
时间:2015-03-18 04:33:47

标签: assembly arm






        AREA Question_1, CODE, READONLY
        ldr r0, =STRING1 ;r0 points to STRING1 so that it can be accessed and used
EoS     equ 0
SpaceCh equ 32
        ldr r2, =STRING2 ;r5 points to STRING2 so that it can be accessed and used.

        ;'Detection Algorithm', it jumps to the 'remove' branch after an index of "the" substring is found.

remove  mov r0, r6
Loop    ldrb r3, [r0], #1
        strb r3, [r2], #1 ;POST-INDEXED
        cmp r0, r4 ;compare r0 to index of "the" substring..
        beq delete ;..otherwise add 3 to r0 so it skips the "the" substring thus 'deleting' it.
        cmp r3, EoS ;compare r3 to null ascii char..
        bne Loop ;.if they aren't equal, continue traversing the string.
        mov r0, r6
        b Case1
delete  add r0, r0, #3  ;add 3 to r0 so that it skips the "the" substring- this does not work as intended..

        b Loop ;continue traversing string since we know that Case1 is not complete.
skip            ;skip removal since no "the" substring exists.

endless b endless ;loop endlessly as requested in instructions for assignment.

STRING1 dcb "and the man said they must go" ;String1
;EoS        dcb "" ;null char in ascii
;SpaceCh    dcb " " ;space char in ascii
STRING2 dcb " " ;the destination of the string after all "the" words are removed.

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