protected void table1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
//get the value in the fullname textbox and assign it t a string varible
TextBox txtFull = (TextBox)(table1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtfullname"));
string FullName = txtFull.Text;
//split the fullname string and assign the first and last name to new string variables
string[] splitstring = FullName.Split(' ');
string firstName = splitstring[0];
string lastName = splitstring[1];
//assign the first and last name to the appropriate updateparameters
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["FirstName"].DefaultValue = firstName;
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["LastName"].DefaultValue = lastName;
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["FullName"].DefaultValue = FullName;
//concantenate the username of the user's schedule you are editing.
string username = firstName + "." + lastName;
//instantiate an array with all the names of the updateparameters
string[] dayArray = new string[] { "sun1","mon1","tues1","wed1","thurs1"
//loop through the controls and assign the text value of the textboxes to
//the sqlUpdateParameters
for (int i = 0; i < table1.Columns.Count - 4; i++)
TextBox day = (TextBox)(table1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txt" + dayArray[i]));
string strDay = day.Text;
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters[i].DefaultValue = strDay;
string totHours = calcHours(sender, e).ToString();
//assign the calculated total amount of hours to the totHours UpdateParameter
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["totHours"].DefaultValue = totHours;
//set the update statement for the SqlDataSource to update the database with the
//information pulled from the form
if (Convert.ToDouble(totHours) > 0)
SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE Employee SET FullName = @FullName," +
"FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName, Sunday1 = @sun1, Monday1 = @mon1," +
"Tuesday1 = @tues1, Wednesday1 = @wed1, Thursday1 = @thurs1, Friday1 = @fri1," +
"Saturday1 = @sat1, Sunday2 = @sun2, Monday2 = @mon2, Tuesday2 = @tues2," +
"Wednesday2 = @wed2, Thursday2 = @thurs2, Friday2 = @fri2, Saturday2 = @sat2," +
"TotalHoursWorked = @totHours WHERE UserName = '" + username + "'";
//run the update statement
//rebind the data in accordance with the admin
更新参数的顺序从第一个星期日开始,最后4个不希望在循环中更改"table1.Columns.Count - 4"
protected void BindData()
//get the username from the cookies collection and assign it to a string varialbe
string username = Request.Cookies["username"].Value;
string HouseID = Request.Cookies["houseID"].Value;
//make the sql select parameter equal to the username of the user that is logged in
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["username"].DefaultValue = username;
//check to if the user logged in is a admin. if it is then display everthing associated
//with the houssID depending on which button was pressed, otherwise
//display the schedule associated with the user that is logged in.
if (username == "admin")
if (HouseID == "5")
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Employee";
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE houseID = '" + HouseID + "'";
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE UserName = '" + username + "'";
table1.Columns[0].Visible = false;
//rebind the sqldatasource to the gridview to display the schedule correctly
如果该方法出现问题, calc hours
。这就是它检查totHours > 0