我一直在研究一个项目并且有多个标记框(25)和多个标签,形式为名称SC1,SC2 ... SCN和Lbl1,Lbl2 ... LblN,具体取决于记录集。当我点击复选框时,我希望它旁边的标签显示一些信息,见下面 -
Private Sub SC1_Click()
If (Me!SC1) = True Then
Form.Controls("Lbl1").Caption = ("Completed by " & (Environ$("Username")))
Form.Controls("Lbl1").ForeColor = vbGreen
Form.Controls("Lbl1").Caption = ("Please tick if Complete")
Form.Controls("Lbl1").ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private pName As String
Private pCaption As String
Private pVisiblity As Boolean
Private pValue As Boolean
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = pName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(Value As String)
pName = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Caption() As String
Caption = pCaption
End Property
Public Property Let Caption(Value As String)
pCaption = "Please Tick Box if complete"
End Property
Public Property Get Visibility() As Boolean
Visibility = pVisibility
End Property
Public Property Let Visibility(Value As Boolean)
pVisibility = True
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As Boolean
Value = pValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(Value As Boolean)
pValue = True
End Property
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Public WithEvents chkBox As CheckBox
Public chkLabel As Label
Private currentUser As String
Private Sub chkBox_Click()
If chkBox.Value = True Then
chkLabel.Caption = "Completed by " & currentUser
chkLabel.ForeColor = vbGreen
chkLabel.Caption = "Please tick if Complete"
chkLabel.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
currentUser = Environ$("Username")
End Sub
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Private localCheckboxes As New Collection
Private Sub Form_Load()
'--- find all the checkboxes on the form and create a
' handler object for each one
Dim ctl As Control
Dim chknum As String
Dim cbObj As clsMyCheckbox
Dim chkLbl As Label
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
'--- you can filter by name if needed
If ctl.Name Like "SC*" Then
chknum = Right(ctl.Name, Len(ctl.Name) - 2)
Set chkLbl = Me.Controls.Item("Lbl" & chknum)
chkLbl.Caption = "initialized" 'optional during form load
Set cbObj = New clsMyCheckbox 'class object for this checkbox
Set cbObj.chkBox = ctl 'link the control to the object
Set cbObj.chkLabel = chkLbl 'link the label too
'--- add it to a local store so the object persists
' as long as the form is open
localCheckboxes.Add cbObj
End If
End If
Next ctl
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
'--- guarantee the objects are destroyed with the form
Set localCheckboxes = Nothing
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Private Function chkClick(sName As String)
Debug.Print "Clicked: " & sName
Me.Controls(sName).Controls(0).Caption = "x"
End Function
接下来,进入表单的设计模式并转到所有复选框。在Checkbox" SC1"中,您转到" OnClick"事件并输入=chkClick("SC1")
从复选框中获取该标签,这意味着复选框的第一个" sub" - 控件。这样,您根本不需要知道相关标签的名称!