应用程序在iphone 5和4s模拟器中无法正常运行

时间:2015-03-20 23:49:56

标签: ios iphone swift ios-simulator uiviewanimation

这是最奇怪的事情,当我在xcode上的任何模拟器中运行我的应用程序时,它正常运行,除非我尝试在iphone 4s模拟器和iphone 5模拟器中运行它时表现得很有趣。所以在下面的函数中我是动画发生的地方。我的意思是,通常这些动画运行顺畅,你可以看到我创建的点逐渐在屏幕上移动,但在iphone 4s和5模拟器中,你根本看不到动画,或者你只看到非常简短的闪光其中我不知道为什么。请帮忙!!

func go(){

    // Remove add banner from view
    self.gameAdBanner?.hidden = true

    // Enable the user interaction of the content view
    self.contentView.userInteractionEnabled = true

    // Make the level label appear
    UIView.animateWithDuration(0, delay: 1, options: nil, animations: {
        self.levelLabel.alpha = 1
        self.levelNumber.alpha = 1
        }, completion: {finished in self.displayAd()})

    // Declare delay counter varriables
    var delayCounter:Int = 100000
    var durationCounter:Double = 0

    // Initiate the starting level
    levelNumber.text = String(level)

    // Set up random number varriable that will make the amount of dots in each color very from one color to another
    var diversifyRedDots = arc4random_uniform(5)
    var diversifyBlueDots = arc4random_uniform(5)
    var diversifyYellowDots = arc4random_uniform(5)
    var diversifyGreenDots = arc4random_uniform(5)

    // Create if statement for first 2 levels so dots always spawn
    if level < 3 {

        diversifyRedDots = 4


    // LOOP------------------

    for loop in 0...loopNumber {

        // set up some constants for the animations

        let redDelay = NSTimeInterval(arc4random_uniform(100000) + delayCounter) / 30000

        let blueDelay = NSTimeInterval(arc4random_uniform(100000) + delayCounter) / 30000

        let yellowDelay = NSTimeInterval(arc4random_uniform(100000) + delayCounter) / 30000

        let greenDelay = NSTimeInterval(arc4random_uniform(100000) + delayCounter) / 30000

        let options = UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptions.LayoutSubviews

        //set up some constants for the dots

        let redSize:CGFloat = 54

        let redYPosition : CGFloat = CGFloat( arc4random_uniform(150)) + 54

        let blueSize:CGFloat = 54

        let blueYPosition : CGFloat = CGFloat( arc4random_uniform(150)) + 54

        let yellowSize:CGFloat = 54

        let yellowYPosition : CGFloat = CGFloat( arc4random_uniform(150)) + 54

        let greenSize:CGFloat = 54

        let greenYPosition : CGFloat = CGFloat( arc4random_uniform(150)) + 54

        // create the dots and add them to the view
        let redDot = UIButton()

        redDot.setBackgroundImage(RedDot, forState: UIControlState.Normal)

        redDot.frame = CGRectMake(-100, redYPosition, redSize, redSize)


        let blueDot = UIButton()

        blueDot.setBackgroundImage(BlueDot, forState: UIControlState.Normal)

        blueDot.frame = CGRectMake(-100, blueYPosition, blueSize, blueSize)


        let yellowDot = UIButton()

        yellowDot.setBackgroundImage(YellowDot, forState: UIControlState.Normal)

        yellowDot.frame = CGRectMake(-100, yellowYPosition, yellowSize, yellowSize)


        let greenDot = UIButton()

        greenDot.setBackgroundImage(GreenDot, forState: UIControlState.Normal)

        greenDot.frame = CGRectMake(-100, greenYPosition, greenSize, greenSize)


        // Red

        if diversifyRedDots > 5 {

            // Increase actual red

            // Increase count dot number

            UIView.animateWithDuration(dotDuration , delay: redDelay - 6, options: options, animations: {

                redDot.frame = CGRectMake(700, redYPosition, redSize, redSize)

                }, completion: {finished in redDot.removeFromSuperview()})


        // Blue

        if diversifyBlueDots > 5 {

            // Increase actual blue

            // Increase count dot number

            UIView.animateWithDuration(dotDuration , delay: blueDelay - 6, options: options, animations: {

                blueDot.frame = CGRectMake(700, blueYPosition, blueSize, blueSize)

                }, completion: {finished in blueDot.removeFromSuperview()})


        // Yellow

        if diversifyYellowDots > 5 {

            // Increase actual yellow

            // Increase count dot number

            UIView.animateWithDuration(dotDuration , delay: yellowDelay - 6, options: options, animations: {

                yellowDot.frame = CGRectMake(700, yellowYPosition, yellowSize, yellowSize)

                }, completion: {finished in yellowDot.removeFromSuperview()})


       // Green

        if diversifyGreenDots > 5 {

            // Increae acutual green

            // Increase count dot number

            UIView.animateWithDuration(dotDuration , delay: greenDelay - 6, options: options, animations: {

                greenDot.frame = CGRectMake(700, greenYPosition, greenSize, greenSize)

                }, completion: {finished in greenDot.removeFromSuperview()})


        // Incremint counters




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