
时间:2015-03-19 02:18:44

标签: php mysql pdo

好的,所以我有一个篮子,它有一个$ iEmployeeNumbers变量,默认情况下设置为10.




class basket
    // Basket ID
    private $id = 0;
    // Session ID
    private $sessionId = null;
    // client id
    private $iClientId = 0;
    // array with the index of the deck product and the value of array('product', 'status')
    private $aryItems = array();
    // array of deck products
    private $aryCurrentSubscrition = array();
    // employee numbers
    private $iEmployeeNumbers = 10;

     * Set up the basket with the current subscribed decks passed in
     * @param $iCurrentEmployeeNumbers An int of the current employee numbers from the system
     * @param $aryCurrentDeckProducts An array of currently subscribed to deck products
    function __construct($api, $sessionId, $iCurrentEmployeeNumbers, $aryCurrentDecks = null)
        $this->sessionId = $sessionId;
        // check if $aryCurrentDeckProducts is not null
        if ($aryCurrentDecks !== null)
            // loop through deck products adding them to the arrays
            foreach ($aryCurrentDecks as $objDeck)
                // set the current subscribed decks to the ones passed in the construct.
                $this->aryCurrentSubscription[$objDeck->id] = $objDeck;

     * Add an item to the basket
     * @param $objDeck The deck to add.
     * @param $sStatus The status of the item ('added', 'changed', 'removed', 'existing')
    public function addItem($objDeck)
        // check if the deck product exists in the basket already
        if (!empty($this->aryItems) && array_key_exists($objDeck->id, $this->aryItems))
            // check if the deck product was part of the existing subscription
            if (!empty($this->aryCurrentSubscription) && array_key_exists($objDeck->id, $this->aryCurrentSubscription) && $this->aryCurrentSubscription[$objDeck->id]['deck']->compare($objDeck))
                // the product was in the basket at the start of the shop and has been re-added
                // so set it to existing and avoid double charging them for the initial setup
                $this->aryItems[$objDeck->id]['status'] = 'existing';
                if ($this->aryItems[$objDeck->id]['product']->compare($objDeck))
                    // the product was added then removed from the basket but was not
                    // in the current subscription so set its status back to added
                    $this->aryItems[$objDeck->id]['status'] = 'added';
                    // the product was added but does exist in the basket as a different
                    // set of addons
                    $this->aryItems[$objDeck->id]['status'] = 'changed';
            // the product is not in the cart so add it as a new one
            $this->aryItems[$objDeck->id] = array('product' => $objDeck, 'status' => 'added');

     * Remove an item from the basket
     * @param $objDeckProduct The deck product to remove
     * @return bool true|false
    public function removeItem($objDeck)
        // Check if the product is in the basket
        if (array_key_exists($objDeck->id, $this->aryItems))
            // Set the status of the product to removed
            $this->aryItems[$objDeck->id]['status'] = 'removed';
            return true;

        // the item does not exist in the basket
        return false;

     * Get the totals from the basket
     * @return array ('setup', 'monthly', 'equivalent', 'setup_formatted', 'monthly_formatted', 'equivalent_formatted')
    public function getTotals()
        // set up a running total for adding up all the costs involved
        $runningTotal = array('setup' => 0, 'monthly' => 0, 'equivalent' => 0);

        // loop through all items and process them based on status
        foreach ($this->aryItems as $aryItem)
            // only process items that are NOT removed
            if ($aryItem['status'] !== 'removed')
                // get the calcualate the deck prices
                $deckPrices = $this->calculatePrices($aryItem['product']);
                // because the setup check is done at addon level inside the get deck prices
                // we can just add the setup cost
                $runningTotal['setup'] += $deckPrices['setup'];
                $runningTotal['monthly'] += $deckPrices['monthly'];
                $runningTotal['equivalent'] += $deckPrices['equivalent'];

        // format all the numbers
        $runningTotal['setup_formatted'] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($runningTotal["setup"], 100, 2));
        $runningTotal['monthly_formatted'] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($runningTotal["monthly"], 100, 2));
        $runningTotal['equivalent_formatted'] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($runningTotal["equivalent"], 100, 2));

        return $runningTotal;

     * Calculate the prices for any given deck
     * @param $objDeck The deck to process
     * @param $iEmployees The number of employees to calculate against
     * @return array ('setup', 'monthly', 'equivalent', 'setup_formatted', 'monthly_formatted', 'equivalent_formatted')
    function calculatePrices($objDeck, $iEmployees = null)
        if ($iEmployees === null)
            $iEmployees = $this->iEmployeeNumbers;

        $prices = array();
        // calculate the monthly total with the support cost
        // FIXME need to implement discount for the deck price
        $iMonthlyPrice = $objDeck->price * $iEmployees;
        $iSetupPrice = 0;

