
时间:2010-05-26 15:58:50

标签: ftp excel-vba vba excel

我有一个Excel工作表,用户输入某些数据,我想将其存储在文本文件中并使用FTP上传到服务器。一个站点建议添加对“Microsoft Internet Transfer Control”的引用,然后定义一个“Inet”对象来执行FTP。但是,我无法在VB编辑器的“工具 - >参考”中找到具有此名称的引用。有谁知道这个问题的解决方案?提前谢谢。

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以下是我通过Google搜索找到的解决方案 -

Public Sub FtpSend()

Dim vPath As String
Dim vFile As String
Dim vFTPServ As String
Dim fNum As Long

vPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
vFile = "YourFile.csv"
vFTPServ = "********"

'Mounting file command for ftp.exe
fNum = FreeFile()
Open vPath & "\FtpComm.txt" For Output As #fNum
Print #1, "user ***** *****" ' your login and password"
Print #1, "cd TargetDir"  'change to dir on server
Print #1, "bin" ' bin or ascii file type to send
Print #1, "put " & vPath & "\" & vFile & " " & vFile ' upload local filename to server file
Print #1, "close" ' close connection
Print #1, "quit" ' Quit ftp program

Shell "ftp -n -i -g -s:" & vPath & "\FtpComm.txt " & vFTPServ, vbNormalNoFocus

SetAttr vPath & "\FtpComm.txt", vbNormal
Kill vPath & "\FtpComm.txt"

End Sub
