import java.util.Random;
public class netID_Maze
int exitRow,
char[][] map = null;
// Method Name : Maze (Constructor)
// Parameters : None
// Partners : None
// Description : No Parameter Constructor for the maze
public netID_Maze()
// omitted code generating a random maze
setEntranceRow(rnger.nextInt(row - 2) + 1);
setExitRow(rnger.nextInt(row - 2) + 1);
map[getEntranceRow()][0] = '.';
map[getExitRow()][column - 1] = '.';
} // end netID_Maze (without parameters)
// Method Name : Maze (Constructor)
// Parameters : exitTemp (int), entranceTemp(int), mapTemp (char[][])
// Partners : None
// Description : Parameter Constructor for the maze
public netID_Maze(char[][] mapTemp, int exitTemp, int entranceTemp)
map = mapTemp;
exitRow = exitTemp;
entranceRow = entranceTemp;
} // end netID_Maze (with parameters)
// Method Name : getCell
// Parameters : row (int), column (int), character in cell (character)
// Partners : None
// Returns : The character in the cell that's being called (character)
// Description : Returns the character of the cell that's being called
public char getCell(int r, int c)
return map[r][c];
} // end getCell()
// Method Name : setCell
// Parameters : row (int), column (int), character in cell (character)
// Partners : None
// Returns : None
// Description : Changes the character of the cell that's being called
public void setCell(int r, int c, char val)
this.map[r][c] = val;
} // end setCell()
public int getEntranceRow ()
return entranceRow;
public int getExitRow()
return exitRow;
public void setEntranceRow(int entranceTemp)
entranceRow = entranceTemp;
public void setExitRow(int exitTemp)
exitRow = exitTemp;
public int getRows()
return map.length;
public int getColumns()
return map[1].length;
public boolean isExit(int r, int c)
boolean isExit = false;
if (getExitRow() == r && map[1].length - 1 == c)
isExit = true;
return isExit;
public boolean isEntrance(int r, int c)
boolean isEntrance = false;
if (getEntranceRow() == r && 0 == c)
isEntrance = true;
return isEntrance;
public boolean isOpen(int r, int c)
boolean isOpen = true;
if (r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= getRows() || c >= getColumns())
isOpen = false;
else if (map[r][c] == '.')
isOpen = false;
return isOpen;
public class netID_MazeSolver {
int steps = 0;
netID_Maze maze = new netID_Maze();
public netID_MazeSolver(netID_Maze mazeTemp)
maze = mazeTemp;
public boolean solveMaze(int r, int c)
//Finding whether Current Cell is outside the maze
if (r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= maze.getRows() || c >= maze.getColumns())
return false;
//Finding whether the current cell is the exit
if (maze.isExit(r,c) == true)
return true;
//Finding whether current cell is NOT open
if (maze.isOpen(r,c) == false)
return false;
//Setting current cell as part of the solution path
//Finding out whether solve maze(cell below current) == true
if (solveMaze(r - 1,c) == true)
return true;
//Finding out whether solve maze(cell to the right of current) == true
if (solveMaze(r,c + 1) == true)
return true;
//Finding out whether solve maze(cell to the left of current) == true
if (solveMaze(r,c - 1) == true)
return true;
//Finding out whether solve maze(cell above current) == true
if (solveMaze(r + 1,c) == true)
return true;
//setting current cell to NOT part of the solution path
return false;
public void setSteps(int stepsTemp)
steps = stepsTemp;
public int getSteps()
return steps;
实际错误只是不断重复: at netID_MazeSolver.solveMaze(netID_MazeSolver.java:53) 在netID_MazeSolver.solveMaze(netID_MazeSolver.java:71)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您犯的基本错误是您没有为访问过的单元格设置任何标记。因此,您的算法可以反复访问同一个单元格。如果你生成的迷宫包含任何循环,你很可能最终会在一个无限循环中导致堆栈溢出。顺便说一句,你不需要写if(maze.isOpen(r , c) == true)
。 if(maze.isOpen(r , c))