使用NSJSONSerlialization JSONObjectWithData时内存泄漏

时间:2015-03-27 16:53:25

标签: ios objective-c json memory-management memory-leaks



id retVal;
  NSMutableDictionary *resDict = /*server response*/
  /*resDict will increase memory by 30MB as it should*/
  NSData *responseData = [resDict valueForKey:@"data"]; 
  resDict = nil;
  retVal = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseData  options:0 error:nil];
  /*retVal will increase memory by 30MB. I'd imagine because there's two instances of 
  this file now. Total of 60MB usage.*/

  responseData = nil;
  /*This does not release the memory as I thought it would*/

  NSString *dataString = [retVal valueForKey:@"data"];
  retval = nil;
  /*This also does not release any memory*/

  NSData *actualData = [dataString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
  /*This will add another 30MB. Total of 90MB now.*/
  dataString = nil;
  /*This immediately replenishes 30MB of memory. Total of 60MB now.*/
  retVal = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:actualData  options:0 error:nil];
  /*This adds 30MB of memory. Total of 90MB now.*/
  actualData = nil;
  /*This does not release any memory*/
return retVal;

自动发布池的末尾将释放30 MB,对于30 MB文件,总共为60 MB。一旦它退出该功能,它将释放额外的30MB,使内存消耗达到我预期的水平,30MB文件为30MB。



另外,我在Stack Overflow上看过这篇文章:   iOS Download & Parsing Large JSON responses is causing CFData (store) leaks


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