        $deckIsInBasket = false;
        if (!empty($this->aryCurrentItems) && array_key_exists($objDeck->id, $this->aryCurrentItems))
            $deckIsInBasket = true;

        foreach ($objDeck->addons as $addon)
            // if the deck is in the current subscription do the other two checks else skip to adding the setup cost
            if (($deckIsInBasket && (empty($this->aryCurrentItems[$objDeck->id]->addons) || !array_key_exists($addon->id, $this->aryCurrentItems[$objDeck->id]->addons))) || !$deckIsInBasket)
                $iSetupPrice += $addon->setup_price;

            $iMonthlyPrice += $addon->price * $iEmployees;

        // set up the returned array
        $prices["setup"] = $iSetupPrice;
        $prices["monthly"] = $iMonthlyPrice;
        $prices["equivalent"] = (int) round($iMonthlyPrice / $iEmployees, 0);
        $prices["setup_formatted"] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($prices["setup"], 100, 2));
        $prices["monthly_formatted"] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($prices["monthly"], 100, 2));
        $prices["equivalent_formatted"] = $this->stringNumberFormat(bcdiv($prices["equivalent"], 100, 2));

        return $prices;

     * Format a string number to currency format
     * @param $sNumber The number to be formatted as currency
     * @return string The formatted number
    function stringNumberFormat($sNumber)
        // check for any existing decimal places
        $parts = explode(".", $sNumber);

        // if there was no decimal place set the pennies to 00
        if (count($parts) === 1)
            $parts[1] = "00";

        // if the number has less then 3 digits e.g. less than 1000 then return
        // the formatted parts with a decimal place
        if (strlen($parts[0]) <= 3)
            return implode(".", $parts);;

        // prepare the formatted string
        $formattedString = $parts[0];
        // set the added characters to empty
        $added = "";
        // set the thousands to an empty array
        $thousands = array();
        // calculate the remainder of dividing the string length by 3
        // this tells us how many 0's to add at the start of the string
        // we add the 0's to make it easy to step through every thousand
        $remainder = (int) bcmod(strlen($formattedString), 3);

        // if the remainder is 1 add two 0's (e.g. 1000 now looks like 001000)
        if ($remainder === 1)
            $added = "00";
        // if the remainder is 2 add one 0 (e.g. 10000 now looks like 010000)
        elseif ($remainder === 2)
            $added = "0";
        // if it divided by three with no remainder then there is no need to add any

        // add the prefix to the start
        $formattedString = $added . $formattedString;

        // for the length of the string step through every 3 characters
        for ($x = 3; $x <= strlen($formattedString); $x += 3)
            // minus this many off the start of the string
            $minus = 0;

            // for the first step only
            if ($x === 3)
                // set minus to the number of 0's added
                $minus = strlen($added);

            // set each set of thousands to a new part
            $thousands[] = substr($formattedString, $x - 3 + $minus, 3 - $minus);

        // put all the groups of 3 characters back together with the
        // seperator of ,
        $parts[0] = implode(",", $thousands);

        // add the decimal places back on and return
        return implode(".", $parts);

     * Get the number of employees
     * @return int Number of employees
    public function getEmployeeNumbers()
        return $this->iEmployeeNumbers;

     * Sets the number of employees
     * @param $iNewEmployeeNumbers
     * @return bool successful
    public function setEmployeeNumbers($iNewEmployeeNumbers)
        if (is_numeric($iNewEmployeeNumbers) && (int) $iNewEmployeeNumbers >= 10)
            echo 'iem:'.$this->iEmployeeNumbers.' inew:'.$iNewEmployeeNumbers;
            $this->iEmployeeNumbers = (int) $iNewEmployeeNumbers;
            echo 'iemnew:'.$this->iEmployeeNumbers;
            //die('in this if');
            return true;
            return false;

     * Get the client id
     * @return int client id
    public function getClientId()
        return $this->iClientId;

     * Sets the client id, can only be called if client id is not already set
     * @param $iNewClientId
     * @return bool successful
    public function setClientId($iNewClientId)
        if (is_numeric($iNewClientId) && (int) $iNewClientId > 0 && $this->iClientId == 0)
            $this->iClientId = (int) $iNewClientId;
            return true;
            return false;

     * Gets an array of items for displaying on the basket page.
     * @return array of deck products.
    public function getDecks()
        $activeItems = array();

        foreach($this->aryItems as $aryItem)
            // only process items that are added
            if ($aryItem['status'] !== 'removed')
                $activeItems[$aryItem['product']->id] = $aryItem['product'];

        return $activeItems;

     * Sets the aryItems
     * @params array $aryDecks an array of decks to be set
    public function setDecks($aryItems)
        foreach($aryItems as $objDeck)

     * Gets 'true' or 'false' if the client had decks at the start of the process
     * @return string 'true' or 'false'
    public function hasDecks()
        if (count($this->aryCurrentSubscription) > 0)
            return 'true';
            return 'false';

     * Builds the billing agreement description
     * @return string The billing agreement description
    public function getBillingAgreementDescription($sResellerName)
        $description = "Your subscription with " . $sResellerName . ".";

        return $description;

     * FIXME Add a function for calculating revenue splits and amounts.

