
时间:2015-03-16 00:37:08

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-2007 excel-2013



#If Win64 Then
    Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
#End If

' Get first tickcount, start of code
t1 = GetTickCount

'Do stuff here

' Get second tickcount, end of code
t2 = GetTickCount

' Compare tickcounts
If t2 < t1 Then
    ' If t2 is smaller than t1 then the tickcount has been reset, use reset tick value + t2 - t1
    Application.StatusBar = "VBA Code Runtime ms: " & (4294967295# + t2) - t1
    ' If t2 is bigger than t1 then just use t2 - t1
    Application.StatusBar = "VBA Code Runtime ms: " & t2 - t1
End If


  • 如果运行时间低于1秒,则应以毫秒为单位。示例:180 milliseconds
  • 如果运行时间在1分钟但超过1秒,则应以秒为单位(无毫秒)。示例:30 seconds
  • 如果运行时间超过1分钟但不到1小时,则应以分钟秒为单位显示。示例:1 minute, 30 seconds
  • 如果运行时间超过1小时,则应以小时,分钟和秒为单位显示示例:2 hours, 1 minute, 30 seconds


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Sub myStopwatch()
    Dim t1 As Double, t2 As Double, et As Double, mssg As String

    Application.StatusBar = "Running..."
    Debug.Print "Start at: " & Time
    t1 = Timer

        ' do stuff here

    t2 = Timer
    Debug.Print "End at: " & Time

    et = t2 - t1 + Abs((t2 < t1) * 86400)
    mssg = "VBA Code Runtime: "
    Select Case et
        Case Is < 1
            mssg = mssg & Format(et, "0.000 \m\s")
        Case 1 To 59.999
            mssg = mssg & Format(Int(et), "0 \s") 'this one rounds down
            'mssg = mssg & Format(et\1, "0 \s") this one rounds it off up or down
        Case 60 To 3599.999
            mssg = mssg & Format(Int(et / 60), "0 \m\, ") & Format(et Mod 60, "0 \s")
        Case Is >= 3600
            mssg = mssg & Format(Int(et / 3600), "0 \h\, ") & Format(Int((et Mod 3600) / 60), "0 \m\, ") & Format(et Mod 60, "0 \s")
        Case Else
            'do nothing
    End Select

    Application.StatusBar = mssg

End Sub

我使用了VBA的内置Timer而不是GetTickCount,因为您最多只需要10个小时。 Timer在午夜重置,因此对延长的计时会话没有用。我已经补偿了一个午夜的营业额。


更多关于Select...Case Statement (Visual Basic)的选择案例方法的标准。