInterest
,'0' InterestAdjusted
from nbfcledger
where accountid=@LasAcctNo
and valuedate between @Fromdt and @Todt
and dr_cr='C' and GlCode='INTRAC'
and CMtxnType in ('RAI','RECEIPT OF') --interest Paid
----select '0' InterestCharged
-- ,'0' InterestRepaid
-- , sum(InterestAccruedbutnotdue) as InterestAccruedbutnotdue
-- ,'0' OutstandingInterest
-- ,'0' InterestAdjusted
--from Tbl_InterestWorkingDaily
----where accountid=@LasAcctNo
--and( convert(datetime,dt) between @From and @to) --
select '0' InterestCharged
,'0' InterestRepaid
, sum(Amt) as InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,'0' OutstandingInterest
,'0' InterestAdjusted
from nbfcledger
where accountid=@LasAcctNo
and GLCode='INTRAC'
and valuedate between @Fromdt and @Todt
and dr_cr='D'
select '0' InterestCharged
,'0' InterestRepaid
, '0' as InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,CONVERT(numeric(18,2),ROUND( sum( case when Dr_Cr='D' then Amt else Amt *-1 end ),2))
as OutStandingInterest
,0 InterestAdjusted
from nbfcledger
where accountid=@LasAcctNo
and glcode='INTRAC'
and valuedate <=@todt --Outstanding Interest
select '0' InterestCharged
, '0' as InterestRepaid
,'0' InterestAccruedbutnotdue
,'0' OutstandingInterest
,sum(amt) InterestAdjusted
from nbfcledger
where accountid=@LasAcctNo
and valuedate between @Fromdt and @Todt
and dr_cr='C'
and GlCode in ('INTRAC','PNLINT')
and CMtxnType in ('JV') --Interest Adjusted
select sum(InterestCharged) as TotalInterestCharged
, sum(InterestCharged)-sum(InterestAdjusted)
as InterestCharged
, Sum(InterestRepaid)
as InterestRepaid
as InterestAccruedbutnotdue
as OutstandingInterest
as InterestAdjusted
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),convert(datetime,@Fromdt),103) as FromDt
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),convert(datetime,@Todt),103) as ToDate
from cte
答案 0 :(得分:0)
select @Fromdt= cast(year(@from) as varchar(4)) + cast(month(@from) as varchar(2)) + cast(day(@from) as varchar(2))
如果你使用Right(&#34; datetime&#34;,4)你可能会得到几毫秒+上午/下午&#39; 例如:
declare @a datetime
select @a = '2015-03-30'
select right(@a,4) >> output 00AM