Here add:
'image_path': ['id_elm1', 'id_elm2']
"id_elm1" is the ID of the tag where the image is initially displayed
"id_elm2" is the ID of the second tag, where the image is moved, when click on the first tag
var obimids = {
'http://www.notreble.com/buzz/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/les-claypool-200x200.jpg': ['lesto', 'les'],
'http://rs902.pbsrc.com/albums/ac223/walkingdeadheartbreaker/Muzak/Guitarists/LarryLalondePrimus.jpg~c200': ['lerto', 'ler'],
'http://www.noise11.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Primus-Alexander-200x200.jpg': ['timto', 'tim']
// function executed when click to move the image into the other tag
function whenAddImg() {
/* Here you can add a code to be executed when the images is added in the other tag */
return true;
/* From here no need to edit */
// create object that will contain functions to alternate image from a tag to another
var obaImg = new Object();
// http://coursesweb.net/javascript/
// put the image in element with ID from "ide"
obaImg.putImg = function(img, ide, stl) {
if(document.getElementById(ide)) {
document.getElementById(ide).innerHTML = '<img src="'+ img+ '" '+stl+' />';
// empty the element with ID from "elmid", add image in the other element associated to "img"
obaImg.alternateImg = function(elmid) {
var img = obaImg.storeim[elmid];
var addimg = (elmid == obimids[img][0]) ? obimids[img][1] : obimids[img][0];
$('#'+elmid+ ' img').hide(800, function(){
obaImg.putImg(img, addimg, 'style="display:none;"');
$('#'+addimg+ ' img').fadeIn(500);
// function executed after the image is moved into "addimg"
obaImg.storeim = {}; // store /associate id_elm: image
// add 'image': 'id_elm1', and 'image': 'id_elm1' in "storeim"
// add the image in the first tag associated to image
// register 'onclick' to each element associated with images in "obimids"
obaImg.regOnclick = function() {
for(var im in obimids) {
obaImg.storeim[obimids[im][0]] = im;
obaImg.storeim[obimids[im][2]] = im;
obaImg.putImg(im, obimids[im][0], '');
document.getElementById(obimids[im][0]).onclick = function(){ obaImg.alternateImg(this.id); };
document.getElementById(obimids[im][3]).onclick = function(){ obaImg.alternateImg(this.id); };
obaImg.regOnclick(); // to execute regOnclick()
var $chks = $('.compare').change(function () {
console.log('c', this)
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
var img = $('<img>'),
findimg = $(this).closest('.box').find('img'),
data_term = findimg.data('term');
img.attr('src', findimg.attr('src'));
img.attr('data-term', data_term);
var input = '<input type="hidden" name="imagecompare" value="' + data_term + '">';
} else {
var term = $(this).data('term'),
findboximage = $('#area > div > img[data-term=' + term + ']')
localStorage.setItem("imagecookie", $chks.filter(':checked').map(function () {
return $(this).data('term')
$(document).on('click', '#area > div', function () {
var cookie = localStorage.getItem("imagecookie");
if (cookie) {
var terms = cookie.split(',');
if (terms.length) {
$chks.filter($.map(terms, function (val) {
return '[data-term="' + val + '"]'
}).join()).prop('checked', true).change();