
时间:2015-03-13 05:51:09

标签: ms-access vb6 ini


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美国着名作家马克吐温(Mark Twain)对死亡的报道进行了解释 of .ini文件被夸大了。

虽然微软宣称注册表是正确的仓库 初始化信息,.ini文件仍有其用途。之间 .ini文件的优点是:

  • 使用任何简单的文本编辑器,文件都很容易“人类可读”  比如记事本。
  • 使用.ini文件的API代码要简单得多  等效的注册表API。
  • 文件可以通过网络轻松打开,只需一个  两端都安装了基本重定向器。
  • 安装.ini文件就像将文件复制到  Windows目录。

Windows提供了各种用于处理.ini文件的API,包括 GetProfileXXX和WriteProfileXXX函数致力于使用 win.ini和以下阅读和写作私人的功能 初始化文件:

GetPrivateProfileString      从.ini文件中读取字符串。 GetPrivateProfileInt      从.ini文件中读取整数。 WritePrivateProfileString      将字符串写入.ini文件。 WritePrivateProfileInt      将整数写入.ini文件。

但是,假设.ini文件中的所有数据都是纯文本, 实际上没有必要单独编写这些xxxInt版本的代码 功能。使用VB将字符串转换为VB中的Int非常简单 CInt()或Val()函数,所以只有GetPrivateProfileString和 需要WritePrivateProfileString函数。

这两个都是简单的API调用。有一个例外情况 读取返回带有多个值的C字符串的.ini文件 空值。为了解析该字符串,我已经包含了MultiCStringToStringArray 功能

在继续之前,您需要在声明中添加两个声明 某个模块的某个部分。作为一个习惯问题,我将别名作为Win32 API 使用“w32_”以便我可以编写VB包装函数并为其命名 API函数。


Option Explicit

Private Declare Function w32_GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" ( _
  ByVal lpAppName As String, _
  ByVal lpKeyName As String, _
  ByVal lpDefault As String, _
  ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
  ByVal nSize As Long, _
  ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function w32_WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" ( _
  ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
  ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
  ByVal lpString As Any, _
  ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long


Public Function GetPrivateProfileString( _
  psAppName As String, _
  psKeyName As String, _
  Optional pvsDefault As Variant, _
  Optional pvsFileName As Variant) As String
' Purpose:    Get a string from a private .ini file
' Parameters:
' (Input)
'   psApplicationName - the Application name
'   psKeyName - the key (section) name
'   pvsDefault - Default value if key not found (optional)
'   pvsFileName - the name of the .ini file
' Returns:  The requested value
' Notes:
'   If no value is provided for pvsDefault, a zero-length string is used
'   The file path defaults to the windows directory if not fully qualified
'   If pvsFileName is omitted, win.ini is used
'   If vbNullString is passed for psKeyName, the entire section is returned in
'     the form of a multi-c-string. Use MultiCStringToStringArray to parse it after appending the
'     second null terminator that this function strips. Note that the value returned is all the
'     key names and DOES NOT include all the values. This can be used to setup multiple calls for
'     the values ala the Reg enumeration functions.

  ' call params
  Dim lpAppName As String
  Dim lpKeyName As String
  Dim lpDefault As String
  Dim lpReturnedString As String
  Dim nSize As Long
  Dim lpFileName As String
  ' results
  Dim lResult As Long
  Dim sResult As String

  sResult = ""

  ' setup API call params
  nSize = 256
  lpReturnedString = Space$(nSize)
  lpAppName = psAppName
  lpKeyName = psKeyName
  ' check for value in file name
  If Not IsMissing(pvsFileName) Then
    lpFileName = CStr(pvsFileName)
    lpFileName = "win.ini"
  End If
  ' check for value in optional pvsDefault
  If Not IsMissing(pvsDefault) Then
    lpDefault = CStr(pvsDefault)
    lpDefault = ""
  End If
  ' call
  ' setup loop to retry if result string too short
    lResult = w32_GetPrivateProfileString( _
        lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName)
    ' Note: See docs for GetPrivateProfileString API
    ' the function returns nSize - 1 if a key name is provided but the buffer is too small
    ' the function returns nSize - 2 if no key name is provided and the buffer is too small
    ' we test for those specific cases - this method is a bit of hack, but it works.
    ' the result is that the buffer must be at least three characters longer than the
    ' longest string(s)
    If (lResult = nSize - 1) Or (lResult = nSize - 2) Then
      nSize = nSize * 2
      lpReturnedString = Space$(nSize)
      sResult = Left$(lpReturnedString, lResult)
      Exit Do
    End If

  GetPrivateProfileString = sResult

End Function


Public Function WritePrivateProfileString( _
  psApplicationName As String, _
  psKeyName As String, _
  psValue As String, _
  psFileName As String) As Boolean
' Purpose:    Write a string to an ini file
' Parameters: (Input Only)
'   psApplicationName - the ini section name
'   psKeyName - the ini key name
'   psValue - the value to write to the key
'   psFileName - the ini file name
' Returns:    True if successful
' Notes:
'   Path defaults to windows directory if the file name
'   is not fully qualified

  Dim lResult As Long
  Dim fRV As Boolean

  lResult = w32_WritePrivateProfileString( _
      psApplicationName, _
      psKeyName, _
      psValue, _
  If lResult <> 0 Then
    fRV = True
    fRV = False
  End If

  WritePrivateProfileString = fRV

End Function


Public Sub MultiCStringToStringArray(psMultiCString As String, psaStrings() As String)
'Created: Joe Garrick 01/06/97 9:28 AM
' Purpose:    Convert a multi-string C string to an array of strings
' Parameters:
'   (Input)
'   psMultiCString - the multiple C string
'   (Output)
'   psaStrings - returned array of strings
' Notes:
'   The original array should be empty and ReDim-able

  Dim iNullPos As Integer
  Dim iPrevPos As Integer
  Dim iIdx As Integer

  ' initialize array, setting first element to a zero-length string
  iIdx = 0
  ReDim psaStrings(0 To iIdx + 1)
  psaStrings(iIdx + 1) = ""

    ' find null char
    iNullPos = InStr(iPrevPos + 1, psMultiCString, vbNullChar)
    ' double null encountered if next pos is old pos + 1
    If iNullPos > iPrevPos + 1 Then
      ' assing to the string array
      psaStrings(iIdx) = Mid$(psMultiCString, (iPrevPos + 1), ((iNullPos - 1) - iPrevPos))
      iIdx = iIdx + 1
      ReDim Preserve psaStrings(0 To iIdx)
      iPrevPos = iNullPos
      ' double null found, remove last (empty) element and exit
      ReDim Preserve psaStrings(0 To iIdx - 1)
      Exit Do
    End If

End Sub



  • 查看SDK文档以了解这些行为的具体信息  功能。
  • 如果向写入功能发送零长度字符串,则键为  除去。
  • 如果您尝试为不存在的密钥或a写入值  如果不存在,则会创建密钥或部分。
  • 尽管微软将注册表描述为中心  Win95,win.ini和。下的配置信息的存储库  system.ini仍然使用,因此在使用这些时要小心  文件(换句话说,在实验前进行备份)。
  • GetPrivateProfileString返回请求的数据,但是  WritePrivateProfileString返回一个表示成功或的布尔值  失败。虽然GetPrivateProfileString非常可靠,但它可以  可以轻松修改以返回布尔值或其他类型的状态  表示结果的代码。
  • 如果您使用GetPrivateProfileString返回整个部分,  记得添加一个额外的null(字符串&amp; vbNullChar会这样做)  在调用MultiCStringToStringArray之前,因为该函数需要  两个空值来终止字符串。另外,请记住只有  返回键名,而不是值。


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