
时间:2015-03-28 03:44:08

标签: python python-2.7 google-sheets


  1. 当前程序包含python脚本中的问题和答案集。如何从单独的文件(最好是电子表格或文本文件)中回忆问题和答案?

  2. 当前程序随机化所有问题的顺序,并将每个问题的两个错误答案随机化。如何为给定问题分配特定的错误答案,但是随机化了答案的呈现顺序? (例如,如果从电子表格中调用,第1列包含问题,第2列包含正确答案,第3-5列包含错误答案。程序以随机​​顺序显示所有可能答案后面的问题)

  3. 谢谢你和mahalo。

    import random
    import os
    # dictionary containing the information for the questions & answers
    word_drills = {'class': 'Tell Python to make a new kind of thing.',
                   'object': 'Two meanings: the most basic kind of thing, and any instance of some thing.',
                   'instance': 'What you get when you tell Python to create a class.',
                   'def': 'How you define a function inside a class.',
                   'self': 'Inside the functions in a class, self is a variable for the instance/object being accessed.',
                   'inheritance': 'The concept that one class can inherit traits from another class, much like you and your parents.',
                   'composition': 'The concept that a class can be composed of other classes as parts, much like how a car has wheels.',
                   'attribute': 'A property classes have that are from composition and are usually variables.',
                   'is-a': 'A phrase to say that something inherits from another, as in a Salmon *** Fish',
                   'has-a': 'A phrase to say that something is composed of other things or has a trait, as in a Salmon *** mouth.'}
    # Main portion of the program
    def main():
        right_answer_total = 0
        wrong_answer_total = 0
        percentage = 0.0
        while True:
            print_stats(right_answer_total, wrong_answer_total, percentage)
            possible_answers = random.sample(word_drills, 3)
            # User is presented with a question. A value from the previous randomly selected possible_answers is selected as the 'correct_answer'
            correct_answer = random.choice(possible_answers)
            question = word_drills[correct_answer]
            print "Question: ", question
            print "\n\n(a)%s   (b)%s   (c)%s" % tuple(possible_answers)
            selection = raw_input("> ")
            if selection not in ('a', 'b', 'c'):
                print "That is not a valid selection."
            answer = possible_answers[ord(selection) - ord('a')]
            if answer == correct_answer:
                print "That's correct!"
                right_answer_total += 1
                print "I'm sorry, that is incorrect..."
                wrong_answer_total += 1
            percentage = 100 * right_answer_total / float(right_answer_total + wrong_answer_total)
    # Stat tracking
    def print_stats(right_answer_total, wrong_answer_total, percentage):
        os.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear') 
        print "-" * 37
        print "|         Stat Tracking             |"
        print "-" * 37
        print "| Correct | Incorrect |  Percentage |"
        print "-" * 37
        print "|    %d    |     %d     |     %d %%     |" % (right_answer_total, wrong_answer_total, percentage) 
        print "-" * 37
        print "\n\n\n"
    if __name__ == '__main__':



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



from random import choice

word_drills = {
    'class': 'Tell Python to make a new kind of thing.',
    'object': 'Two meanings: the most basic kind of thing, and any instance of some thing.',
    'instance': 'What you get when you tell Python to create a class.',
    'def': 'How you define a function inside a class.',
    'self': 'Inside the functions in a class, self is a variable for the instance/object being accessed.',
    'inheritance': 'The concept that one class can inherit traits from another class, much like you and your parents.',
    'composition': 'The concept that a class can be composed of other classes as parts, much like how a car has wheels.',
    'attribute': 'A property classes have that are from composition and are usually variables.',
    'is-a': 'A phrase to say that something inherits from another, as in a Salmon *** Fish',
    'has-a': 'A phrase to say that something is composed of other things or has a trait, as in a Salmon *** mouth.'

selected = word_drills[choice(word_drills.keys())]


keys = word_drills.keys()
choices = []

for k in range(3):
    select = choice(keys)
    if not select in choices: