
时间:2015-03-23 07:12:41

标签: c# arrays regex image


例如我想转换这个字符串 -

Muffin powder chocolate candy jelly icing cotton candy. Oat cake
danish bear claw tootsie roll donut pie. Toffee chupa chups brownie
cupcake pudding sweet roll dessert jelly-o. <blobUrl=https://google.com/img1.png> Gummies macaroon pudding
marzipan. Chocolate cake biscuit muffin tart jelly-o carrot cake.
Liquorice dessert gummi bears icing danish. Ice cream marshmallow
candy marzipan cupcake. Sweet lollipop dragée chocolate cheesecake
chocolate gummies sesame snaps. <blobUrl=https://google.com/img with space.png> Lollipop jelly bear claw danish jelly
beans chocolate. Pudding cake gingerbread dessert halvah jelly
marzipan. Gingerbread oat cake dragée cake cake marzipan. Oat cake
lemon drops pudding bear claw soufflé lollipop biscuit pudding.

对于数组集合,类似这样 -

arrayVariable[0] = "Muffin powder chocolate candy jelly icing cotton candy. Oat cake danish bear claw tootsie roll donut pie. Toffee chupa chups brownie
cupcake pudding sweet roll dessert jelly-o.

arrayVariable[1] = "https://google.com/img1.png"

arrayVariable[2] = "Gummies macaroon pudding
marzipan. Chocolate cake biscuit muffin tart jelly-o carrot cake.
Liquorice dessert gummi bears icing danish. Ice cream marshmallow
candy marzipan cupcake. Sweet lollipop dragée chocolate cheesecake
chocolate gummies sesame snaps."

arrayVariable[3] = "https://google.com/img with space.png"

arrayVariable[4] = "Lollipop jelly bear claw danish jelly
beans chocolate. Pudding cake gingerbread dessert halvah jelly
marzipan. Gingerbread oat cake dragée cake cake marzipan. Oat cake
lemon drops pudding bear claw soufflé lollipop biscuit pudding."


    var bodyToParse = bodyText;

    string re1 = ".*?"; // Non-greedy match on filler
    string re2 = "((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s\"]*))";    // HTTP URL 1

    Regex r = new Regex(re1 + re2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
    Match m = r.Match(bodyToParse);
    if (m.Success)
        String httpurl1 = m.Groups[1].ToString();
        Debug.WriteLine("(" + httpurl1.ToString() + ")" + "\n");


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var tststr = @"Muffin powder chocolate candy jelly icing cotton candy. Oat cake
danish bear claw tootsie roll donut pie. Toffee chupa chups brownie
cupcake pudding sweet roll dessert jelly-o. <blobUrl=https://google.com/img1.png> Gummies macaroon pudding
marzipan. Chocolate cake biscuit muffin tart jelly-o carrot cake.
Liquorice dessert gummi bears icing danish. Ice cream marshmallow
candy marzipan cupcake. Sweet lollipop dragée chocolate cheesecake
chocolate gummies sesame snaps. <blobUrl=https://google.com/img with space.png> Lollipop jelly bear claw danish jelly
beans chocolate. Pudding cake gingerbread dessert halvah jelly
marzipan. Gingerbread oat cake dragée cake cake marzipan. Oat cake
lemon drops pudding bear claw soufflé lollipop biscuit pudding.";
var lst = new List<string>();
var former_idx = 0;
for (var m = Regex.Match(tststr, @"\s*<blobUrl=(http[^>]+)>\s*"); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
    lst.Add(tststr.Substring(former_idx, m.Index - former_idx));
    former_idx = m.Index + m.Value.Length;
if (former_idx < tststr.Length)
    lst.Add(tststr.Substring(former_idx, tststr.Length - former_idx));