Golang - 使用attr进行XML解码

时间:2015-03-27 17:35:34

标签: xml go decode attr unmarshalling





{Error:0 Context:2 LoginState:3 DI:0 DO:0 Clock:{Date:0/0/0 Time:12:54:52 Day:3} OWbus: Tmps:{Tmp:{ID:5 low: high: value:}} AOS:{AO:0} AIS:{AI:0}}



    package main

// go-webbrck is a lightweight package that is used to control a variety the legacy webbrick products

import (
    "code.google.com/p/go-charset/charset" // For XML conversion
    _ "code.google.com/p/go-charset/data"  // Specs for dataset conversion
    "encoding/xml"                         // For XML work
    "fmt"                                  // For outputting stuff

type Clock struct {
    Date string
    Time string
    Day  string

type Tmps struct {
    Tmp Tmp `xml:"Tmp"`

type Tmp struct {
    ID    string `xml:"id,attr"`
    low   string `xml:"low,attr"`
    high  string `xml:"high,attr"`
    value string `xml:",chardata"`

type AOs struct {
    AO string `xml:"AO"`

type AO struct {
    id string `xml:"id,attr"`
    AO string `xml:",chardata"`

type AIs struct {
    AI string `xml:"AI"`

type AI struct {
    id   string `xml:"id,attr"`
    low  string `xml:"low,attr"`
    high string `xml:"high,attr"`
    AI   string `xml:",chardata"`

type WebbrickStatus struct {
    Error      string
    Context    string
    LoginState string
    DI         string
    DO         string
    Clock      Clock `xml:"Clock"`
    OWbus      string
    Tmps       Tmps `xml:"Tmps"`
    AOS        AOs  `xml:"AOs"`
    AIS        AIs  `xml:"AIs"`

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, playground")

// Get WB Status on Initilisation
func GetWBStatus() bool {

    //var msg string
    var strMsg string
    strMsg = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<WebbrickStatus Ver="6.1.614">
  <Tmp id="1" lo="-800" hi="384">283</Tmp>
  <Tmp id="2" lo="-800" hi="1600">0</Tmp>
  <Tmp id="3" lo="-800" hi="1600">0</Tmp>
  <Tmp id="4" lo="-800" hi="1600">0</Tmp>
  <Tmp id="5" lo="-800" hi="1600">0</Tmp>
  <AO id="0">0</AO>
  <AO id="1">0</AO>
  <AO id="2">0</AO>
  <AO id="3">0</AO>
  <AI id="0" lo="0" hi="100">1</AI>
  <AI id="1" lo="0" hi="100">0</AI>
  <AI id="2" lo="0" hi="100">0</AI>
  <AI id="3" lo="0" hi="100">0</AI>

    fmt.Println("\n\n*** Setting up\n==============\n\n")
    fmt.Printf("%v", strMsg)
    msg := []byte(strMsg)

    // // Decode XML encoding
    var _wbs WebbrickStatus                   // create container to load the xml
    reader := bytes.NewReader(msg)            // create a new reader for transcoding to utf-8
    decoder := xml.NewDecoder(reader)         // create a new xml decoder
    decoder.CharsetReader = charset.NewReader // bind the reader to the decoder
    fmt.Println("*** Decoding\n")
    xmlerr := decoder.Decode(&_wbs) // unmarshall the xml
    if xmlerr != nil {
        fmt.Printf("error: %v", xmlerr)
        return false

    fmt.Println("*** Result\n")

    fmt.Printf("%+v\n\n\n", _wbs)

    return true



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


type Tmps struct {
  Tmp []Tmp
type AOs struct {
  AO []AO
type AIs struct {
  AI []AI

另请注意,除非另有说明,否则XML包将指向XML element name to match the struct field name,因此您可以省略一些xml:"..."标记。

这是a simplified example on the go playground