
时间:2015-03-16 01:22:44

标签: javascript angularjs

我正在构建一个应用程序,用户可以将项目添加到列表中,为了学习,我决定使用Angular(我非常新)。到目前为止,我已经能够成功地将单个项目添加到该列表中而没有任何问题。不幸的是,每当我尝试在没有页面刷新的情况下添加多个时,我就会收到错误 - 特别是"未定义不是函数。"



    .controller('StreakController', function($scope) {

        // Removed REST code since it isn't relevant

        $scope.streaks = Streak.query();

        // Get user info and use it for making new streaks

        var userInfo = User.query(function() {
            var user = userInfo[0];
            var userName = user.username;
            $scope.newStreak = new Streak({
                'user': userName

    .controller('FormController', function($scope) {
        // Works for single items, not for multiple items
        $scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
            $scope.newStreak = {};




 <div class="streaks" ng-controller="FormController as formCtrl">
  <form name="streakForm" novalidate >
        <legend>Add an activity</legend>
        <input ng-model="newStreak.activity" placeholder="Activity" required />
        <input ng-model="newStreak.start" placeholder="Start" type="date" required />
        <input ng-model="newStreak.current_streak" placeholder="Current streak" type="number" min="0" required />
        <input ng-model="newStreak.notes" placeholder="Notes" />
        <button type="submit" ng-click="addStreak(newStreak)">Add</button>

  <h4>Current streaks: {{ streaks.length }}</h4>

  <div ng-show="newStreak.activity">
  <h3>{{ newStreak.activity }}</h3>
  <h4>Current streak: {{ newStreak.current_streak }}</h4>
  <p>Start: {{ newStreak.start | date }}</p>
  <p>Notes: {{ newStreak.notes }}</p>

  <div ng-repeat="user_streak in streaks">
  <!-- Removed most of this for simplicity -->
  <h3>{{ user_streak.fields }}</h3>

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你也可以发布StreakController的html吗?你的解决方案在这个小提琴中运行良好: http://jsfiddle.net/zf9y0yyg/1/

.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
    $scope.streaks = [];
    // Works for single items, not for multiple items
    $scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
        $scope.newStreak = {};



每个控制器中的$ scope注入是不同的,因此你必须定义&#34;条纹&#34;在FormController中。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
        // Works for single items, not for multiple items
        $scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
                    // Streaks is initialized in another controller (StreakController) 
                    // therefore, depending of when is instantiated StreakController,
                    // you can have an error or not

            $scope.newStreak = {};


更好的设计是实施StreakService ,并在您需要的控制器中注入该服务。当然,在FormController中初始化$scope.streaks会使您的代码正常工作,但这不是 表单 控制器的责任初始化这些数据。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我认为FormControllerStreakController的嵌套控制器,因此它们共享相同的范围。 如果它适用于单个对象,它应该适用于多个对象,问题是你不能只使用push将一个对象数组推到条纹上,你可以for loop数组并添加它们单独或使用push.apply技巧。我认为Undefined is not a function.的原因是因为Stack.query()返回一个元素而不是一个元素数组,因此$scope.streaks上不存在方法push。
