在if / else语句中启动滚动事件的停止功能

时间:2015-03-27 21:23:13

标签: javascript jquery if-statement scroll



下面是我的动画标题脚本,还有我的scroll / if else语句。这应该在页面加载时触发wordAnimate()函数,但如果用户滚动超过200px则停止。还有一些类在滚动条件下有条件地添加和删除,以便在200px滚动后显示粘性导航栏。


$(document).scroll(function() {
  var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
  return (scroll < 200) && $(window).wordAnimate(); 
  if (scroll >= 200) {
  else {


function wordAnimate() {
    //set animation timing
    var animationDelay = 2500,
        //loading bar effect
        barAnimationDelay = 3800,
        barWaiting = barAnimationDelay - 1000, //3000 is the duration of the transition on the loading bar - set in the scss/css file
        //letters effect
        lettersDelay = 50,
        //type effect
        typeLettersDelay = 150,
        selectionDuration = 500,
        typeAnimationDelay = selectionDuration + 800,
        //clip effect 
        revealDuration = 600,
        revealAnimationDelay = 1500;


    function initHeadline() {
        //insert <i> element for each letter of a changing word
        //initialise headline animation

    function singleLetters($words) {
            var word = $(this),
                letters = word.text().split(''),
                selected = word.hasClass('is-visible');
            for (i in letters) {
                if(word.parents('.rotate-2').length > 0) letters[i] = '<em>' + letters[i] + '</em>';
                letters[i] = (selected) ? '<i class="in">' + letters[i] + '</i>': '<i>' + letters[i] + '</i>';
            var newLetters = letters.join('');
            word.html(newLetters).css('opacity', 1);

    function animateHeadline($headlines) {
        var duration = animationDelay;
            var headline = $(this);

            if(headline.hasClass('loading-bar')) {
                duration = barAnimationDelay;
                setTimeout(function(){ headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
            } else if (headline.hasClass('clip')){
                var spanWrapper = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper'),
                    newWidth = spanWrapper.width() + 10
                spanWrapper.css('width', newWidth);
            } else if (!headline.hasClass('type') ) {
                //assign to .cd-words-wrapper the width of its longest word
                var words = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper b'),
                    width = 0;
                    var wordWidth = $(this).width();
                    if (wordWidth > width) width = wordWidth;
                headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').css('width', width);

            //trigger animation
            setTimeout(function(){ hideWord( headline.find('.is-visible').eq(0) ) }, duration);

    function hideWord($word) {
        var nextWord = takeNext($word);

        if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
            var parentSpan = $word.parent('.cd-words-wrapper');
            }, selectionDuration);
            setTimeout(function(){ showWord(nextWord, typeLettersDelay) }, typeAnimationDelay);

        } else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('letters')) {
            var bool = ($word.children('i').length >= nextWord.children('i').length) ? true : false;
            hideLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, bool, lettersDelay);
            showLetter(nextWord.find('i').eq(0), nextWord, bool, lettersDelay);

        }  else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
            $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ width : '2px' }, revealDuration, function(){
                switchWord($word, nextWord);

        } else if ($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('loading-bar')){
            switchWord($word, nextWord);
            setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, barAnimationDelay);
            setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);

        } else {
            switchWord($word, nextWord);
            setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, animationDelay);

    function showWord($word, $duration) {
        if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
            showLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, false, $duration);

        }  else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
            $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ 'width' : $word.width() + 10 }, revealDuration, function(){ 
                setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, revealAnimationDelay); 

    function hideLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {

        if(!$letter.is(':last-child')) {
            setTimeout(function(){ hideLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);  
        } else if($bool) { 
            setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(takeNext($word)) }, animationDelay);

        if($letter.is(':last-child') && $('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions')) {
            var nextWord = takeNext($word);
            switchWord($word, nextWord);

    function showLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {

        if(!$letter.is(':last-child')) { 
            setTimeout(function(){ showLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration); 
        } else { 
            if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) { setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('waiting'); }, 200);}
            if(!$bool) { setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, animationDelay) }

    function takeNext($word) {
        return (!$word.is(':last-child')) ? $word.next() : $word.parent().children().eq(0);

    function takePrev($word) {
        return (!$word.is(':first-child')) ? $word.prev() : $word.parent().children().last();

    function switchWord($oldWord, $newWord) {

有什么更好的方法可以做到这一点? 目前myFunction不会被激活,除非我从浏览器开发工具中的调试器调用它。

更新 通过向大型动画标题脚本添加stopAnimating()restartAnimating()函数解决了问题。这样我们就可以在滚动if / else。



   $(window).scroll(function() {
      var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
      if (scroll >= 200) {
      else {


