module.exports = function(app, db) {
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
app.get('/contact-us', function(req, res) {
var col = db.collection('contacts');
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: 'gmail.user@gmail.com',
pass: 'userpass'
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我做了一些修改。我已根据您的要求更新了。 你需要根据实际需要来制作它。
var sendmail = require('./sendmail.js');
var savetomongo = require('./savetomongo.js');
module.exports = function(app, db) {
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
app.get('/contact-us', function(req, res) {
var col = db.collection('contacts');
var document = {'id': 'xyz'};
savetomongo.save(col, document, function(error, is_save) {
if (error) {
//handle error
} else {
// next()
sendmail.sendEmail('DUMMY <from@xyz.com>', 'to@xyz.com', 'TestEmail', 'Only for testing purpose', function(error, isSend) {
if (error) {
//handle error
} else {
// next()
// sendmail.js
module.exports = {
sendEmail: function(fromEmailFormatted, toEmail, subject, message, fn) {
var mailOptions = {
from: fromEmailFormatted, // sender address
to: toEmail, // list of receivers
subject: subject, // Subject line
html: message // html body
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: 'gmail.user@gmail.com',
pass: 'userpass'
// send mail with defined transport object
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info) {
if (error) {
return fn(error);
} else {
return fn(null, true);
// savetomongo.js
module.exports = {
save: function(col, data, fn) {
col.insert(data, {w: 1}, function(err, records) {
if (err) {
return fn(err);
} else {
return fn(null, records);