我必须建立像This这样的动画。 抱歉,我没有太多的声誉来上传图片。你可以从上面的链接找到gif文件。 我已经做了所有这些,它只适用于KitKat和LollyPop,但不适用于其他API版本。我正在使用this库。任何人都可以找出实际问题 这是我的代码。提前致谢
public abstract class AbstractSlideExpandableListAdapter extends WrapperListAdapterImpl
private View lastOpnUpperView = null;
ArrayList<View> upperViewsList = new ArrayList<View>();
ArrayList<View> lowerViewsList = new ArrayList<View>();
ArrayList<View> circleViewsList = new ArrayList<View>();
private View lastOpen = null;
private int lastOpenPosition = -1;
private int lastOpenItemIndex = 0;
private int animationDuration = 800;
private BitSet openItems = new BitSet();
private final SparseIntArray viewHeights = new SparseIntArray(10);
private ViewGroup parent;
public AbstractSlideExpandableListAdapter(ListAdapter wrapped)
lastOpenPosition = 0;
openItems.set(lastOpenPosition, true);
private OnItemExpandCollapseListener expandCollapseListener;
public void setItemExpandCollapseListener(OnItemExpandCollapseListener listener)
expandCollapseListener = listener;
public void removeItemExpandCollapseListener()
expandCollapseListener = null;
public interface OnItemExpandCollapseListener
public void onExpand(View itemView, int position);
public void onCollapse(View itemView, int position);
private void notifiyExpandCollapseListener(int type, View view, int position)
if (expandCollapseListener != null)
if (type == ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND)
expandCollapseListener.onExpand(view, position);
else if (type == ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE)
expandCollapseListener.onCollapse(view, position);
public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup)
this.parent = viewGroup;
view = wrapped.getView(position, view, viewGroup);
enableFor(view, position);
return view;
public abstract View getExpandToggleButton(View parent);
public abstract View getExpandableView(View parent);
// upperView to expand animation for sequeeze
public abstract View getUpperView(View upperView);
// Lower view to expand and collapse
public abstract View getLowerView(View upperView);
// Get the circle view to hide and show
public abstract View getCircleView(View circleView);
* Gets the duration of the collapse animation in ms. Default is 330ms. Override this method to change the default.
* @return the duration of the anim in ms
public int getAnimationDuration()
return animationDuration;
* Set's the Animation duration for the Expandable animation
* @param duration
* The duration as an integer in MS (duration > 0)
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* if parameter is less than zero
public void setAnimationDuration(int duration)
if (duration < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duration is less than zero");
animationDuration = duration;
* Check's if any position is currently Expanded To collapse the open item @see collapseLastOpen
* @return boolean True if there is currently an item expanded, otherwise false
public boolean isAnyItemExpanded()
return (lastOpenPosition != -1) ? true : false;
public void enableFor(View parent, int position)
View more = getExpandToggleButton(parent);
View itemToolbar = getExpandableView(parent);
View upperView = getUpperView(parent);
View circleView = getCircleView(parent);
View lowerView = getLowerView(parent);
itemToolbar.measure(parent.getWidth(), parent.getHeight());
if (position == 0)
// lastopenUpperViewTemporary = upperView;
lastOpnUpperView = upperView;
enableFor(more, upperView, itemToolbar, position);
private void animateListExpand(final View button, final View target, final int position)
int type;
if (target.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE)
type = ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE;
type = ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND;
// remember the state
if (type == ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND)
openItems.set(position, true);
openItems.set(position, false);
// check if we need to collapse a different view
if (type == ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND)
if (lastOpenPosition != -1 && lastOpenPosition != position)
if (lastOpen != null)
animateWithUpperView(lastOpen, ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE, position);
// animateView(lastOpen, ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE);
notifiyExpandCollapseListener(ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE, lastOpen, lastOpenPosition);
openItems.set(lastOpenPosition, false);
lastOpen = target;
lastOpenPosition = position;
else if (lastOpenPosition == position)
lastOpenPosition = -1;
// animateView(target, type);
// Expand the view which was collapse
Animation anim = new ExpandCollapseAnimation(target, type);
this.notifiyExpandCollapseListener(type, target, position);
// }
private void enableFor(final View button, final View upperView, final View target, final int position)
// lastopenUpperViewTemporary = upperView;
if (target == lastOpen && position != lastOpenPosition)
// lastOpen is recycled, so its reference is false
lastOpen = null;
if (position == lastOpenPosition)
// re reference to the last view
// so when can animate it when collapsed
// lastOpen = target;
lastOpen = target;
lastOpnUpperView = upperView;
int height = viewHeights.get(position, -1);
if (height == -1)
viewHeights.put(position, target.getMeasuredHeight());
updateExpandable(target, position);
updateExpandable(target, position);
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(final View view)
System.out.println("Position: " + position);
if (lastOpenPosition == position)
System.out.println("Upper View: " + upperView);