//set animation timing
var stop
var animationDelay = 2500,
  //loading bar effect
  barAnimationDelay = 3800,
  barWaiting = barAnimationDelay - 1000, //3000 is the duration of the transition on the loading bar - set in the scss/css file
  //letters effect
  lettersDelay = 50,
  //type effect
  typeLettersDelay = 150,
  selectionDuration = 500,
  typeAnimationDelay = selectionDuration + 800,
  //clip effect 
  revealDuration = 600,
  revealAnimationDelay = 1500;


function initHeadline() {
  //insert <i> element for each letter of a changing word
  //initialise headline animation
  stop = false;

function stopAnimating() {
  stop = true;

function restartAnimating() {
  stop = false;

function singleLetters($words) {
    var word = $(this),
      letters = word.text().split(''),
      selected = word.hasClass('is-visible');
    for (i in letters) {
      if(word.parents('.rotate-2').length > 0) letters[i] = '<em>' + letters[i] + '</em>';
      letters[i] = (selected) ? '<i class="in">' + letters[i] + '</i>': '<i>' + letters[i] + '</i>';
      var newLetters = letters.join('');
      word.html(newLetters).css('opacity', 1);

function animateHeadline($headlines) {
  var duration = animationDelay;
    var headline = $(this);

    if(headline.hasClass('loading-bar')) {
      duration = barAnimationDelay;
      setTimeout(function(){ headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
    } else if (headline.hasClass('clip')){
      var spanWrapper = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper'),
        newWidth = spanWrapper.width() + 10
      spanWrapper.css('width', newWidth);
    } else if (!headline.hasClass('type') ) {
      //assign to .cd-words-wrapper the width of its longest word
      var words = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper b'),
        width = 0;
        var wordWidth = $(this).width();
          if (wordWidth > width) width = wordWidth;
      headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').css('width', width);

    //trigger animation
    setTimeout(function(){ hideWord( headline.find('.is-visible').eq(0) ) }, duration);

function hideWord($word) {
  var nextWord = takeNext($word);

  if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
    var parentSpan = $word.parent('.cd-words-wrapper');
    }, selectionDuration);
    setTimeout(function(){ showWord(nextWord, typeLettersDelay) }, typeAnimationDelay);

  } else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('letters')) {
    var bool = ($word.children('i').length >= nextWord.children('i').length) ? true : false;
    hideLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, bool, lettersDelay);
    showLetter(nextWord.find('i').eq(0), nextWord, bool, lettersDelay);

  }  else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
    $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ width : '2px' }, revealDuration, function(){
      switchWord($word, nextWord);

  } else if ($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('loading-bar')){
    switchWord($word, nextWord);
    setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, barAnimationDelay);
    setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);

  } else {
    switchWord($word, nextWord);
    setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, animationDelay);

function showWord($word, $duration) {
  if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
    showLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, false, $duration);

  }  else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
    $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ 'width' : $word.width() + 10 }, revealDuration, function(){ 
      setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, revealAnimationDelay); 

function hideLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {

  if(!$letter.is(':last-child')) {
    setTimeout(function(){ hideLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);  
  } else if($bool) { 
    setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(takeNext($word)) }, animationDelay);

  if($letter.is(':last-child') && $('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions')) {
    var nextWord = takeNext($word);
    switchWord($word, nextWord);

function showLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {

  if(!$letter.is(':last-child')) { 
    setTimeout(function(){ showLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration); 
  } else { 
    if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) { setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('waiting'); }, 200);}
    if(!$bool) { setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, animationDelay) }

function takeNext($word) {
  if(stop == true) {
    return $word.parent().children().eq(0);
  else {
    return (!$word.is(':last-child')) ? $word.next() : $word.parent().children().eq(0);

function takePrev($word) {
  return (!$word.is(':first-child')) ? $word.prev() : $word.parent().children().last();

function switchWord($oldWord, $newWord) {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$(window).scroll(function() {
  return ($(this).scrollTop() < 200) && $(window).myFunction(); 

该功能只能在200px scrollTop位置下执行。

JS Fiddle Demo


$(document).scroll(function() {
  var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
  return (   scroll < 200
          && $(window).wordAnimate()
          && $('.logo').removeClass('opaque').addClass('transparent')
      || $('.logo').removeClass('transparent').addClass('opaque'); 