
时间:2015-03-16 01:24:08

标签: ide processing

感谢您对上一个错误的所有帮助,我能够解决它。(答案归功于:razong但现在我有另一个错误,我不知道如何修复(我知道,我听起来很愚蠢,但Processing / C ++语言不是我的强项。)它发生在第273行并读取,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException。

sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistoryDATA, position);


// this function sends the data out to a file and to the web

void sendDataOut() {

  // >> trim data
  String[] sensorHistoryHEAD = subset(sensorHistory, 0, 3);
  String[] sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistory, 3);
  // figure out the index of where to start reading the data
  int position = sensorHistoryDATA.length - 288; // 3 days worth = 288
  // aquire only the last x days worth of data
  sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistoryDATA, position);
  // splice the arrays back together
  sensorHistoryTrimmed = splice(sensorHistoryHEAD, sensorHistoryDATA, 3);
  // << trim data

  // write data to the file, full data
  saveStrings(dataFileName, sensorHistory);
   if(listOfURLs.length > 0){
   // create a string for sending as POST var
   String srtTemp = join(sensorHistoryTrimmed,"\n");
   for(int i=0; i<listOfURLs.length; i++){
   // save data to the web 



这是处理代码的其余部分(错误在正确的位置): (我不会将数据放到网上,这就是所有互联网部分都被注释掉的原因)

/* ==================================================== 

GardenBot - computer module, local-connection sub-module

beta version 2 (2011-01)
written by Andrew Frueh

This is the code for the local-connection sub-module of the computer module of GardenBot.
This code should be run in the Processing environment (www.processing.org).
This code communicates with the brain module (Arduino) and can record the data to a text file and/or the web.

==================================================== */

// ============================================================
// Here can setup the basic things you will need to change to be specific to your GardenBot setup

String dataFileName = "sensorData.csv";

// This is the header for the data file
String[] fileDataTemplate = {
  "y-m-d_hr:mn,moisture level (50-100mm),temperature 1,light level 1,waterIsOn)",
  "MIN VALUES,0,0,0,0",
  "MAX VALUES,1023,100,1023,1" // no comma on last item
// List any URL that you want this script to report to
String[] listOfURLs = {
  "" // no comma on last item

// ============================================================
// Initialize the variables

// to enable serial comunication
import processing.serial.*;

int stageMax = 600;
int stageWidth = stageMax;
int stageHeight = stageMax/2;
int numOfSensors = 4;
int[] sensorValues = new int[numOfSensors];
Serial myPort;

int sensorHistMarker = 0;
String[] sensorHistory = new String[1];
String[] sensorHistoryTrimmed = new String[1];
String[] URLexternalList = new String[1];

// messenging
 long messageTimerFreq = 60000;//60,000 = 1 min
 long logicTimerFreq = 900000;//900,000 = 15 min
 long currentTime, messageTimerLast, logicTimerLast;

PFont fontA;

// ============================================================
// this is a standard Processing function, it happens once on start up

void setup() {
  size(stageWidth, stageHeight);

  // List all the available serial ports

  // load the data
  sensorHistory = loadStrings(dataFileName);

  // get the URL(s) provided in an external file
  //listOfURLs = loadStrings("listOfURLs.txt");

  // if the file does not exist, then create it and initialize it with the header
  if(sensorHistory==null || sensorHistory.length==0){
    //sensorHistory[0] = append(sensorHistory, null);
    saveStrings(dataFileName, fileDataTemplate); 
    // reload
    sensorHistory = loadStrings(dataFileName);

  // write the data out to the files

  println("sensorHistory[]: ");
  println("STARTUP::  "+year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute()+":"+second());

  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600);
  // don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a newline character:

  // load the font for drawing
  fontA = loadFont("CourierNewPS-BoldMT-48.vlw");
  // Set the font and its size (in units of pixels)
  textFont(fontA, 16);


// ============================================================
// this is a standard Processing function - it happens over and over again
//   note: draw() is equivalent to loop() on Arduino

void draw() {

  // for all timers
  currentTime = millis();

  if ( abs(currentTime - messageTimerLast) >= messageTimerFreq) {
    messageTimerLast = currentTime;
    // 82 = 'R'; for Report levels


  if ( abs(currentTime - logicTimerLast) >= logicTimerFreq) {
    logicTimerLast = currentTime;