Animation anim = new ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation(upperViewsList.get(position), ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation.COLLAPSE);
anim.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener()
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// upperViewsList.get(position).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
animateListExpand(button, target, position);
// Lower animation
Animation lowerAnim = new ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation(lowerViewsList.get(position), ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation.COLLAPSE);
private void updateExpandable(View target, int position)
final LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) target.getLayoutParams();
if (openItems.get(position))
params.bottomMargin = 0;
params.bottomMargin = 0 - viewHeights.get(position);
* Performs either COLLAPSE or EXPAND animation on the target view
* @param target
* the view to animate
* @param type
* the animation type, either ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE or ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND
private void animateView(final View target, final int type)
Animation anim = new ExpandCollapseAnimation(target, type);
anim.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener()
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
System.out.println("Animation End");
if (type == ExpandCollapseAnimation.EXPAND)
if (parent instanceof ListView)
ListView listView = (ListView) parent;
int movement = target.getBottom();
Rect r = new Rect();
boolean visible = target.getGlobalVisibleRect(r);
Rect r2 = new Rect();
if (!visible)
listView.smoothScrollBy(movement, getAnimationDuration());
if (r2.bottom == r.bottom)
listView.smoothScrollBy(movement, getAnimationDuration());
private void animateWithUpperView(final View target, final int type, final int position)
Animation anim = new ExpandCollapseAnimation(target, type);
anim.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener()
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
// upperViewsList.get(lastOpenItemForUpperView).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
// lastOpenItemForUpperView = position;
Animation expandItemAniamtion = new ExpandCollapseLowerViewAnimation(upperViewsList.get(lastOpenItemIndex), ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation.EXPAND);
expandItemAniamtion.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener()
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
lastOpenItemIndex = position;
// Lower view animation
Animation lowerAnim = new ExpandCollapseLowerViewAnimation(lowerViewsList.get(lastOpenItemIndex), ExpandCollapseUpperViewAnimation.EXPAND);
* Closes the current open item. If it is current visible it will be closed with an animation.
* @return true if an item was closed, false otherwise
public boolean collapseLastOpen()
if (isAnyItemExpanded())
// if visible animate it out
if (lastOpen != null)
animateView(lastOpen, ExpandCollapseAnimation.COLLAPSE);
openItems.set(lastOpenPosition, false);
lastOpenPosition = -1;
return true;
return false;
public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState(Parcelable parcelable)
SavedState ss = new SavedState(parcelable);
ss.lastOpenPosition = this.lastOpenPosition;
ss.openItems = this.openItems;
return ss;
public void onRestoreInstanceState(SavedState state)
if (state != null)
this.lastOpenPosition = state.lastOpenPosition;
this.openItems = state.openItems;
* Utility methods to read and write a bitset from and to a Parcel
private static BitSet readBitSet(Parcel src)
BitSet set = new BitSet();
if (src == null)
return set;
int cardinality = src.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < cardinality; i++)
return set;
private static void writeBitSet(Parcel dest, BitSet set)
int nextSetBit = -1;
if (dest == null || set == null)
return; // at least dont crash
while ((nextSetBit = set.nextSetBit(nextSetBit + 1)) != -1)
* The actual state class
static class SavedState extends View.BaseSavedState
public BitSet openItems = null;
public int lastOpenPosition = -1;
SavedState(Parcelable superState)
private SavedState(Parcel in)
lastOpenPosition = in.readInt();
openItems = readBitSet(in);
public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)
super.writeToParcel(out, flags);
writeBitSet(out, openItems);
// required field that makes Parcelables from a Parcel
public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>()
public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in)
return new SavedState(in);
public SavedState[] newArray(int size)
return new SavedState[size];
public static Animation ExpandOrCollapseView(final View v, final boolean expand)
Method m = v.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("onMeasure", int.class, int.class);
m.invoke(v, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(((View) v.getParent()).getMeasuredWidth(), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST));
catch (Exception e)
final int initialHeight = v.getMeasuredHeight();
if (expand)
v.getLayoutParams().height = 0;
v.getLayoutParams().height = initialHeight;
Animation a = new Animation()
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t)
int newHeight = 0;
if (expand)
newHeight = (int) (initialHeight * interpolatedTime);
newHeight = (int) (initialHeight * (1 - interpolatedTime));
v.getLayoutParams().height = newHeight;
if (interpolatedTime == 1 && !expand)
public boolean willChangeBounds()
return true;
return a;
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
幸运的是我找到了解决方案。在pre-kitkat上,上面的列表项上的视图已经消失了并不是有效的动画,而是放在kitkat上等等,它从动态变为可见。 因此,作为解决方案,我们必须在列表项和上层视图(我们必须设置动画)之间提供一层视图。 通过这种方式,它将像魅力一样工作。