     * Saves the added items to the database for checkout resumption
     * @return bool successful?
    public function save()
        $db = database::getDBO();

        $id = $this->basketExists();

        if (!$id)
            $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `baskets` (`session_id`, `employee_numbers`) VALUES (?, ?)");
            $query->bindParam(1, $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $query->bindValue(2, $this->iEmployeeNumbers, PDO::PARAM_INT);

            $this->id = $db->lastInsertId();

            if ($this->id != 0)
                $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `basket_items` (`basket_id`, `deck_addon_id`, `status`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
                $query->bindParam(1, $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

                foreach ($this->aryItems as $aryItem)
                    foreach ($aryItem['product']->addons as $addon)
                        $query->bindParam(2, $addon->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                        $query->bindParam(3, $aryItem['status'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        if (!$query->execute())
                            return false;

                return $db->commit();
                return false;
            $this->id = $id;
//          $db->beginTransaction();
            $iEmps = $this->iEmployeeNumbers;
            $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
//          $this->iEmployeeNumbers = $this->iEmployeeNumbers + 1;
            $query = $db->prepare("UPDATE `baskets` SET `session_id` = ?, `employee_numbers` = ? WHERE `id` = ?");
            $query->bindParam(1, $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $query->bindValue(2, $this->iEmployeeNumbers, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $query->bindParam(3, $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

            /*foreach ($this->aryItems as $aryItem)
                foreach ($aryItem['product']->addons as $addon)
                    $iBasketItemId = $this->basketItemExists($addon->id);
                    if ($iBasketItemId > 0)
                        $query = $db->prepare("UPDATE `basket_items` SET `basket_id` = ?, `deck_addon_id` = ?, `status` = ? WHERE `id` = ?");
                        $query->bindParam(4, $iBasketItemId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                        $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `basket_items` (`basket_id`, `deck_addon_id`, `status`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

                    $query->bindParam(1, $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $query->bindParam(2, $addon->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $query->bindParam(3, $aryItem['status'], PDO::PARAM_STR);

                    if (!$query->execute())
                        return false;

            return true;
//          return $db->commit();
//          die('shizzle2:'.$this->iEmployeeNumbers);

     * Loads a basket from the database
     * @return bool sucess
    public function load($api)
        if ($this->basketExists())
            $db = database::getDBO();
            // Get decks & addons for invites
            $query = $db->prepare("SELECT, a.deck_id, bi.deck_addon_id, bi.status, b.employee_numbers FROM baskets AS b JOIN basket_items AS bi ON = bi.basket_id JOIN addons AS a ON bi.deck_addon_id = WHERE b.session_id = ?");
            $query->bindParam(1, $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR);

            while ($aryRes = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
                // Populate basket
                if (empty($this->aryitems) || !array_key_exists($aryRes['deck_id'], $this->aryItems))
                    $this->aryItems[$aryRes['deck_id']]['product'] = $api->getDeckById($iResellerId, $aryRes['deck_id']);
                    $this->aryItems[$aryRes['deck_id']]['status'] = $aryRes['status'];


                $this->id = $aryRes['id'];

            return true;

        return false;

     * function for checking if there is a basket saved against the session id
     * @return mixed basket id if one exists else false
    public function basketExists()
        $db = database::getDBO();
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT id FROM baskets WHERE session_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC");
        $query->bindParam(1, $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        $basket = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if (!empty($basket) && $basket !== false)
            return $basket['id'];

        return false;

     * Checks if the basket item exists
     * @param int $iDeckAddonId
     * @return int Basket id
    public function basketItemExists($iDeckAddonId)
        $db = database::getDBO();
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT id FROM basket_items WHERE basket_id = ? AND deck_addon_id = ?");
        $query->bindParam(1, $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $query->bindParam(2, $iDeckAddonId, PDO::PARAM_INT);

        $basket_item = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if (!empty($basket_item) && $basket_item !== false)
            return $basket_item['id'];

        return false;


$basket = new basket($api, session_id(), $aryInvite['employees']);

不久之后 $basket->save();




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




