我需要将这些PHP代码转换为swift来创建哈希,我在PHP中使用哈希模式用SHA256哈希2个字符串,我想在swift,任何想法中做到这一点? SELF :: SECRET是一个密钥,SELF :: HASH_PATTERN是我的模式,看起来像这样:" 00101010011100001010"
public function hash($first, $second) {
// Append the secret to the values.
$first = self::SECRET . $first;
$second = $second . self::SECRET;
// Hash the values.
$hash = hash_init('sha256');
hash_update($hash, $first);
$hash1 = hash_final($hash);
$hash = hash_init('sha256');
hash_update($hash, $second);
$hash2 = hash_final($hash);
// Create a new hash with pieces of the two we just made.
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen(self::HASH_PATTERN); $i++) {
$result .= substr(self::HASH_PATTERN, $i, 1) ? $hash2[$i] : $hash1[$i];
return $result;
更新: 这是我无法弄清楚的部分:
$hash = hash_init('sha256');
hash_update($hash, $first);
$hash1 = hash_final($hash);
经过几个小时的研究和编码后,我终于明白了。 这是我写的代码,也许不是最好的,但它的工作原理:) 我使用github中的一个小类在swift中生成SHA256字符串,称为NSHash
func create_token(first:String, second:String) -> String {
var newFirst = constants.secret + first as NSString
var newSecond = second + constants.secret as NSString
var hash1 = newFirst.SHA256()
var hash2 = newSecond.SHA256()
var result = ""
for var i = 0; i < countElements(constants.hash_pattern); i++ {
var character = "\(constants.hash_pattern[i])" as String
var number:Int = character.toInt()!
if number == 1 {
result = "\(result)\(hash2[i])"
}else {
result = "\(result)\(hash1[i])"
return result