我试图将MATLAB .mat文件转换为openCV MAT,然后将几个掩码应用于这些文件。我正在建造cvmatio source code。我收到以下错误:
OpenCV错误:init中的断言失败(A.size == arrays [i0] - > size), 文件 /home/derek/Documents/Libraries/opencv-3.0.0-beta/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, 第4279行终止在抛出一个实例后被调用 ' CV ::异常'什么(): /home/derek/Documents/Libraries/opencv-3.0.0-beta/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:4279: 错误:(-215)A.size == arrays [i0] - >函数init中的大小
这是我写的源文件。它出现在MixChannels的行上。请注意,SrcImage是一个3通道Mat。 lower和upper是数组中的阈值,其长度等于通道数。
* Mask.cpp
* Created on: Mar 16, 2015
* Author: derek
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "highgui.hpp"
#include "imgproc.hpp"
using namespace cv;
Mat Mask(Mat SrcImage, double lower[], double upper[]){
int height=SrcImage.rows;
int width=SrcImage.cols;
int depth=SrcImage.depth();
Mat B2d = Mat::ones(height, width,depth);
Mat out(height, width, depth);
Mat outL(height, width, depth);
Mat outU(height,width, depth);
for (int i=1; i< SrcImage.channels(); i=i+1){
int from_to[]={i,1};
mixChannels(&SrcImage, 3, &out, 1, from_to, 1 );
threshold(out, outL, lower[i], 1, THRESH_BINARY);
threshold(out, outU, upper[i], 1, THRESH_BINARY);
bitwise_and(B2d, outL, B2d);
bitwise_and(B2d, outU, B2d);
return B2d;
此外,这里是实际CV_Assertion错误位置的摘录。如错误所示,它出现在&#34;(A.size == arrays [i0] - &gt; size)&#34;。
void NAryMatIterator::init(const Mat** _arrays, Mat* _planes, uchar** _ptrs, int _narrays)
CV_Assert( _arrays && (_ptrs || _planes) );
int i, j, d1=0, i0 = -1, d = -1;
arrays = _arrays;
ptrs = _ptrs;
planes = _planes;
narrays = _narrays;
nplanes = 0;
size = 0;
if( narrays < 0 )
for( i = 0; _arrays[i] != 0; i++ )
narrays = i;
CV_Assert(narrays <= 1000);
iterdepth = 0;
for( i = 0; i < narrays; i++ )
CV_Assert(arrays[i] != 0);
const Mat& A = *arrays[i];
if( ptrs )
ptrs[i] = A.data;
if( !A.data )
if( i0 < 0 )
i0 = i;
d = A.dims;
// find the first dimensionality which is different from 1;
// in any of the arrays the first "d1" step do not affect the continuity
for( d1 = 0; d1 < d; d1++ )
if( A.size[d1] > 1 )
CV_Assert( A.size == arrays[i0]->size );
if( !A.isContinuous() )
CV_Assert( A.step[d-1] == A.elemSize() );
for( j = d-1; j > d1; j-- )
if( A.step[j]*A.size[j] < A.step[j-1] )
iterdepth = std::max(iterdepth, j);
if( i0 >= 0 )
size = arrays[i0]->size[d-1];
for( j = d-1; j > iterdepth; j-- )
int64 total1 = (int64)size*arrays[i0]->size[j-1];
if( total1 != (int)total1 )
size = (int)total1;
iterdepth = j;
if( iterdepth == d1 )
iterdepth = 0;
nplanes = 1;
for( j = iterdepth-1; j >= 0; j-- )
nplanes *= arrays[i0]->size[j];
iterdepth = 0;
idx = 0;
if( !planes )
for( i = 0; i < narrays; i++ )
CV_Assert(arrays[i] != 0);
const Mat& A = *arrays[i];
if( !A.data )
planes[i] = Mat();
planes[i] = Mat(1, (int)size, A.type(), A.data);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
mixChannels(&SrcImage, 1, &out, 1, from_to, 1 );
opencv MixChannels也从0开始标记通道,不确定是否要使用i = 1或只是拼写错误。