Heroku PHP拒绝多个查询

时间:2015-03-14 01:59:45

标签: php mysql heroku


我相信Heroku能够处理这个动作,因为它不太复杂,并且在我的本地计算机和Google Compute Engine上使用XAMPP而无需任何修改。




case "authenticateUser":
// and return friends and messages

    if ($userId = authenticateUser($db, $username, $password)) 

        // providerId and requestId is Id of  a friend pair,
        // providerId is the Id of making first friend request
        // requestId is the Id of the friend approved the friend request made by providerId

        // fetching friends, 
        // left join expression is a bit different, 
        //      it is required to fetch the friend, not the users itself

        $sqlFriends = "select u.Id, u.username, (NOW()-u.authenticationTime) as authenticateTimeDifference, u.IP, 
                                    f.providerId, f.requestId, f.status, u.port 
                        from friends f
                        left join users u on 
                                    u.Id = if ( f.providerId = ".$userId.", f.requestId, f.providerId ) 
                        where (f.providerId = ".$userId." and f.status=".USER_APPROVED.")  or 
                                     f.requestId = ".$userId." ";

        //$sqlmessage = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `touid` = ".$userId." AND `read` = 0 LIMIT 0, 30 ";

        $sqlIndMessage = "SELECT m.id, m.fromuid, m.touid, m.sentdt, m.read, m.readdt, m.messagetext, u.username, m.shared_campaign_id, m.shared_campaign_location_id from messages m \n"
. "left join users u on u.Id = m.fromuid WHERE `touid` = ".$userId." AND `read` = 0 LIMIT 0, 30 ";

        // Queries for selecting groups and group chats
        // Selecting list of groups
        $sqlGroups = "SELECT groupId, groupName 
                      FROM users_groups 
                      WHERE usersId = ".$userId." ";

        // Get group messages related to that users group, note: even if didn't send any messages as all
        // will need all messages related to that group and the user name of the user sending them
        // finally: even if not a friend of a group memeber, can still get the messages they send

        $sqlGroupMessages = "SELECT gm.id, usr.username as 'fromUser', gm.fromUId, gm.toGroupId, gm.sentdt, gm.read, gm.readdt, gm.messageText 
                             FROM group_messages gm 
                             left join users usr on gm.fromUId = usr.Id
                             WHERE gm.toGroupId IN (SELECT groupId 
                                                    FROM users_groups
                                                    WHERE usersId = ".$userId.") AND `read` = 0 LIMIT 0, 30";

        // Because if not in the group/no messages sent to them , should be empty
        $sqlGroupMessages = "SELECT id, myId, fromUser, fromUId, toGroupName, toGroupId,  sentdt,  `read`,  readdt,  messageText, shared_campaign_id, shared_campaign_location_id 
                 FROM group_messages 
                 WHERE myId = ".$userId." AND `read` = 0 LIMIT 0, 30";

        // Test setting the textsize to a large number:
        $txtSize = "SET TEXTSIZE 3000";

        if ($result = $db->query($sqlFriends))          
            $out .= "<data>"; 
            $out .= "<user userKey='".$userId."' />";
            while ($row = $result->fetch_object())
                $status = "offline";
                if (((int)$row->status) == USER_UNAPPROVED)
                    $status = "unApproved";
                else if (((int)$row->authenticateTimeDifference) < TIME_INTERVAL_FOR_USER_STATUS)
                    $status = "online";

                $out .= "<friend  username = '".$row->username."'  status='".$status."' IP='".$row->IP."' userKey = '".$row->Id."'  port='".$row->port."'/>";

                                        // to increase security, we need to change userKey periodically and pay more attention
                                        // receiving message and sending message 

            }   // Getting the individual messages
                if ($resultmessage = $db->query($sqlIndMessage))            
                    while ($rowmessage = $resultmessage->fetch_object())
                    $out .= "<message  from='".$rowmessage->username."'  sendt='".$rowmessage->sentdt."' text='".$rowmessage->messagetext."' shared_campaign_id='".$rowmessage->shared_campaign_id."' shared_campaign_location_id='".$rowmessage->shared_campaign_location_id."' />";
                    $sqlendmsg = "UPDATE `messages` SET `read` = 1, `readdt` = '".DATE("Y-m-d H:i")."' WHERE `messages`.`id` = ".$rowmessage->id.";";

                // Get the groups
                if ($resultGroup = $db->query($sqlGroups)) 
                    while ($rowGroup = $resultGroup->fetch_object())
                        $out .= "<groups groupName = '".$rowGroup->groupName."' groupId = '".$rowGroup->groupId."' />";

                    // Get Group messages
                    if ($resultGroupMessage = $db->query($sqlGroupMessages))
                        while ($rowGroupMessage = $resultGroupMessage->fetch_object())
                            $out .= "<group_message fromUser='".$rowGroupMessage->fromUser."' fromUId='".$rowGroupMessage->fromUId."' toGroupName = '".$rowGroupMessage->toGroupName."' toGroupId = '".$rowGroupMessage->toGroupId."'
                                    sentdt = '".$rowGroupMessage->sentdt."' messageText='".$rowGroupMessage->messageText."' shared_campaign_id='".$rowGroupMessage->shared_campaign_id."' shared_campaign_location_id='".$rowGroupMessage->shared_campaign_location_id."' />";
                            $sqlGroupEndMsg = "UPDATE `group_messages` SET `read` = 1, `readdt` = NOW() WHERE `group_messages`.`id` = ".$rowGroupMessage->id.";";

                    error_log($out, 0);
                    $out .= "</data>";


            error_log($out, 0);
            $out = FAILED;
            // exit application if not authenticated user
            error_log($out, 0);
            $out = FAILED;


更新错误日志只记录SET: not found而不报告一行:

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