Linq(Visual Basic) - 比较两个匿名类型不会产生任何结果

时间:2015-03-18 14:09:47

标签: linq


    Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
                          Join r In relationships On New With {.ElementCode = r.Parent, .Type = r.ParentType} _
                                              Equals New With {.ElementCode = p.ElementCode, .Type = p.Type} _
                          Join c In qualificationElements On New With {.ElementCode = r.Child, .Type = r.ChildType} _
                                                      Equals New With {.ElementCode = c.ElementCode, .Type = c.Type} _
                          Select New QualificationElementRelationship _
                                 With {.Parent = p, _
                                       .Child = c, _
                                       .Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
                                       .Scope = r.Scope}



    Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
                          Join r In relationships On r.Child Equals p.ElementCode _
                          Select New _
                                 With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
                                       .Scope = r.Scope}


    Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
                          Join r In relationships On New With {.a = r.Child} Equals New With {.a = p.ElementCode} _
                          Select New _
                                 With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
                                       .Scope = r.Scope}


1 个答案:

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这是一个快速的帖子和答案!这是因为您的匿名类的所有属性都需要使用" Key"来标记。指令。

    Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
                          Join r In relationships On New With {Key .a = r.Child} Equals New With {Key .a = p.ElementCode} _
                          Select New _
                                 With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
                                       .Scope = r.Scope}


    Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
                          Join r In relationships On New With {Key .ElementCode = r.Parent, Key .Type = r.ParentType} _
                                              Equals New With {Key .ElementCode = p.ElementCode, Key .Type = p.Type} _
                          Join c In qualificationElements On New With {Key .ElementCode = r.Child, Key .Type = r.ChildType} _
                                                      Equals New With {Key .ElementCode = c.ElementCode, Key .Type = c.Type} _
                          Select New QualificationElementRelationship _
                                 With {.Parent = p, _
                                       .Child = c, _
                                       .Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
                                       .Scope = r.Scope}