
时间:2015-03-27 11:33:23

标签: java arrays jdbc resultset

我有四种方法,两种方法,即 FindClosestToMultiplesOfTen()和ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User()通过用户给出对应于输入的logtime 的beam_current值。其他两种方法检索全部这些beam_current上的其他字段。 我认为从FindClosestToMultiplesOfTen检索的beam_current作为参考beam_current,它们被传递到另一个方法,即refernece()方法,并检索与其对应的其他值。用其他两种方法完成类似的事情,即ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User,并将来自它的beam_current值传递给refarray_vac1.Now我计算从这两种方法中获得的值的差异,并通过jsp apge显示它们。

Problem- 1)我希望从refarray_vac1()方法中检索到的与beam_current相对应的所有值都应该直接位于refernece()的相应值下面。 到目前为止获得的输出是 - enter image description here



public  LinkedHashMap<Double, String> FindClosestToMultiplesOfTen(String name) throws SQLException {

    int row_id ;
    int bIdx = 0;
    //double[] vals = new double[47];
    double[] vals=null;
    //double[] bucket =new double[22];
    int rowIndex = 0 ;
    int i=0;
    String first=name.substring(1,19);
    String last =name.substring(24,42);
          con = getConnection();
          stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
          String sql="select distinct beam_current from INDUS2_BDS.dbo.DCCT where logtime between '"+first+"' and '"+last+"'"+
          "and (beam_current like '%9.95' or beam_current like '%9.96' or beam_current like '%9.97' or beam_current like '%9.98' or  beam_current like '%9.99'  or beam_current like '%0' or beam_current like '%_0.01' or beam_current like '%_0.02' or beam_current like '%_0.03' or beam_current like '%_0.04' or beam_current like '%_0.05' or beam_current like '%_0.06')";

          System.out.println("Value of sql of FindClosestToMultiplesOfTen is"+sql);
          rs = stmt.getResultSet();

            int row_cnt=rs.getRow();
            System.out.println("row_count of closest " +row_cnt);
             vals = new double[row_cnt];
   for(int j=0; j<1; j++)
           vals[i]  = rs.getDouble(1);
 catch( Exception e )
        System.out.println("\nException "+e);
   //  get the max value, and its multiple of ten to get the number of buckets
     double max = java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE;

     for (double v : vals) 
        System.out.println("value of v after double v : vals"+v);
        max = Math.max(max, v);
     System.out.println("Min value in array in c "+vals[0]);
     double min=vals[0];
     int m2=(int) Math.round(min);
     int m3=(int) Math.round(max);

     int bucketCount = 1+((m3-m2)/10);
     double[] bucket =new double[bucketCount];

     //  initialise the buckets array to store the closest values
    double[][] buckets = new double[bucketCount][3];
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < bucketCount; i1++){
         // store the current smallest delta in the first element
         buckets[i1][0] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE; 
         // store the current "closest" index in the second element
         buckets[i1][1] = -1d;
         // store the current "closest" value in the third element
         buckets[i1][2] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;

     //  iterate the rows
     for (row_id=0 ; row_id < vals.length; row_id++) // row_id=137
         //  get the value from the row
         double v = vals[row_id];

         //  get the closest multiple of ten to v
         double mult = getMultipleOfTen(v); // e.g. 50, 60, etc

         //  get the absolute distance of v from the multiple of ten
         double delta = Math.abs(mult - v); // 50 - 49.9 = 0.1
         //  get the bucket index based on the value of `mult`
        bIdx = (int)(mult / 10d) - m2/10;//50/10=5

      if (buckets[bIdx][0] > delta) // max>0.1

           buckets[bIdx][0] = delta;//.01(50-49.95)
           buckets[bIdx][1] = row_id;
            buckets[bIdx][2] = v;

            System.out.println("beam_current: "+buckets[bIdx][2]);


     System.out.format("    10x row value%n");
    for (int i1 =0; i1 < buckets.length; i1++)
          bucket = buckets[i1];
         rowIndex = (int) bucket[1];
          int row_no=rowIndex+1;
          double rowValue = bucket[2];
          System.out.println("row index "+row_no+ "value is "+rowValue);
          DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); 



    return map1;


ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User的代码是 -

public  LinkedHashMap<Double, String> ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User(String start,String end) throws SQLException {

int row_id ;
int bIdx = 0;
double[] vals=null;
int rowIndex = 0 ;
int i=0;

          con = getConnection();
          stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

          String sql="select distinct beam_current from INDUS2_BDS.dbo.DCCT where logtime between '"+start+"' and '"+end+"'"+
                  "and (beam_current like '%9.95' or beam_current like '%9.96' or beam_current like '%9.97' or beam_current like '%9.98' or  beam_current like '%9.99'  or beam_current like '%0' or beam_current like '%_0.01' or beam_current like '%_0.02' or beam_current like '%_0.03' or beam_current like '%_0.04' or beam_current like '%_0.05' or beam_current like '%_0.06') ";

          System.out.println("Value of sql of FindClosestToMultiplesOfTen is"+sql);
          rs = stmt.getResultSet();

            int row_cnt=rs.getRow();
            System.out.println("row_count of closest " +row_cnt);
             vals = new double[row_cnt];
   for(int j=0; j<1; j++)
           vals[i]  = rs.getDouble(1);
 catch( Exception e )
        System.out.println("\nException "+e);
 //  get the max value, and its multiple of ten to get the number of buckets
 double max = java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE;
 for (double v : vals) max = Math.max(max, v);
System.out.println("value at vals[0] c "+vals[0]);
double min=vals[0];
int m2=(int) Math.round(min);
int m3=(int) Math.round(max);

int bucketCount = 1+((m3-m2)/10);
double[] bucket =new double[bucketCount];

 System.out.println("bucketcount in closest "+bucketCount);

 //  initialise the buckets array to store the closest values
double[][] buckets = new double[bucketCount][3];
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < bucketCount; i1++){
     // store the current smallest delta in the first element
     buckets[i1][0] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;
     // store the current "closest" index in the second element
     buckets[i1][1] = -1d;
     // store the current "closest" value in the third element
     buckets[i1][2] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;

 //  iterate the rows
 for (row_id=0 ; row_id < vals.length; row_id++)
     //  get the value from the row
     double v = vals[row_id];
     System.out.println("value at "+row_id+": "+v);
     //  get the closest multiple of ten to v
     double mult = getMultipleOfTen(v);
     //  get the absolute distance of v from the multiple of ten
     double delta = Math.abs(mult - v);
     //  get the bucket index based on the value of `mult`
     bIdx = (int)(mult / 10d) - m2/10;

    if (buckets[bIdx][0]  > delta)
      //  this is closer than the last known "smallest delta"
       buckets[bIdx][0] = delta;
       buckets[bIdx][1] = row_id;
       buckets[bIdx][2] = v;

       System.out.println("beam_current closeset: "+buckets[bIdx][2]);

//   print out the result
for (int i1 =0; i1 < buckets.length; i1++)
      bucket = buckets[i1];
     rowIndex = (int) bucket[1];
 double rowValue = bucket[2];
      //System.out.println("row index "+row_no+ "value is "+rowValue);
      DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); 
      System.out.println("row index closeset "+rowIndex+ "value is closest "+rowValue);
   //System.out.println("value of rowIndex+1 is"+row_no);
     // map1.put(rs.getString(2),(rs.getString(1)));
System.out.println("user_current_map "+user_current_map);

return user_current_map;


public  List<Vacc1_Decline> refarray_vac1(String fdate,String ldate) throws SQLException, ParseException {

    //System.out.println("date from jsp is : "+date);
     List<Double> slist_user = new ArrayList<Double>(user_current_map.keySet());
      String s_user = StringUtils.join(slist_user, ',');
System.out.println("comma separated string by user_selection" +s_user);
    //  int i=0;
              con = getConnection();
              stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

                     String vs1= " sql query";

        //      System.out.println("value from user_selection is " +vs1);
               rs = stmt.getResultSet();

               while (rs.next()) {
                   Vacc1_Decline ref = new Vacc1_Decline();








       catch( Exception e )
                    System.out.println("\nException in refarray_vac1 "+e);

       return st_jsp;

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