    // load data if not already
      sensorFileData = loadStrings(dataFileName);

    //int y = year(), m = month(), d = day(), hr = hour(), mn = minute(), sc = second();
    String timeStamp = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute();
    int moistureLevel1 = sensorValues[0];
    int temperature1 = sensorValues[1];
    int lightLevel1 = sensorValues[2];
    int waterIsOn = sensorValues[3];
    int moistureLevel2 = sensorValues[4];
    String stringTemp = timeStamp+","+moistureLevel1+","+temperature1+","+lightLevel1+","+waterIsOn+","+moistureLevel2;

    String stringTemp = "";
    stringTemp += year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute();
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[0]; // MS1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[1]; // TP1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[2]; // LI1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[3]; // WIO


    //sensorHistory[sensorHistMarker] = stringTemp;
      sensorHistory[0] = stringTemp;
      sensorHistory = append(sensorHistory, stringTemp);

    // send data


  // >> draw the display

  // draw the text
  int titlePosY = 20;
  int barTitlePosY = 50;

  text("GardenBot - local communication sub-module", stageWidth/2, titlePosY);

  //int numOfBars = 3;
  int padding = round(stageWidth*.1);
  //float barWidth = (stageWidth/numOfBars)-(padding*(1+1/float(numOfBars)));
  int barWidth = int(stageWidth * .20);
  int barHeight = stageHeight-(padding*2);
  int i;
  float xTemp;
  float hTemp;
  // draw the bars

  // rect(x, y, width, height)
  // moisture sensor
  i = 0;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("moisture", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  // temp sensor
  i = 1;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("temp", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  // light sensor
  i = 2;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("light", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  int i;
  for(i=0;i<numOfBars;i=i+1) {   
    float xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
    float hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
    rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
    rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
   // << draw the display


// ============================================================
// this function sends the data out to a file and to the web

void sendDataOut(){

    // >> trim data
    String[] sensorHistoryHEAD = subset(sensorHistory, 0, 3);
    String[] sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistory, 3);
    // figure out the index of where to start reading the data
    int position = sensorHistoryDATA.length - 288; // 3 days worth = 288
    // aquire only the last x days worth of data
    sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistoryDATA, position);
    // splice the arrays back together
    sensorHistoryTrimmed = splice(sensorHistoryHEAD, sensorHistoryDATA, 3);
    // << trim data

    // write data to the file, full data
    saveStrings(dataFileName, sensorHistory);
    if(listOfURLs.length > 0){
      // create a string for sending as POST var
      String srtTemp = join(sensorHistoryTrimmed,"\n");
      for(int i=0; i<listOfURLs.length; i++){
        // save data to the web 

// ============================================================
// this function catches a serial event when the Arduino board responds

 void serialEvent(Serial p) { 
  // get the ASCII string:
 // String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');  
  String inString = p.readStringUntil('\n');

  if (inString != null) {
    // trim off any whitespace:
    inString = trim(inString);
    int[] rawValues = int(split(inString, ","));
    for(int i=0; i<numOfSensors; i++){
      sensorValues[i] = rawValues[i];
      //sensorValues[i] = map(rawValues[i], 0, 100, 0, 1);

// ============================================================
// >> postNewItem()
// this function thanks to: Euskadi - from the Processing forum (pulled 2010-06-15)
// http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Integrate;action=display;num=1090838754
void postNewItem (String urlIN, String message) {  
  try {  

    URL      url;  
    URLConnection urlConn;  
    DataOutputStream   dos;  
    DataInputStream    dis;  

    url = new URL(urlIN);  
    urlConn = url.openConnection();  
    urlConn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");  

    dos = new DataOutputStream (urlConn.getOutputStream());  


    // the server responds by saying  
    // "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE"  
    dis = new DataInputStream(urlConn.getInputStream());  
    String s = dis.readLine();  

    if (s.equals("SUCCESS")) {  
    } else {  
 ; //addTextField.setText("Post Error!");  
  } // end of "try"  

  catch (MalformedURLException mue) {  
    ; //addTextField.setText("mue error");  
  catch (IOException ioe) {  
    ; //addTextField.setText("IO Exception");  

// << postNewItem()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



void serialEvent(Serial p) {


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