
时间:2015-03-17 02:50:51

标签: php jquery

我有很多表从数据库中获取并向用户显示。这是我的示例表看起来像。 Sample here。一旦用户选中右下角的每个表复选框,将检查该表的整个复选框。


function base_generateGroupRulechecklist($gid)
    //connect to database

    $count = 0;

    //get base_modules id

         $getParentModuleSQL = base_executeSQL("SELECT * FROM base_parent_modules ORDER BY base_pmod_sort_by" );
         $count1 = base_num_rows($getParentModuleSQL);
         while($ParentModuledata_row = base_fetch_array($getParentModuleSQL))
         if ($count1!= 0)
             //show category
                echo "<table style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" width=\"100%\" class=\"permission\">";
                echo    "<tr>";
                echo        "<th class=\"centerText\">".$ParentModuledata_row['base_pmod_name']."</th>";
                echo        "<th align=\"center\"><img src=\"". BASE_IMG_ICON_VIEW ."\"  style=\"width:25px; height:25px\" title=\"View Permission\" /></th>";
                echo        "<th align=\"center\"><img src=\"". BASE_IMG_ICON_ADD ."\"  style=\"width:25px; height:25px\" title=\"Add Permission\" /></th>";
                echo        "<th align=\"center\"><img src=\"". BASE_IMG_ICON_EDIT ."\" style=\"width:25px; height:25px\" title=\"Update Permission\" /></th>";
                echo        "<th align=\"center\"><img src=\"". BASE_IMG_ICON_DELETE ."\" style=\"width:25px; height:25px\" title=\"Delete Permission\" /></th>";
                echo   "</tr>";

                $getModuleSQL = base_executeSQL("SELECT * FROM  base_modules, base_group_details WHERE base_mod_parent = ".$ParentModuledata_row['base_pmod_id']." AND base_gpd_gp = ".$gid." AND  base_gpd_mod = base_mod_id ORDER BY base_mod_sort_by" );
                 while($Moduledata_row = base_fetch_array($getModuleSQL))
                 if (base_num_rows($getModuleSQL)!= 0)
                     if ($Moduledata_row["base_gpd_rule_view"] == "on" )
                         $view = "checked";
                         $view = "";

                     if ($Moduledata_row["base_gpd_rule_add"] == "on" )
                         $add = "checked";
                         $add = "";

                     if ($Moduledata_row["base_gpd_rule_edit"] == "on" )
                         $edit = "checked";
                         $edit = "";

                     if ($Moduledata_row["base_gpd_rule_delete"] == "on" )
                         $delete = "checked";
                         $delete = "";
                     //show module
                     $count +=1;
                     echo "<tbody>";
                     echo "<tr>";
                     echo   "<td>". $count .". ".$Moduledata_row['base_mod_name']."</td>";
                     echo   "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"on\" name=\"gp_mod_1_".$Moduledata_row['base_mod_id']."\" ".$view." /></td>";
                     echo   "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"on\" name=\"gp_mod_2_".$Moduledata_row['base_mod_id']."\" ".$add." /></td>";
                     echo   "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"on\" name=\"gp_mod_3_".$Moduledata_row['base_mod_id']."\" ".$edit." /></td>";
                     echo   "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"on\" name=\"gp_mod_4_".$Moduledata_row['base_mod_id']."\" ".$delete." /></td>";
                     echo "</tr>";
                 echo "<tr align='right'>";
                 echo "<td colspan='5'><input type=\"checkbox\" id='allcb' name='allcb'/></td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
                 echo "</tbody>";
                 echo "</table><br />";          

         return $count;
    //close the database


以下是我想要的示例结果。 JSFiddle

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


//change event handler for the checkbox in the last tr 
$('table tr:last-child input:checkbox').change(function(){
    //use closest to find the table containing the changed checkbox and set the checked value for each checkbox in that table to the new status
    $(this).closest('table').find('input:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked)
