
时间:2015-03-14 18:04:16

标签: java sockets udp ip-address datagram


public class UDPchat extends Thread
   private final static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
   int port=1234;                             // port to send/receive datagrams on
   String remoteIPaddress= null;      // IP to send datagrams

   // constructor, parameter is command line parameters
   public UDPchat(String IPAdrr) throws Exception

    System.out.println("chat program: IP address " + InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString() + " port " + port );

    start();        // start thread to receive and display datagrams
    // loop waiting for keyboard input, send datagram to remote IP                
        String s = in.readLine();                       // read a String
        System.out.println("Sending to " + IPAdrr + " socket " + port + " data: " + s);
        byte[] data = s.getBytes();                                     // convert to byte array
        DatagramSocket theSocket = new DatagramSocket();                // create datagram socket and the datagram
        DatagramPacket   theOutput = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, InetAddress.getByName(IPAdrr), port);
        theSocket.send(theOutput);                                      // and send the datagram
        System.out.println("send everything");

      catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Eroor sending datagram " + e);
   // thread run method, receives datagram and display contents as a string
   public void run()                
              // open DatagramSocket to receive 
              DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket(port);
              // loop forever reading datagrams from the DatagramSocket
              while (true)
                 byte[] buffer = new byte[65507];   
                 // array to put datagrams in
                 DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); // DatagramPacket to hold the datagram
                 // wait for next datagram
                 String s = new String(dp.getData(),0,dp.getLength());        // get contenets as a String
                 System.out.println("UDP datagram length " + s.length()+ "  from IP " + dp.getAddress() + " received: " + s );
          catch (SocketException se) {System.err.println("chat error " + se); }
          catch (IOException se) {System.err.println("chat error " + se);}
          System.exit(1);                                                       // exit on error

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    String remoteIPaddress = in.nextLine();
   UDPchat c=new UDPchat(remoteIPaddress);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,对于消息传递服务,您应该使用TCP 可靠性。



我相信您正在将数据包发送到正确的IP地址,但端口不正确。您可能发送数据包的端口是计算机的本地端口。 您需要将数据包发送到路由器(或外部端口)分配的端口。



我建议首先了解UDP映射是如何创建的 数据包通过网络内部或外部的路由器传播。

在使用TCP / UDP之前,请仔细阅读网络地址转换,UDP打孔等网络概念。


Network Address Translation

How NAT works?

UDP Hole Punching

RFC 4787 NAT Behavioral Requirements UDP

RFC 5128 P2P across NAT


How to Send A UDP packet via public IP through NAT?

How to send an UDP message for an array of clients (java)

UDP Image transfer works depending on network