
时间:2015-03-13 22:43:39

标签: vba excel-vba if-statement excel



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Change()事件中的Listbox会调用自身,这就是为什么我添加行以使其退出EventsEnabled = FALSE。但是,它并不想更新和清除列表,并且根据我放置任何特定行的位置,它会在该行上引发错误。我玩过的最多的两个是将 None 设置为选中的行,以及重新启用事件的行;两个都给我一个错误,取决于我放置它们的顺序。



Private Sub Reprogramming_ListBox_Change()
    ' Using this to check for a None answer. If None is selected, 
    ' it will clear out all other selections.
    ' Selecting another item will unselect None.
    If Me.EnableEvents = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    none_Index = Reprogramming_ListBox.ListCount - 1
    If None_Selected Then
        ' Check to see if the new entry is something other than None
        ' Unselect None and udpate None Flag
        If Reprogramming_ListBox.ListIndex <> none_Index Then
            None_Selected = False
            Reprogramming_ListBox.Selected(none_Index) = False
        End If
        ' Check to see if new entry is None
        If Reprogramming_ListBox.ListIndex = none_Index Then
            ' Copy-Paste this code, because I think 
            ' that will solve my unintended recursion issue
            Me.EnableEvents = False 
            Reprogramming_ListBox.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectSingle
            Reprogramming_ListBox.Value = ""
            None_Selected = True
            Me.EnableEvents = True
            Reprogramming_ListBox.Selected(none_Index) = True
            Reprogramming_ListBox.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
            ' If it is None, clear out other entries
        End If
    End If
End Sub

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