我到处寻找。 MSDN文章,论坛和Stack Exchange。但我无法找到解决问题的方法。希望在这里得到帮助。
所以我需要使用SSIS包将文本源文件转换为XML 。 Interwebs上没有经过验证的方法。如果source是SQL Server数据库,则有很多方法可以生成XML文件。但我的要求是直接从Source转换它,中间没有SQL参与。我到达的最接近的是以下从某处获得的代码。
'Here is one way that i can suggest to everyone for converting
' Flat File to XML using the Script Component "Destination"
' in the data flow task.
'Source: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic709064-148-1.aspx
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Private targetFile As String
Private xmlWriter As IO.StreamWriter
Private rootElement As String = "Root"
Private rowElement As String = "Row"
Private columns As Integer()
Private Columnnames As String()
Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)
targetFile = CType(Me.Connections.DesFile.AcquireConnection(Nothing), String)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PreExecute()
xmlWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(targetFile, False)
Dim input As IDTSInput90 = ComponentMetaData.InputCollection(0)
ReDim columns(input.InputColumnCollection.Count)
columns = Me.GetColumnIndexes(input.ID)
Dim column As IDTSInputColumn90
ReDim Columnnames(input.InputColumnCollection.Count)
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 0
For Each column In Me.ComponentMetaData.InputCollection(0).InputColumnCollection
Columnnames(counter) = column.Name
counter = counter + 1
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
xmlWriter.WriteLine(FormatElement(rootElement, True))
End Sub
'Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
'Dim column As IDTSInputColumn90
' Dim rowType As Type = Row.GetType()
'Dim columnValue As Reflection.PropertyInfo
'With xmlWriter
' For Each column In Me.ComponentMetaData.InputCollection(0).InputColumnCollection
'columnValue = rowType.GetProperty(column.Name)
' Try
' .Write(FormatElement(column.Name) + columnValue.GetValue(Row, Nothing).ToString() + FormatElement(column.Name, True))
'Catch ex As Exception
' Write(CInt(FormatElement(column.Name) + "" + FormatElement(column.Name, True)))
'End Try
' Next
' .WriteLine(FormatElement(rowElement, True))
' End With
' End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ProcessInput(ByVal InputID As Integer, ByVal Buffer As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer)
While Buffer.NextRow()
'Dim values As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim Counter As Integer
Counter = 0
For Each Index As Integer In columns
Dim Value As Object = Buffer(Index)
xmlWriter.Write(FormatElement(Columnnames(Counter).ToString()) + Value.ToString() + FormatElement(Columnnames(Counter).ToString(), True))
Counter = Counter + 1
xmlWriter.WriteLine(FormatElement(rowElement, True))
End While
End Sub
Private Function FormatElement(ByVal elementName As String) As String
Return FormatElement(elementName, False)
End Function
Private Function FormatElement(ByVal elementName As String, ByVal closingTag As Boolean) As String
Dim returnValue As String
If closingTag Then
returnValue = "</"
returnValue = "<"
End If
returnValue += elementName + ">"
Return returnValue
End Function
End Class
但是我在以下行中收到错误: targetFile = CType(Me.Connections.DesFile.AcquireConnection(Nothing),String)
我试图用我的连接管理器替换DesFile:conTargetXML。 我得到的错误如下: